Chapter 581: How I Punish You

Chapter 581: How I Punish You

After sending the message, she couldn't resist frowning.     

Because of Simon's warning, she had a vague feeling that the incident became a huge issue, or… that Joshua deliberately made it become a huge issue.     

She somehow felt that it didn't seem so simple. Joshua used to keep a low profile, but now it seemed he wanted the whole world to know he was back and alive.     

Suddenly, another message came; Simon replied. She cast a glance at the screen. Just then, Joshua grabbed her phone before she could click open the message.     

"Is your phone more important than me?" He spoke of jealousy.     

She looked at him quietly with a twinkle in her eye. "Let's go home."     

He cocked an eyebrow. Why did Hazel suddenly want to leave? Did this have anything to do with this message? Finally, he whispered, "What's the matter? Don't you feel well?"     

She replied with a flash of unhappiness, "Nothing, it's just that I'm a little tired."     

"Good." He did not ask anymore. He calmly returned the phone to her. They got up to leave. Hearing that Hazel was tired, no one dared to ask them to stay.     

By the time she got back to Denmark Residence, Hazel was a bit unhappy.     

Joshua coaxed her several times, but she was still unhappy. He wondered what she was thinking.     

As soon as they returned to the bedroom, Joshua closed the door immediately and cornered her behind the door.     

"Hazel, let's talk." He said firmly, "You have something on your mind."     

"Mmm," she said with mixed feelings. "I'm thinking of something that I cannot decide…."     

For some reason, Joshua's eyelids twitched, but he still asked, "What is it?"     

"I wonder… how I should punish you!" She gritted her teeth, and, suddenly, her face darkened. "Simon texted me before. He said..."     

Joshua's eyelids twitched again.     

Hazel took a deep breath. She didn't want to hide anything from Joshua, so she made it clear, "You're making the incident become a huge issue because you're trying to lure Ian Flores out."     

This was what Simon told her in the second message.     

Hazel believed his statement because only that could explain Joshua's current behaviors. He deliberately allowed the journalists to enter Denmark Group and made things known to everyone just because he wanted Ian Flores to see him.     

Joshua's eyes flickered. Simon actually told Hazel about that. It seemed that they were closer than he had imagined.     

"Right." Joshua sighed. Now that Hazel had known that, he didn't deny it. "I'm the only one who can lure Ian Flores out now, Hazel."     

Ian Flores hated him and wanted him to die, so as soon as he knew Joshua was alive, he would definitely look for Joshua.     

Hazel's eyes turned red. She grabbed Joshua's arm and bit him hard on the wrist.     

It hurt, but he clenched his teeth and let her bite.     

Perceiving blood on the tip of her tongue, she came to her senses and hurried to loosen her grip.     

She glared at Joshua and said crossly, "You're bleeding. Why don't you let out a cry of pain?"     

"... It doesn't hurt very much." Joshua was helpless. Wasn't Hazel who bit him herself? He just wanted her to vent her anger and calm down.     

Hazel gave him a look angrily. She pulled out a first-aid kit and began to medicate Joshua.     

"I didn't mean to bite you," she explained, dabbing alcohol at the blood on his wrist, "but I really don't know what to do. Joshua, you have no idea how happy I am to meet you again. I cherish our reunion very much. So, no matter how you make me angry and sad, I can't bear to throw you out…."     

She could not drive him out nor punish him by asking him to do something dangerous, but she was so angry that she could only vent her anger by biting him hard.     

Joshua was shocked in the heart. Maybe he really ignored Hazel's thoughts.     

"Hazel, we have to catch Ian Flores," he said in a deep voice.     

She was silent.     

"And he will definitely know that I am alive." He went on to explain, "Instead of waiting for him to find it out and attack us when we're not alert, it's better for us to act first and set a trap for him and catch him."     

She put an adhesive bandage on Joshua's wound.     

"I didn't tell you because I was afraid that you would be worried," he sighed. "I was wrong this time. I should have discussed it with you first. It's just that time is too limited, and I have too much work to do. If you get angry, you can punish me. Don't hurt yourself."     

She looked up at him. "Do you have to do that?"     

"Yes, I have to." He nodded. "It's easier to catch Ian Flores in the sun than he is hiding in the dark."     

"Fine, I won't stop you." She sighed.     

Now that Joshua had made up his mind, what else could she do but agree? Even her crying and screaming would only give him a burden. What was more, Joshua had a point.     

She was sensible. Ian Flores had been hiding in the dark. They could be on guard against him for a while, but they couldn't be on guard against him forever. It would be safest to lure him out and catch him.     

"But," she said firmly, "whatever your plans are, you must take me with you!"     

"No, I can't do that!" His face darkened.     

"I must go!" Her voice was firmer than his.     

"Hazel…" He frowned slightly. He always thought Hazel was very sensible.     

Suddenly, a tear rolled down her cheek.     

"Do you know how sad and powerless I have been for months when I had dreams about you falling off a cliff?" she asked, in a choked voice.     

She didn't want to have that kind of feeling again that she could do nothing but watch Joshua taking a risk! She didn't want to watch Joshua leave her. No matter what the situation would be, she must stay with him.     

Joshua's pupils shrank. He could not bear her tears.     

"It will be very dangerous…." he whispered.     

"I'll come with you even if it's very dangerous," she said in a firm voice. "Besides, do you think I'll be safer if I'm not with you?"     

He frowned. Hazel was right. She was his weakness. Since Ian could use Stacy to threaten Joshua, he could also use Hazel to be a hostage. Worse still, since she was a woman, Ian was more likely to attack her.     

Suddenly, his phone rang, interrupting his hesitation.     

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