Under the Veil of Night

New Student Council Members

New Student Council Members

Nolen School C     

Time passed swiftly and soon the midterm passed. This time, Misae crammed for hours in her room just to catch up with Alice and Laura's studying pace. Kanae was still busy with her work, so the others decided not to bother her. Thankfully, the three of them managed to finish the exams with good scores.     

"Your position is hanging by a thin thread, Kanae," Misae commented as she looked towards the scoreboard.     

"Well, does it matter?" Kanae laughed.     

Alice giggled. "I wonder what the two of you eat to get those positions."     

They were looking at the results of the midterm. At the very top, two familiar names could be seen.     

1. Kanae N.     

2. Laura N.     

Tommy shook his head as he looked towards his own score. For him, it was already good enough that he could still meet the passing grade. He barely studied at all because of the missions that he had to do lately.     

"Anyway, congratulations to the new members of the Student Council," Kanae smiled.     

Misae grinned. "I'm extremely happy that they selected me as the secretary and Alice as the treasurer."     

"I'm just replacing you, Sis," Laura giggled. She was selected as the new vice president of the Student Council.     

Tommy nodded his head. It was not a surprise for him to get chosen as the guard as he was already an old member. Now that they already announced the results, he got the position that he wanted.     

The president was one of the smarter students in the second year. Besides the four of them, there were several other members from the first years. However, none of them held important positions.     

"Now that I'm the guard, it's time for me to have revenge," Tommy smirked evilly.     

The others looked towards him and rolled their eyes secretly. Little did they know that Tommy would become the most hated senior in the Student Council. The way he trained the first-year members caused chills whenever they recalled it. It was simply pure torture!     

If they knew that Mike was the reason Tommy enforced this training on them, they would surely pester that big man every single day.     

"Anyway, today is another joint sports day, but you forgot your uniform?" Misae asked Alice in bewilderment.     

Alice could only smile wryly. What could she say? She didn't intend to join in on the sports activities today, so she purposely didn't bring her sports uniform. Of course, she would hide this little trick of hers from the others forever.     

"You can just cheer for us," Tommy grinned.     

"I will," Alice nodded her head excitedly.     

Kanae thought about it for a moment. "Now that you mention it, I think President asked me to fight him in basketball again."     

"You should go to the field, he must be waiting for you," Laura grinned.     

"Alright, see you all later."     

As Kanae walked away, Laura stretched her body and yawned. Unlike her sister, she preferred to stay in the shade. If it wasn't anything important, she wouldn't bother moving around to play ball. Who would want to run under the glaring sun just to chase the ball?     

Misae took out a few hats. "Let's just be spectators and not play today."     

"Good idea!" Laura immediately agreed.     

Alice smiled wryly. Why didn't she think about bringing a hat too? It was going to be extremely hot at noon.     

"I want to play, so I'll leave you girls here," Tommy laughed. He had guessed that they wouldn't want to join considering that they seemed to be trying their best not to play.     

"Your promise to train us can be for another time," Laura added lazily. She was not in the mood to train her body.     

"Yeah, next time."     

Tommy laughed when he saw their unwilling expressions. He should have known that they only made that promise in the spur of the moment. With their personalities, it would be a miracle if they really wanted to train their bodies.     

As they walked to the field, they heard the resounding cheers echoing around them. In the middle, two people were chasing after one ball. To be precise, Kevin was holding the ball and Kanae was trying to steal it by dashing around him.     

Stomping her foot at an angle against the ground, Kanae swiftly appeared in front of Kevin. She stretched out her hand to steal the ball, but Kevin read her movements, so he bent his wrist and bounced it to the side.     

"You're running away again!"     

"Really?" as he zipped past Kanae, the ball returned to his hand.     

Seeing this, Kanae turned around and chased after him once again. Her hand was trying hard to intercept the ball, yet he accelerated and jumped. Considering their difference in height, there was simply no way for her to block the ball, so it made its way to the hoop safely.     

"Again!" Kanae yelled.     

"Sure," Kevin smiled slightly.     

When the crowd of girls saw that Kevin was smiling, their cheering erupted. Some girls even squealed as they jostled each other to vie for the best viewing positions. It made things extremely hectic on the sidelines.     

"Boss is truly popular," Mike laughed when he saw the chaos.     

Neo shook his head. "They're only aiming for his face."     

"True enough."     

In his heart, Neo was actually complaining. It was already hard enough to chase away the girls who chased after Kevin because of his position as the president of a company and as the Clan Head. If girls were going to come after him because of his face too, he wouldn't know what to do.     

'He should have been born a celebrity and not a clan head.'     

On the sidelines, Alice was looking at the chaos with bewilderment. The girls were very fierce!     

"They're rather scary," Laura commented with a wry smile.     

"Not just rather, they're completely scary," Alice added. She was thankful that she was standing far away, or she might get swept away by that terrifying group of girls. That wouldn't be pleasant.     

"I guess you're right," Laura nodded her head. She realized that Misae didn't answer, so she turned her head in the girl's direction. When she saw the empty air, she was confused. "Where's Misae?"     

"I think she's there," Alice pointed to the crowd of girls.     

"Why is she there?" did she want to die?     

"You've not seen enough of Misae," Alice giggled. "Wherever there are handsome boys, she will surely charge towards them. Don't worry. She's surprisingly resilient."     


"Yes, no matter what, she won't get hurt even when being squeezed in the crowd like that," Alice shrugged. She had seen how Misae could miraculously survive time after time, so she was not going to worry about that girl.     

Laura could only nod her head with a raised eyebrow as she continued watching the game between Kanae and Kevin. Seeing their heated play, a smile appeared on her lips. It was rather refreshing to see her sister have fun like that.     

Before long, the game was over with Kevin's win. Kanae panted while sitting on the ground, yet her expression was that of happiness.     

"You're getting far ahead of me, President."     

Kevin handed a bottle to Kanae and sat down beside her. "I'm just a bit better than usual today."     

"It was fun," Kanae giggled.     

Seeing her smile, Kevin truly wanted to caress her head again. He turned his attention back to his drink and took a gulp. "I'm not the Student Council President anymore. You need to change your way of addressing me."     

Now that he mentioned it, Kanae realized that she always called him as president. "But you're still the president at the company."     

"You can call me that way at the company, but not at school."     

Kanae frowned. What should she call him, then? Could it be his name? Heat rushed to her cheeks as they turned slightly red. Why did she think that calling him by his name was rather embarrassing? That should be something normal, right?     



"Is calling you by your name sufficient?" Kanae asked timidly. Why did it feel like she was asking something forbidden right now?     

Kevin's mind blanked for a moment, yet a smile bloomed soon after that. "Yes, you can call me by my name."     


At this time, Kanae got the feeling that she wouldn't be able to call him using his name too much. It felt more natural for her to call him using President or maybe, Boss? Well, that would be very inappropriate at school.     

Kanae tried her best to forget about it as she saw Misae being dragged away by Mike again. Those two were never going to stop, were they? She doubted that Misae could stop her habit so soon. She kind of pitied Mike as she could predict that he would be busy taking care of her.      

In addition, there was the fact that he was quite busy as the three of them belonged to the Ryukalin Clan.     


At this time, she suddenly recalled something as her gaze rested on Misae. From the bottom of her heart, she hoped that Misae was already over her fear and hate towards the clans. If not, the two's relationship would surely crumble badly without any chance of recovering.     

"Let's go. Other people want to use the field."     


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