Little Miss Devil: The President's Mischievous Wife

If I Throw a Stick, Will You Go Away?

If I Throw a Stick, Will You Go Away?

Lu Xinyi smiled happily at him and leaned over to peck on his cheek gently. Shen Yi had to fight the blush that threatened to creep over his pale features as a result of her usual gesture. His wife rarely initiated physical contact especially the intimate ones.     

It was true that their plans had been upset with recent changes, but this could be a great way to let Lu Xinyi see that he could be an attentive and caring husband. He wanted to make their life as husband and wife as easy as possible, in which he was certain Lu Xinyi felt the same way.     

"So am I forgiven now?" Lu Xinyi asked seductively.     

"You aren't off the hook." Shen Yi swung her up into his arms, pressing his body against her.     

"I want you," she confessed.     

A moment later, Lu Xinyi felt her back pressed against the mattress of their bed.     

"Then you will have me." Shen Yi wasted no time as his lips descended into hers, leaving no more time for talking.     


Once her foot completely recovered, Madam Shen had allowed Lu Xinyi and Shen Yi to go home but not without giving Lu Xinyi several gifts. She slapped her cheeks lightly when she saw the lace undergarments and new night dresses that could put one's imagination into full speed.     

What the heck was with these people?     

Lu Xinyi went into their walk-in closet and left the paper bag on one side, deciding to tidy it up late. Her attention caught one white paper bag with a huge box inside. Madam Shen had told her to open it once she feels like she's ready for it. Ready for what? She wondered.     

What with the somewhat strange gifts she had received, Lu Xinyi was a little nervous about what her gift was. She took the paper bag back into their room and placed the long rectangular box on their bed. She slowly untied the ribbon and set it aside.     

'Here it goes.' She lifted the lid up and moved the papers aside.     

Her lips formed an 'o', clearly surprised at the content of the box. Her fingers trailed over the beautiful and intricate embroidery of white flowers along the corners of the pink nightgown. A smile made its way to her lips as she took it out, only for the smile to falter as soon as she had a good look at the material.     

"It's see-through!" Her shock drained the color off of her face.     

How was this supposed to cover anything? Did Madam Shen think she needed some help to seduce Shen Yi?     

Her cheeks burned red. She didn't know what was more embarrassing: the fact that Grammie gave her a revealing nightgown or the idea of what would her husband's reaction be once she used that nightgown?     

Embarrassed of what she was thinking, Lu Xinyi put the nightgown back inside its box.     


Shen Yi had just come back from work, and his mood lifted up as soon as he saw his wife coming his way. With a quick kiss, she pulled his arm and told him to try one of the desserts she made that afternoon. With Shen Xue out of his home, Shen Yi felt somewhat better now that there was one less occupant in his lovely home.     

They were about to step inside their home when they heard several loud voices and beeps coming from the household across theirs. It seemed that they would have a new neighbor with all the movers running around the compound.     

"Hey! Hey! Careful with that! You might break it!" A familiar voice rang from the crowd, taking both Shen Yi and Lu Xinyi's attention. Shen Yi walked on their driveway, with Lu Xinyi trailing behind them.     

"Xue! What do you think you're doing?" Shen Yi called out his brother's attention, who was talking loudly to one of the movers. Shen Xue turned his head and saw his brother and favorite Big Sis.     

"Yo! I will be your new neighbor starting today. Please be good to me!"     

Shen Yi's eyes flashed on his brother. So this was the reason why Xue didn't come to work today! He had been planning to move closer to his place to continue to irritate him to no end.     

"If I throw a stick, will you go away?" Shen Yi seethed in dismay. Just when he thought he already gotten rid of Shen Xue, he came back with a vengeance.     

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