The Villain's Wife

I Am Not That Low

I Am Not That Low

"Have you located her?" Zhuo Jingren asked as he paced inside the surveillance control room. "The GPS in her necklace should be on. What's taking you so long?" He gritted his teeth as he looked at the array of monitors displaying a map of Hong Kong in front of him.     

"Boss, she is somewhere along Kowloon Street. My guess is she's underground," one man working on a computer answered, his gaze was glued to the monitor as he waited for Zhuo Jingren to say something.     

"Send us the location immediately once you find it," Zhuo Jingren instructed to his men.     

"I need twenty people," Zhuo Jingren turned to address Bei Tian next to him, "Let's go." The two exited the room and made their way to their car..     

"You are still bleeding," Bei Tian said grimly. He pursed his lips as he started the car.     

"This won't kill me," Zhuo Jingren said. "It's been four hours. She's been away for four hours. Have you sent people to guard the Qins and the Xuans?"     

Bei Tian nodded in response. He was afraid that something like this would happen; that the old Zhuo Jingren would show himself again and how he wouldn't be able to stop him this time.     

"Kill them after six hours if Lily is still missing by then," Zhuo Jingren said coldly.      

Bei Tian nodded even though he didn't think that the Qins or the Xuans were the culprits. They wouldn't dare nor do they have the resources to kidnap Lily. He wanted to share his thoughts with Zhuo Jingren but decided not to. The Qins and the Xuans deserve it anyway, Bei Tian thought. The only thing that he is worrying about right now is Zhuo Jingren involving innocent people in his rampage.     

"Send someone to check on Lin Yu Yan. I also want to know the whereabouts of Issac Lee and his adopted son. Send some of our people to Singapore as soon as possible. If that old man dare to hurt Lily…" Zhuo Jingren trailed off. He gritted his teeth and his face darkened even more. The thought of Lily getting hurt because of him was a lot for him to take.     

"Hmmm… I already did. We can't leave any stone unturned," Bei Tian agreed. He was already used to Zhuo Jingren ordering him to follow and spy on people and killing their enemies. He had done this many times in the past and he knew that Zhuo Jingren would do anything when it comes to Lily. "Don't worry too much. Lily may not look like she could defend herself, but Yang Mi said that she's skilled with knives."     

The atmosphere in the car instantly became colder after Bei Tian uttered those words. Realizing his mistake, he shut his mouth and decided to focus on driving instead.     

After a few minutes, they received a text message about the location of the necklace that Zhuo Jingren gave Lily - it was in a casino in Kowloon. Their best bet was that they are holding her underground. It didn't take long for Zhuo Jingren and Bei Tian to arrive at the said casino.     

Surprisingly, the casino was close. "What if this is a trap?" Bei Tian asked as he eyed Zhuo Jingren who just finished putting on a bullet-proof vest. He wanted to at least try to make his friend think logically. At this point, Bei Tian knew that nothing would stop Zhuo Jingren from going into the casino. This was the thing that he was so worried about: Zhuo Jingren losing the ability to process things logically and rationally the moment something happens to Lily.     

Just as he expected, Zhuo Jingren said nothing as he signaled their men to hurry. Bei Tian shook his head, feeling resigned before he checked the time on his watch. It was almost two in the morning. He eyed the barren parking lot of the casino and fell into deep thought. This was the perfect place to target Zhuo Jingren and yet, the latter didn't seem to care about his safety and well-being. All reasoning seemed to fly out of Zhuo Jingren's head whenever it comes to Lily.     

"If something happens to you and Lily comes back alive, what do you think she will feel?"Bei Tian's words instantly made Zhuo Jingren freeze. "Do you think she wouldn't feel guilty that you rushed into a building without even considering that fact that they were targeting you, using her as bait?"     

"This is different from seven years ago. This time, she knows your existence. She loves you and is with you. Why are you acting like you were when she disappeared seven years ago? Are you out of your mind?" Bei Tian added. "Do you like to hurt her? You will break her heart once she comes back while you ended up dead?"     

Seeing Zhuo Jingren freeze and just staring at the building in a daze, Bei Tian commanded their men to check out the area first. "You can go in once we are certain that there are no bombs or an army waiting for you inside," Bei Tian said as he eyed Zhuo Jingren. He let out a sigh of relief when he saw his friend nod.     

"You stopped me," Zhuo Jingren said, the lines in between his brows were apparent. He looked at Bei Tian standing next to him before he shoved his hands into his pockets and eyed the group of men that were trying to enter the casino.     

"It's my job to stop you from doing crazy things," Bei Tian said.     

"But you like her."     

"What is there not to like? Isn't she everyone's dream woman?" Bei Tian chuckled as he lowered his head. Of course, he was not surprised that Zhuo Jingren knew that he had actually taken a liking to Lily. "Liking her doesn't mean that I would let you die and break her heart."     

"Me dying would mean that you have a chance to at least woo her."     

"Is this what's been troubling you this past few weeks?" Bei Tian lifted an eyebrow. "My feelings towards her is like my feelings towards the stars. I like them both. But I know that I could never have them. I'm not as dumb as you think."     

"And you're not just a friend. You're my brother. We were born into the same family. We're related by blood and grew up together. Did you really think that I would just waltz in and snatch your woman because I am slightly more good-looking than you? Man… I am not that low."     

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