Little Miss Devil: The President's Mischievous Wife

Caught in the Act

Caught in the Act

Lu Xinyi left him again to buy ice cream. He hadn't really given it any thought as to how their marriage should work and hadn't expected that he would have grown attached to her. Teasing her—flirting with her—was such a wonderful thing that he truly enjoyed.     

Shen Yi looked around. At least they were lucky that the beach wasn't crowded at this time. With his busy schedule, he didn't think that he had much time to indulge himself in leisure activities like going to the beach.     

Most of his business trip just consisted of meetings, site inspections, and more work. So perhaps this short trip with Lu Xinyi was just as much as a treat for him as it was for her.     

A group of young women checked him out as they passed, whispering and giggling to themselves. Shen Yi could only look and wonder when he would be able to see his wife in bikinis just like those women.     

They were all curves and everything but not as alluring as his wife.     

"Nice ass," someone commented behind his back with a low whistle.     

Shen Yi absentmindedly nodded. Seconds late, he froze as he realized that the voice was familiar.     

This month had brought the summer heat, along with a fresh delivery of fruits and ice cream to the local shops. Just like what she'd always do when they were out, Lu Xinyi had left her husband to buy her favorite cold treats. When she came back, she saw him checking out some women in bikinis from afar.     

This guy. How could they say he's a gay when he was the biggest flirt and pervert she knew in her life?     

"Xinyi," he mentally berated himself for letting his wife caught him in the act. She gave him a deathly glare. How was he supposed to explain himself to her?     

"Are you done with your sightseeing?" she asked.     

Shen Yi covered his face with one hand, trying not to laugh at his wife. He would be damned if he dared. Instead, he chose to pull her arm to walk along the beach, and she allowed herself to be dragged again.     

With her right hand holding her ice cream and the other one in Shen Yi's grasp, Lu Xinyi took a slow pace and let the small waves wash her bare feet. Her husband didn't dare to come closer to the waves but kept her within his reach. His other hand was holding her shoes while keeping her close.     

Shen Yi realized that he actually liked spending more time with her. As he held her hand, he was surprised at how pleasant it was to hold her, soft and warmth just like when she smiled when she was truly happy.     

Lu Xinyi was fascinated by everything they had seen so far. From the local street vendors to the baked goodies on the corners as well as those stores that sell trinkets that she dearly loved. She was simple and had never demanded too much from him. She looked so damn happy that he let her lead the way.     

Every time she saw something interesting, she would stop and ask him questions. It was a pleasure walking with her, talking about random things in the area, and she soaked up on every word he said when he told her some stories. He especially liked the twinkle in her eyes when he brought her to the local market.     

Lu Xinyi listened to his every word with pleasure and excitement. Shen Yi made a mental note to bring her with him whenever he had a business trip like this. He wanted to show the world she hadn't seen before.     

They moved to a nearby bench and sat down.     

"This is delicious. I never thought they can make ice cream like this." Lu Xinyi smiled.     

He laughed. "The fruit is in the season so it is sweeter and more delicious."     

Lu Xinyi took a bite of her mango ice cream and moaned.     

"Oh, this is incredible. I think I need to go back to that store and buy a pint of this."     

Shen Yi couldn't take his eyes off her mouth. Her small pink tongue darted out to lick the corners of her lips and then retreated back between those lips that seemed to enchant him. He closed his eyes, trying to reign his self-control, and started counting.     

He opened his eyes and looked over her. She looked so innocent, not aware of what she'd done to him. Dear lord, she was really going to drive him insane if she continued to look like that. He wondered if she even realized what she was doing. She seemed utterly focused on the treat in her hand.     

Lu Xinyi lifted up her ice cream for him to try.     

"Wanna try some?" she asked. He was so captivated by those lips and found them utterly entrancing, especially when they gleamed as she licked them.     

He leaned forward, but instead of taking her offering, his fingers brushed against her neck, and he pulled her to a kiss, pressing his mouth against hers in an awkward kiss.     

Lu Xinyi, who was so shocked by his actions, dropped her ice cream on the ground. She was stiff in his arms, her eyes wide as he continued to kiss her.     

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