Little Miss Devil: The President's Mischievous Wife

What Honeymoon?

What Honeymoon?


Someone called after him. Shen Yi hoped it wasn't one of those irritating reporters that could recognize his face. He never accepted any interviews or photoshoots about him. If they so desired to talk about their company, they all could go and talk to his younger brother.     

Shen Yi casted a quick glance to his side as the passport control looked over his card and pass. He then realized that Lu Xinyi was missing. Where the hell was she? Their flight had arrived around nine in the morning. She was supposed to be back after getting her baggages.     

He felt a tap at his elbow. "Sir?"     

Shen Yi turned sharply at the voice and was faced with an airport personnel in blue uniform.     

"Are you Miss Lu's husband?"     

"Yes." Where could that woman possibly be?     

"Here. Miss Lu wanted you to have this," The woman handed him a folded paper. He took it and read the note on the paper, recognizing the familiar handwriting.     

Lu Xinyi abandoned him for food again? That wasn't so surprising.     

"Thank you." He said with a nod.     

Minutes later, Lu Xinyi came back to him with a bag of burgers and a large cup of soda. Her long hair was tied into a ponytail, which made her face look younger and livelier. Her sleeveless blue shirt and white skirt matched with her husband's pale blue dress shirt and black trousers.     

"You could've just given me a call if you're going to leave me like that." Shen Yi said with a scowl on his face.     

"Have you forgotten that my phone is in your bag?"     

Ah, now he remembered. Lu Xinyi fell asleep earlier after playing on her phone, and he was the one who put it away.     

Shen Yi adjusted his carry-on bag and jacket on one arm while he took his black business suitcase with the other. Lu Xinyi dragged her own case behind her and left the airport with him. Stepping outside, they weren't surprised to see the long lines of passengers waiting for the cabs.     

"There seems to be traffic. Why don't we take the train instead?" Lu Xinyi suggested.     

It wasn't a bad idea. The station wasn't that far from their location, and it would be cheaper for them.     

"Good idea. I don't wanna waste more time in here." Shen Yi agreed.     

"Eh? You're okay with it? Aren't you afraid someone will notice you?"     

Shen Yi kept on surprising her. Not only they took a first class seat on their flight, but Shen Yi even chose not to take some bodyguards and Qiao He with him. He was a president, but sometimes he didn't act like one. Now, he agreed to her suggestion without batting an eyelid.     

"I wouldn't worry about that. Let's go before you decide to leave again."     

Lu Xinyi couldn't do anything but follow him. He was good with directions so she didn't have to worry that they would get lost. As they stood on the platform waiting for the train to arrive, Shen Yi made a quick phone call while he checked their travel documents.     

"How long are we going to stay here?" Lu Xinyi asked.     

"About three days. We could extend if you want to visit some places."     

"Ohh… that's a good idea. Have you been here before?"     

Shen Yi put back the documents in his bag and slightly nodded. He adjusted his sunglasses and took the other suitcase from his wife.     

"Yes, I've been here before. I'll be your tour guide for this trip. Let's enjoy our honeymoon after my meetings." He grinned.     

Lu Xinyi froze and stared at him with wide eyes.     

"What honeymoon?! I thought you said I only need to accompany you on this trip!"     

"Ah, my lovely bride. You don't have to be shy about it. We recently got married. We're still on our honeymoon stage, and they would understand if we won't be back for awhile."     

Lu Xinyi blushed and decided to ignore him. She didn't like to argue with him in public, but that didn't mean she wouldn't give him a piece on her mind later.     

The train arrived, and Shen Yi helped her to climb aboard. He knew exactly where they were going so it made their traveling easier except for Lu Xinyi's quick stops to buy some snacks on their way.     

As they arrived at the reception of the hotel, they quickly checked in, and the bellhop took their baggage and guided them to their room.     

Lu Xinyi could only look around the presidential suite in awe. This was her first time in a place like this. There were three bathrooms, a large living area, and a spacious kitchen where she could cook and prepare their meals.     

But what caught her off guard was the bedroom.     

Yes. One bedroom with a massive bed.     

"Shen Yi! Why is there only one bed for us?!"     

"I told you it is our honeymoon."     

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