Little Miss Devil: The President's Mischievous Wife

The Young Master Is in Love

The Young Master Is in Love

Madam Jin had been serving the Shen family for more than twenty years, but there were only a few times when she saw her Young Master Yi happy. And right now, the scene she just witnessed must be the most heartwarming thing she had seen in her life. She was sure she could count the times when she heard Shen Yi laugh like he meant it.     

She could barely contain her happiness seeing the man she raised like her own child for years. Ever since Master Shen Huang and his wife divorced twenty years ago, Madam Jin was one of the loyal servants that looked after the Young Master Yi and his little brother Xue.     

The two brother might look like they weren't getting along, but the truth was they deeply cared for each other. The oldest Yi was a silent and well-mannered man. It wasn't a secret that he really hated attending social functions; hence, the public had limited chances to have a glimpse of his face. He never got into trouble and was a responsible older brother to his brother who was completely opposite of him.     

Shen Xue loved attention and talking to anyone. One could say that he's the social butterfly within the Shen family. While Shen Yi managed and kept the Shen Group of Companies on the right track, Shen Xue acted as the PR manager and public face of their business.     

Shen Yi was already thirty years old by now, and his father and the Shen matriarch was worried that he hadn't found anyone to marry. There was no woman who was able to pique his attention for years. They were worried that he would never get a woman to build a family with. It didn't help that the media started questioning his sexual preference.     

Oh, how they wished Shen Yi could marry soon so he could continue the Shen bloodline. It had been decades since a child was born into their family. The Shen matriarch was hoping to see a child running within the Shen residence very soon.     

Thinking about it, Madam Jin could only remember that Shen Yi had only one previous relationship during his college years, but the romance was short lived when the woman migrated to Country F.     

Now, witnessing Shen Yi being close and laughing with a woman in his arms, Madam Jin couldn't help but to feel emotional. She let go of her bag to cover her mouth while tears streamed down her face.     

She'd never thought that she would be able to see a day where her Young Master would be interested in a woman. She thought she would die without a chance to see Shen Yi getting married or having a family of his own.     

Shen Yi casted her a worried and confused look. Why was she crying? What happened?     

"That's Madam Jin?" Lu Xinyi asked, still not aware that she's still in his arms.     


She frowned.     

"Why's she crying?"     

"I have no idea." Shen Yi deadpanned.     

For an outsider like Madam Jin, the couple's position was quite intimate. Shen Yi's hand was still on Lu Xinyi's small back while the other one wound around her waist. While Lu Xinyi's hands were gripping his upper arms for support.     

Madam Jin wept with a smile on her face.     

'Ah, this is good. The Young Master is in love, and it will only take some time before he gets married.' Madam Jin took a white hanky from her pocket and gently patted it on her face to dry her tears.     

"Good morning, Young Master. I see that you have a visitor." Madam Jin greeted them, and then took her fallen bag on the floor.     

"Morning." Shen Yi replied, ignoring her last statement. He moved to face the older woman while keeping an arm on Lu Xinyi's waist.     

"I want you to meet someone Madam Jin," he started before taking a quick glance to his wife.     

"Oh, who's this lovely lady?" Madam Jin asked. Never did the young master took a woman in his home nor introduce to her before. This was probably the first time she'd seen him with someone.     

"This is Lu Xinyi. She will be living here with me from now on."     

Madam Jin was shocked by what he'd said.     

What? Her Young Master would cohabitate with this woman. Wasn't it too soon to live in together?     


"She's my wife." Shen Yi clarified.     

What did he say? Wife?!     

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