Be My Strength

I love him very much

I love him very much


When Little Ki Hong and Little Kai Xin were around 10 years old, a bunch of them went to the temple to play.     

As they were resting underneath a huge oak tree, one of the twins grinned evilly right before he took out a can of beer from his bag.     

"No way! Kenny, where did you get that?" asked Little Kai Xin.     

She grabbed the can of beer from the younger twin but just as she was about to open it, Ki Hong grabbed it from her.     

"No. We are not allowed to drink!" said the boy sternly. He was the oldest there and he felt as if it was his responsibility to protect the younger kids.     

Little Kai Xin pouted, "Ki Hong, why are you being such a worrywart? It's only a sip!"     

"Kai Xin..." Little Alyssa spoke up timidly.     

When they turned to look at her, she got nervous and looked down at her tattered sneakers as she said softly, "We are...We are too young to drink."     

"Come on, Alyssa. It's only a sip! We won't get drunk from that!" said Little Kai Xin as she sneakily grabbed the can back from Little Ki Hong. Without waiting for him to say anything else, she opened it and took a sip.     

"Bleargh!" Little Kai Xin spat out. She hated the weird taste so much that she ran all the way to the pipe behind the giant Buddha statue and washed her mouth thoroughly.     

The boys laughed good-naturedly when they saw her.     

Each of them took a sip before passing the beer around. They hated the taste but in order not to look weak, they decided to hold it in.     

"Kai Xin, you are such a girl!" said the boys when she came back. Only Little Ki Hong refrained from making fun of her.     

Annoyed, she grabbed the can of beer from Little Alyssa who was holding it. Unwilling to lose to a bunch of boys, she downed everything in one shot.     

"Kai Xin!" snapped Little Ki Hong. However, it was too late. By the time he managed to wrestle the can of beer away from her, it was already empty.     

With a flushed face, Little Kai Xin gave him a stupid yet somewhat arrogant smile, "I'm not just a girl!"     

"Yeah, you are not a girl! You are an idiot!" scolded Little Ki Hong. When he saw her face, he wanted to laugh at her but he was also worried about her drunken state.     

Ignoring him, Little Kai Xin got up and ran about with the others.     

However, once the effects of the alcohol kicked in, her steps became uneven as she swayed from left to right.     

"Argh!" cried Kai Xin when she tripped over her own foot and landed on the ground. Little Ki Hong immediately went over to help her up.     

"Let's go home."     

"No! Daddy...He would get angry at me again! He's always angry!" said Little Kai Xin sadly before she burped loudly.     

Scowling in disgust over her boyish behavior, Little Ki Hong asked, "What are you going to do then?"     

"Sleep..." Little Kai Xin pointed drunkenly towards the children's play area.     

There was a makeshift room there for the younger kids to play in while their parents pray.     

Inside the room, there were foam playmats for the kids to sleep or sit on while they watched the TV.     

Once he made sure that she was safely laying down on the playmats, he went out to talk to the rest.     

Little Ki Hong told the rest to go home first while he stayed with Little Kai Xin. In addition, he told Little Alyssa to go to Little Kai Xin's house.     

"Get Kai An to come over...He would know what to do..."     

Little Alyssa nodded before she ran off to look for Young Kai An.     

Ki Hong expected Little Kai Xin to be asleep. However, when he returned, for some reason, she was watching the national news with a small baby blanket covering her feet.     

In a soft voice, he scolded her, "You are supposed to be asleep..."     

She grinned stupidly at him before turning back to the TV. With her droopy eyes glued to the screen, she yawned, "White noise..."     

Little Ki Hong sat down and watched the news with her.     

"Ki Hong..."     

When he heard his name, he quickly opened his eyes and turned to look at her, "What's wrong? Are you ok?"     

" cute..." slurred Little Kai Xin.     

He followed the direction of her eyes and noticed that she was looking at a young man standing behind President Du Jin, the owner Du Corporation.     

"One day...*hiccup* One day...I would marry him...or someone like him... " giggled Little Kai Xin.     

Little Ki Hong laughed and patted her head, "Why would he or anyone else marry you? You are so ugly!"     

Upset by his words, Little Kai Xin pouted and slapped his hand away from her head.     

However, at her current inebriated state, instead of slapping his hand, she accidentally slapped her own head.     

"Argh..." groaned Little Kai Xin as she rubbed her forehead furiously.     

When he laughed at her, she pulled the baby blanket over her head before yelling, "Go. Die!"     

With the baby blanket covering her, she fell asleep shortly thereafter. To make sure that she did not suffocate herself, Ki Hong lowered the baby blanket so that she can breath better.     

Watching over her as she slept, he smiled as he said softly, "You are so ugly that you can only be my wife..."     


Ki Hong grinned wryly as he thought back to that day. He eventually found out that the man was Du XiAn, the only son of President Du Jin.     

Since then, he worked his butt off so that he could one day be like DX.     

Ki Hong took her hand as he said seriously, "Kai Xin, I'm serious. I have always been serious about you. Please give me a chance! I'm young, smart and I have a killer bod to match my outstanding looks!"     

When she heard the guy shamelessly promoting himself, she rolled her eyes at him.     

Pulling her hand away from him, she said sternly, "Ki Hong, I have a boyfriend now, and I..."     

A soft smile appeared on her face as she continued, "...I love him very much..."     

It hurt to see her smile when the reason behind the smile was because of another man. However, Ki Hong decided to drop the matter now.     

With a pained look, he nodded, "I understand..."     

Then he looked straight into her eyes, "I won't ask you to dump him for me, but I won't stop chasing after you. That is my right!"     

Kai Xin merely shook her head at his words. She had no idea how to deal with him.     


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