Little Miss Devil: The President's Mischievous Wife

How Does It Feel to Be Mrs. Shen?

How Does It Feel to Be Mrs. Shen?

As they planned, they drove to the office of Civil Affairs to register their marriage. Lu Xinyi thought that this marriage was so soon that they didn't have enough time to buy her wedding dress or their rings. As she stepped out of the car, her phone rang. Looking at the screen, she saw it was Gong Yijun again.     

Did he sense that she was going to get married to another man today, and so he would try to stop her?     

She shook her head. Impossible.     

Gong Yijun tend to overthink things and was quite demanding when he wants something. Maybe that was his main reason he cheated on her. Because no matter how many times he asked her to sleep with him, she always gives him a cold shoulder.     

But to sleep with Meng Jiao of all people…     

He would regret cheating on her by marrying Shen Yi. Let's see how the cheating couple would react once they found out they failed to ruin her life.     

Lu Xinyi ignored his call just like what he'd always do whenever he's with Meng Jiao. She wouldn't let him ruin this special day! It was her wedding day, and it didn't matter if it was just a marriage of convenience between her and Shen Yi. At least Shen Yi was man enough to know his boundaries and didn't force her into anything… yet.     

She got out from his car and put on her eyeglasses—just in case someone might see her with Shen Yi. They decided to keep their marriage private and only allowed their families (primarily his, except the Sun family on her side) know about their nuptials.     

Unlike her, who was still dressed in her purple sundress, Shen Yi was dressed in a nice dark blue suit which complemented his masculine built well. His black shoes were well-polished and glistening as he walked towards her.     

"Are you sure? Once we register our marriage, there's no backing out," Shen Yi asked her for the last time.     

"What? Do you still want to do this or not? You wanna postpone it for another day?"     

To be honest, Shen Yi wouldn't get a hard time if he wanted another woman as his wife. With his dashing looks and money, he could simply choose any woman available that he wanted. Was it a bad thing that he chose Lu Xinyi of all the women he'd met before?     

No. He refused to believe that he chose the wrong woman. While she admitted that she was only marrying him to stop the pressure she was getting from the Sun family, she rejected most of the things he tried to give her.     

She'd refused everything but food.     



Ever since they made the deal in the cruise ship, she made sure to return all the things he'd sent to her cabin. When he confronted her about it, she only scowled at him and huffed.     

"I'm no moocher. Thanks, but no thanks. Although I agreed to marry you, it isn't because of your money. I still plan to get a job even after we get married."     

Going back to the present…     

"No. Just making sure that this is what you want." Shen Yi said.     

"Then let's go. We shouldn't waste our time here." Lu Xinyi winked back. She was acutely aware of his large hand wrapped around her arm. He was holding onto her as if he thought she might flee from his grasp.     

"I think we're ready." Shen Yi started forward with Lu Xinyi in tow.     

"Yes, let's get this over with," she muttered.     

The formalities were completed in a blur as far as Lu Xinyi was concerned. In just an hour, they both held their marriage certificates, proving that they're now legally husband and wife. She was very nervous during the ceremony, but having Shen Yi's presence standing next to her made it all worth it.     

And the next thing she knew, it was over. Lu Xinyi breathed out a sigh of relief as they trooped back outside onto the sidewalk, where he parked his car. She was telling herself that she had done the right thing and that this marriage would surely protect her from heartaches from Gong Yijun, Meng Jiao, and her mother's family.     

"How does it feel to be Mrs. Shen?" Shen Yi asked with an amused grin.     

Lu Xinyi laughed and waved a hand on him.     

"Oh, you. It's good. It's really good. My hubby shouldn't forget to spoil me with more delectable food as per our agreement."     

"Of course, anything for you, my love." He opened the passenger's door for her. "Are you sure you don't want me to accompany you to get all your things? Do you really need to see him?"     

She slid on the passenger seat and tapped his arm.     

"Oh my! Jealous much? Don't you think it's too soon?"     

Shen Yi gave her a slight smirk.     

"No. Just reminding you that married couple shouldn't be living separately. I want you to move in my place tonight, or else I will barge wherever you are and bring you back home."     

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