Under the Veil of Night

Hidden Clans

Hidden Clans

"You're right," Kevin put pressure on his wounds as he sat down. Behind him, Neo frantically came over with the first-aid box to treat Kevin's wounds. In his heart, he complained about Kevin's actions profusely. This damnable boss of his, couldn't he do things without making them worry? He couldn't count the number of times his heart felt like leaping out of his chest during the fight.     

Master Rudy also sat down. There was a lot of sturdy junk around them for them to sit on. The young man approached him too to treat his wounds. From the looks of it, the wound was shallow and was barely of any importance.     

"Since you managed to stay alive after a fight with me, I'll answer your question," Master Rudy said calmly. This was his rule, so he would abide by it until the end.     

"Are you aware of the clan gathering on my birthday, Master Rudy?"     

"I am," if he was not aware of something so important, he wouldn't dare to be here. That event was too important for him to not take any notice.     

Kevin stared at him intently. "Will you stay neutral or pick a side?"     

"Oh? It seems you're bold enough to ask for my assistance, young man. Unfortunately, I don't have the slightest intention to show my stance," Master Rudy answered.     

How could he not know what Kevin implied? It was extremely simple. Kevin wanted his support in that clan gathering to become the full-fledged clan head. However, as a proud man, Master Rudy never wanted to take a side.     

Kevin nodded his head. "That's all I need to know. Can I take your word that you won't side with anyone?"     

Master Rudy frowned. It was true that he would never show his bias to anyone because he was not interested in those internal disputes. For him, that was a waste of time, not worth his time at all.     

However, from Kevin's speech, he knew that this man wanted him to either take his side or not at all. It was an extremely simple request, yet he knew that the other side would come later to poach him too. This was going to be very amusing.     

"As long as I'm the clan head, I won't take a side," Master Rudy answered.     

"I see. Do you plan on selecting a new clan leader soon?"     

"Who knows?"     

In the back, Kanae was trying her best to process what Master Rudy said. This was the first time she heard anything about Master Rudy being a clan head. Wasn't this place still part of the Ryukalin Clan's territory?     

Kevin glanced towards the young man beside Master Rudy. Based on what he knew, this young man has stayed by Master Rudy's side for a long time. Unfortunately, this man didn't have the capability to become the next clan head as Kevin could beat him with ease.     

After that, his gaze drifted to the house in the back. The house was dark and nothing could be seen, yet he knew that someone was there. That person's presence was faint and hidden very well. He knew that this person was stronger than the young man. The fact that the person didn't come out showed that Master Rudy didn't want anyone to know about that person yet.     

Besides, he knew better than anyone that Master Rudy had several other disciples. They might not be part of the hidden clan, but if Master Rudy wanted to give the clan head's position to them, it was not impossible.     

"If it's time for you to select a new clan head, I'll be pleased if you can inform me," Kevin answered nonchalantly, not revealing any of his thoughts.     

"I'll do that," Master Rudy nodded his head. Whenever a hidden clan changed their clan head, it was common practice to inform the main clan. This way, the main clan would be able to forge a relationship with the new clan head.     

"I'll excuse myself now, Master Rudy."     

Neo had finished administering first aid to him. Without any pleasantries, he walked to his car, followed by the others. They soon departed from the area.     

"Boss, if you want to, I can fight in your stead," Mike remarked when they were in the car. He was terribly afraid that something would happen to Kevin again. If something bad happened, he wouldn't be able to forgive himself.     

"You're not his match."     

"Still, I can't bear seeing you fight like that," Mike added worriedly.     

Kevin shook his head. "It's my duty."     

"But you got wounded and we basically didn't make any progress," Neo complained. They didn't manage to get Master Rudy to support them, yet Kevin was wounded badly.     

"I don't think we didn't get anything out of it."     

"Boss…" Master Rudy only guaranteed that his hidden clan wouldn't support the other side. No matter which way he looked at it, Neo didn't find this satisfying.     

Kevin glanced out of the window as the wound on his neck started to throb again. This visit was not without any gain. At least, he knew that Master Rudy has accepted more disciples. In addition, whoever caught Master Rudy's eye was surely a great talent in martial arts.     

When the time came, he hoped that this person wouldn't choose the opposite side.     

In Master Rudy's territory, the young man finished bandaging the old master's hand. "Master, you have to be more careful. You're not young anymore."     

"My healing ability is still as strong as ever," Master Rudy laughed, ignoring the glare from the indignant young man in front of him. "Rei, you can come out now."     

"Master," Kanae called softly. Her eyes were locked on Master Rudy's hand. For whatever reason, she felt rather complicated about the wound. On one hand, she was happy for Kevin because he was amazing, yet on the other hand, she felt heartache from seeing Master Rudy get hurt.     

Master Rudy looked back at Kanae. "Is there anything you want to ask?"     

"Yes, Kevin says that you're the clan head, but this is the Ryukalin Clan's territory, right?"     

"Don't say his name so casually," the young man reminded. "If other people hear you, they'll beat you up for acting insolent."     

Kanae scratched her head. Well, he was the one who asked her to call his name directly. Oh wait, this was not school, so she better not call him that way. It would only make them suspicious of her identity.     

"I'm from a hidden clan," Master Rudy answered. He proceeded to tell her about the hidden clans and their origin. When Kanae heard about it all, she was awestruck. Never had she considered that the underworld was this complicated. It were as if this place was a kingdom of its own.     

"Master Rudy, am I now part of the clan because I'm your disciple?" Kanae thought about something else.     

Master Rudy laughed. "No. You're my personal disciple that I accepted from outside the clan, so you're not part of the clan. But if you want, I can take you in."     

It was a tempting offer as she knew that Master Rudy was powerful, so his men should be equally as powerful. However, recalling that she barely knew anything about this man aside from the young man, she had her own doubts.     

Besides, if she became part of a clan, she would never be able to leave Black Street. It was her wish to leave the street and live a normal life in the future, so she certainly couldn't do that. Even if it was beneficial for her right now, it would hold her back in the future.     

"No thank you, Master. I'm content with being your personal disciple," Kanae answered.     

The young man was astonished to hear Kanae's answer. He felt that he had just seen the biggest fool in the entire world. Hundreds of people wished for Master Rudy to take notice of them, yet she got the pie after two meetings. If they wished to be part of the hidden clan, they had to satisfy Master Rudy's requirements, which only a handful of people met.     

Aigo, why did he have such a dense little junior?     

Master Rudy laughed. "The offer is still valid. You can think it over."     

"Thank you Master."     

"Now, it's time for practice."     


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