Be My Strength

Press Conference (3)

Press Conference (3)

The person in the next video was a dashing young man who was wearing a set of suit from the latest collection of Armani Exchange. With his big eyes and toned physique, he was one of those pretty boys who could easily charm his ways into anyone's pants.     

"Please tell us your name," asked the interviewer who was behind the camera.     

The man pointed to himself and smiled, "My name? You can call me Ricky..."     

"So, Ricky...Please continue telling us what you told us earlier..."     

"You were asking about Ms. Zhen, right? Of course, I know a Ms. Zhen. She's one of my best customers. One of my fondest memories of her was that she paid in cash," said Ricky as he smiled directly at the camera.     

When they saw his dimples, some of the reporters who were watching the video swooned.     

"He looked just like a movie star!" whispered an effeminate male reporter excitedly to his colleagues.     

His colleagues told him to be quiet before they turned their eyes back to their phones.     

"What's your job?" asked the interviewer.     

"Well...You can say that I accompany women for money…and some other benefits, " said Ricky before he winked at the camera.     

Once they were done with the videos, the reporters looked at each other before they turned their eyes back on DX. Everyone was unsure where to begin as they watched President Du sitting on the couch while his eyes were glued to the screen of his phone.     

"He's an escort isn't he?" whispered a reporter who was sitting at the back of the hall.     

"What else? He accepts money for his company," whispered another reporter who sat behind her.     

Song Qiao grinned as she watched the reporters whispered among themselves. She could see the headline tomorrow: President Du's New Woman is a Wh*re!     

Feigning ignorance, Song Qiao gasped before she turned to ask DX and asked loudly, "XiAn, Ms. Zhen is not this kind of person, is she?"     

However, she laughed inwardly as she thought about how things were going her way. A woman with s*exual history like Kai Xin would never be allowed to be with someone like DX. Once Old Madam Du saw the videos, she would completely reject Kai Xin.     

Based on his silence, and the thunderous look on his face as he watched the videos, she was sure that he would get rid of Kai Xin. After all, a sl*t like her would cause the ruin of the Du Family and the entire Du Conglomerate.     

"You think you love her, but it's just an infatuation, XiAn...You will know now what she's really like..." thought Song Qiao as she continued to stare at him.     


The photos and videos were not only sent to those who were at the press conference. It was also uploaded on the most popular forum in the country as well as on an international video sharing platform.     

Phantom suspected that they were uploaded by the same anonymous person who sent them in messages and within minutes, the post was shared across all platforms and the view counts for the videos went up rapidly.     

Whoever it was, he was moving quickly and he was smart. Phantom managed to track down the IP address but when Ghost's men arrived, he was gone.     

Phantom did his best to remove the photos and the videos but he was unable to completely get rid of it. When he took them down in one forum, another one popped up in another forum.     

"Damn these people!" cursed Phantom loudly as he banged his fists down on the desk. His action caused the keyboard to rattle slightly.     

He felt so helpless as he watched Kai Xin's reputation being tarnished.     

Ghost was in the video conference with Phantom and Kai Xin. When he saw how fast the photos and videos were being shared, he sighed, "Give it up. It's impossible to delete everything when it is constantly being downloaded and shared. With it being the hottest gossip at the moment...Even if you managed to take it down from every website now, it would be put up again shortly."     

Kai Xin nodded in agreement with Ghost. She was using her laptop in DX's bedroom. Not long after lunch, she told her mother that she was tired and said that she was going to take a nap. She did not want An Qi Yan to worry about her. Her mother would definitely try to stop her from reading the forums.     

Ghost's advice fell on deaf ears as Phantom continued to type away as he snapped, "Let me keep trying! I will-"     


When he heard her voice, Phantom looked up. She had been awfully quiet the entire time and he thought it was because she was upset.     

"Daisy…Are you alright?" asked Ghost worriedly.     

Kai Xin leaned back against the headboard and sighed, "I can't hide it forever...It would come out eventually…"     

"Daisy, don't read the forums for now. Go and think about what you are going to say to your mother…" advised Ghost. He knew that Kai Xin was probably worried about how to break the news to her family members. After all, she spent almost half her life hiding it from them.     

"Erm…Sh*it…" murmured Phantom as he looked at his laptop that was placed on the chair next to him. He was using a desktop computer for the video conference because it was stronger and more comfortable for him to hack on.     

"What?" asked Ghost and Kai Xin in unison.     

Phantom looked up into the camera, and with a worried look, he said, "According to the trackers that G managed to plant on her cars, either Old Madam Du or one of her people is heading towards your direction...ETA, 20 minutes."     

Ghost managed to pay off a driver who had a huge gambling problem. With a little manipulating on his side, the driver ended up owing a huge amount of money to a loan shark. The collateral? His underage daughter.     

Ghost offered to pay off all his debt as long as he helped him with a few menial tasks. Once he reassured the driver that he would not be harmed in any way, the man agreed immediately.     

The driver knew what would become of his daughter if he did not manage to pay off the debt, and if all he had to do was to plant a couple of trackers, he would do it.     

"Daisy, ask your man to go home now," said Ghost sternly. He was worried that something bad might happened to her. Old Madam Du was not a violent woman but there were times where words could hurt more than fists.     

Kai Xin shook her head and said, "There's no need to bother him. He has to deal with the reporters. I can deal with her."     

"Are you sure?" asked Ghost worriedly. He felt uneasy about it. For her to come despite being told by her son to stay away, Old Madam Du must have seen what they saw.     

To a woman like her who grew up among the Top 1%, she would expect her future daughter in law to remain pure. In addition, she must not come with any burden or gossips that would affect the reputation of the Du Family.     

Reputation meant everything to them, and for some family, they would even go as far as disowning or getting rid of any family members who brought down the family's reputation.     

"Of course. I'm the indestructible Zhen Kai Xin, remember?" grinned Kai Xin.     

However, after she ended the video conference, she exhaled a heavy and loud sigh. She had never dealt with an old person where she had to mince her words before.     

With her clients, regardless of their age and background, she was always direct and went straight to the point because it would not help anyone if she kept thinking whether or not she might offend them.     

With Old Madam Du, she had not been exerting any sort of restraint and it was obvious that the old woman disliked her. As she caressed her tummy lovingly, she asked, "Do you think that your grandma would be really angry over this? Maybe you can help me get out of this?"     

She chuckled wryly. Her daughter was not even born yet and she was already thinking of using her to get out of trouble.     

"Argh!" groaned Kai Xin loudly before she dragged herself out of bed.     


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