Be My Strength

He treats me very well

He treats me very well

"Kai Xin," said Grandma Zhen as she turned towards her eldest granddaughter.     

In a serious tone, she asked, "Tell Nai Nai the truth. Do your boyfriend treats you well?"     

As she thought about all the things that DX had done for her, Kai Xin lips slowly curved upwards. She nodded and said,     

"He treats me very well. Don't worry about me."     

When Grandma Zhen saw the sincere smile on Kai Xin's face, the burden on her chest lifted.     

For a long time, she blamed herself for An Qi Yan's misfortune of marrying her son and she worried that Kai Xin might be affected by her parents' divorce.     

"Good, good," said Grandma Zhen with a smile.     

Thinking that An Xin was correct, she tapped Kai Xin's knee and comforted her, "Don't worry if he is not rich. Just get a hardworking good husband and you would be fine..."     

Glaring at her son who continued to eat the complimentary nuts without feeling any guilt, she snapped, "...Don't pick someone like your father."     

Kai Xin smiled and covered her grandmother's hand with her own, "Don't worry, Nai Nai. I know."     

"Good, good." said Grandma Zhen.     

Then she turned to An Xin, she asked, "An Xin, have you found a job yet? Your father said that you would start working once the move is complete."     

An Xin smiled and nodded, "Yes, Nai Nai. I've found a job. I'd be working at Du Corporation from next week onwards."     

Kai Xin who was drinking tea during that time choked and sputtered. "Du-D-Du Corporation?"     

"Yeah," affirmed An Xin as she sat up straighter.     

As a proud mother who loved to talk about her daughter's achievement, Mrs. Zhen quickly added,     

"Our An Xin has always been smart and talented. This time she managed to beat 4,000 applicants and got the highly sought after senior management associate position at one of the largest conglomerate in the world!"     

"Good. Descendants from the Zhen's Family should always strive for the best," said Grandma Zhen as she nodded approvingly.     

She knew that Du Corporation was a big conglomerate with offices all over the world. If An Xin was able to secure a job here, her future would be bright.     

Grandma Zhen was worried that the Ou Family might not be happy with An Xin due to the circumstances of her birth but her fear was put to rest.     

Being able to get into Du Corporation was a great honor. It was said that it was easier to get into an Ivy League University than getting into Du Corporation.     

Grandma Zhen turned to Kai Xin and told her, "If you ever get bored of being a lawyer, then ask An Xin to recommend you into Du Corporation."     

"Once I settle down, I might be able to recommend her to my boss," said An Xin while smiling nicely at her older sister.     

Obviously, in her heart, she was thinking of other things.     

Kai Xin felt gross when she saw her younger sister's smile. She had long known about An Xin's two-faced behaviors.     

She crossed her legs and pretended to brush dirt off her laps before saying, "I'm good. I don't need your help."     

"Kai Xin…" warned Kai An. He knew that his two younger sisters were like fire and water.     

Even though An Xin was only their half-sister, she was still their sister by blood.     

"Kai Xin, An Xin is trying to help you. You don't have to be so rude." said Mr. Zhen.     

He shook his head in disappointment over his eldest daughter's behavior.     

Kai Xin raised a brow and asked, "How am I rude? I just don't need her help."     

"Ah, the food is here!" said Thomas for the first time that night.     

He was starting to feel uncomfortable and wanted to look for a way to cool everyone down.     

The waiters came in one by one and as they placed the dishes down, Thomas frowned, "We did not order this."     

He pointed to the bowl of soup.     

When he saw the prawns, he told the waiter, "I think there is a mistake. An Xin ordered deep fried prawns in shells."     

"There is no mistake."     

When he heard the noise, Thomas looked up and saw a tall imposing man walking in as if he owns the place.     

He was wearing a mask so Thomas could not tell who the man was.     

"You are?" asked Thomas as he tried to size up the man.     

DX ignored him and walked straight to Kai Xin. Standing behind her, he leaned down and kissed her on the head.     

The manager gaped when he saw that. He thought that President Du's woman was the gentle looking one in pink dress.     

He did not expect that it would be the woman in jeans and T-shirt!     

"Are you done with your work?" Kai Xin asked softly as she turned around to look at him properly.     

DX nodded. He greeted Mr. and Mrs. Zhen briefly before turning to the old lady.     

Knowing that it might be uncomfortable for her to look up at him since he was quite tall, he knelt down on one knee while talking to Grandma Zhen so that she can talk to him without looking up,     

"Nai Nai, I'm Kai Xin's boyfriend, Xiao An."     

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