The Villain's Wife

One Thing

One Thing

Zhou Jingren sat on the only chair next to Bei Tian's bed. He stared at his sleeping cousin before he sighed. So far, no examination showed that Bei Tian had any sort of known illness or any dormant virus in his body. Aside from the small needle mark on his spine, there was no other sign showing that he had been injected with something.     

He recalled Harringfort's angry tone as he walked out of the living room. Everything about him was off. From his tone to the way, his voice changed. It was as if… he was talking to a different person altogether. Moreover, he said that he had injected Bei Tian with something. Was it possible that he had already injected him even before the bet? Was he planning to use Bei Tian when he saw how much Zhou Jingren cared for his cousin who had been with him since he was a baby?     

Zhou Jingren's face turned serious. Bei Tian was undeniably one of the two people that he would trust with his life. He was a cousin, yet he had long considered him as his brother. He was someone very dear to him. Seeing him suffer because of something like this was making Zhou Jingren rage with pure anger.     

The small knock on the door interrupted his stupor. "President, the madam just called. She is asking when we are going to leave the Mainland to go back to Hongkong."     

"Is mother already with Lily?"     

Secretary Go nodded in response.     

"Alright. Tell her we are leaving in an hour." He had already arranged for Bei Tian to go and stay with his father while waiting for the test results. They had even prepared a separate house for him to stay at. Then he would go to Hongkong and stay with Zhou Jingren, Lily, and Qin Yuanfeng.     

"How about the Inagawa's?" Secretary Go asked. They had been planning on dealing with the Inagawa's and their small army. Would Bei Tian's situation affect their initial plan?     

"We will still deal with them. After Bei Tian's test comes back, we will start the operation of destroying the Inagawa's ties with the black market in Japan. "That is the only thing left that can support them. Without it, the Inagawa's or the Su's would have no choice but to contact whoever it is that is helping them recover. However, after what happened tonight, Zhou Jingren already had his initial suspicions about this whole thing. "Also… give Lily everything that we have against the Li's." As much as possible, he would want to make Lily busy.     

After what happened last night, Zhou Jingren is wary and confused about this entire Order of the Spectre. First and foremost, there was no trace of the organization anywhere. No news, no social media posts, and no traces on the dark web. Of course, he already expected this result. However, this could only mean that these people could indeed hide from the eyes of the world.     

Second, Qin Yuanfeng didn't really manage to see anything. Everything about the area last night seemed blurry from the satellite. All CCTV's near the area were either disabled, broken, or blurry. Third, the signal on the phone was another issue. Harringfort obviously shut it down and turned it on, then shut it down again in a couple of seconds. This meant that they had something that could control this, and if his guess was right, it was not just some signal jammer. Everything seemed so perfectly planned.     

It was executed perfectly that Zhou Jingren did not notice anything amiss when he was still outside of the house. He only felt that something was wrong the moment he already walked inside.     

Third, was the money. Harringfort had five hundred million with him. A man who walks around with that amount of cash was not something that one could underestimate. Then there was the fact that he threatened Bei Tian with something that would not show any signs in the next seven months.     

He could not seem to fathom this last thing. It was because he hasn't heard of anything like that in the medical field. Zhou Jingren could only conclude two things from this. Either that man was bluffing, as he wanted Zhou Jingren to show up at the organization six months from now. Or… someone was going to help them hide the symptoms and give Bei Tian the antidote every now and then to hide whatever it is that is inside him.     

And that could only mean one thing.     

This person needed to be next to Bei Tian all the time. In this state, Zhou Jingren would not just let anyone near Bei Tian. So, that person must have the ability to get close to Bie Tian without raising suspicions from anyone. Meaning… it was a person that is close to them.     

This could mean only one thing…. There was a traitor in their midst.     

He clenched his jaw and rose from his seat, his eyes straight towards Bei Tian's face. He had long suspected that someone was a traitor. However, he had no way to confirm this since he basically didn't know who his enemy was. However, his knowledge of this organization just changed everything.     

A powerful organization that maintains the status quo of the world. Anyone that is greedy would never bat an eyelid before becoming a member of this organization. But Zhou Jingren was different. To him, something like this screamed chaos and danger. Memories of what happened to Lily earlier this year because of his enemy resurfaced in his mind. He could not allow something like that to happen again. He could not endanger Lily ever again.     

However, at the same time, he clearly remembered Harringfort saying that he never had a choice about the matter. And that there was no recruitment. There was only the moment at which he would have to take his seat in the organisation. That statement automatically made this Organization even more dangerous.     

An organization that does not take a 'NO' for an answer, that claims to be powerful enough to stop an entire country from dominating the world was not something to be taken lightly. For a few more minutes, Zhou Jingren turned silent as he shoved his hands into his pockets. "Let's go." He said to Secretary Go. "We are going home." Both his and his father's men were making sure that Bei Tian was safe. Now, all he needs to do is make sure that his life, his Lily, is safe.     


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