Be My Strength

Press Conference (2)

Press Conference (2)

Zhou Lun gulped. Being in the line for more than 20 years, he was used to threats but he knew that DX was actually capable of pushing through with it. Unlike the others, DX was not afraid of his uncle.     

His uncle told him to push all the hard questions and it was because of his backing that he dared to do so.     

Otherwise, he would have acted in the same way as the others and chose to tread carefully.     

"I'm... I'm...just doing my job," stuttered Zhou Lun. Even though he was older than DX, he felt threatened by the man. Everyone knew that DX was different from the common rich heirs.     

DX did not reach where he was by merely inheriting the company. Instead, he was shrewd and he was really good at sealing deals.     

In addition, DX was known to be unforgiving towards his enemies.     

"Are you saying that your job is to accuse an innocent woman?!" snapped DX as he glared at Zhou Lun who was trembling at his seat.     

The man's face turned red with embarrassment as everyone in the hall turned to look at him.     

DX heard Director Song's coughing wildly behind him. He knew that the man was angry because he did not give him face.     

However, it was because of who Zhou Lun was related to that he chose not to give face.     

The reporter was sorely mistaken if he thought for a second that he would be protected from DX's wrath just because he was related to Director Song.     

Given the fact that he did not even give a damn about who Director Song was, DX would be even less likely to care about small fry like Zhou Lun.     

When DX saw the signal from Han Ye, he asked Zhou Lun curtly, "Why don't you do your job now by asking Ms. Song yourself? I doubt you have even talked to her since the accident!"     

Zhou Lun was confused and it was only when DX turned to the side door that he understood what the man was talking about.     

The crowd gasped when they saw Ms. Song being wheeled out by a guard. As they came in from the side door and onto the stage, the reporters' eyes naturally turned to stare at the cast on her leg.     

Due to DX's interference, no one was able to take a photo of Song Qiao since she was admitted into the hospital.     

Naturally, being reporters, they started to snap pictures of the woman when she was on the stage.     

When Song Qiao saw DX, she nodded at him and her father in acknowledgment before turning to the reporters.     

"Hello, I'm Song Qiao. I believe I'm the topic of your conversation. Don't you think it's kind of rude of you guys to not invite me to the party?" asked Song Qiao as she showed them a pouty face.     

As she smiled at the crowd, she joked, "...Is it because I'm injured? I can still hop on my other leg, you know...I'm pretty sure that when I hop around on one leg, I might look like a cute little rabbit."     

At the end of her sentence, she made a bunny face at the audience.     

There was a round of laughter before someone shouted, "You are the cutest little rabbit ever, Ms. Song!"     

With the back of her hand covering her mouth, Song Qiao pretended to laugh softly at the compliment.     

When they saw the way she laughed, the reporters whispered loudly among themselves.     

"Gosh... She's so beautiful..."     

"That's elegance, you fool..."     

"Whatever it is, can the other woman beat her?"     

"Didn't she beat her in Weiqi when she was dressed as a man?"     

"That woman probably cheated! Come on!"     

"Ms. Song is so able! Who knows how the woman managed to seduce President Du?"     

When she heard the reporters comparing her to Kai Xin, she felt a strong urge to laugh.     

"As if that crude woman can be compared to me..." thought Song Qiao gleefully as she maintained her picture-perfect smile at the public.     

Song Qiao had to remind herself that she was in the presence of the media and that she had to maintain her composure.     

"Ms. Song! Do you mind if I ask you a question?" asked Zhou Lun. Now that his cousin was here, he felt safer and more confident.     

"Please go ahead, Mr. Zhou."     

"Are the rumors true? Were you pushed by Ms. Zhen?"     

Song Qiao took a quick glance at DX before turning over to the reporters,     

"I think that the rumors might have gotten a little out of hand. Ms. Zhen and I were merely talking. We had a little disagreement and she merely nudged me a little..."     

"...It was my own fault. My ankles were a little weak and because of that, I was unable to stand properly. She did not mean to do it."     

DX stared at Song Qiao's back as he wondered whether he should release the recordings.     

Song Qiao's backhanded comment did not completely exonerate Kai Xin.     

In the end, she was hinting to the reporters that if it was not because of Kai Xin, she would not have gotten injured.     

Just as he was wondering what to do, he received a message from Kai Xin.     

[ Hold it back for now. ]     

The press conference was not a live event. DX had hoped that when they broadcasted it tonight, he would be by her side to take her mind off of it.     

He quickly typed back.     

[ How did you know? ]     

[ I have people. DX, I know you. You get angry easily when it comes to me. Don't fall for her trap.]     

Kai Xin asked Phantom for his help and they had been watching the entire event since the start.     

DX sighed inwardly. She was right. He was easily agitated whenever someone talked badly about her or if someone tried to hurt her.     

It bothered him but if this was what she wanted, he would respect her wish.     

The reporters chatted among themselves as they discussed the latest news.     

"Ms. Song said that she was not pushed. It was an accident!"     

"Didn't you see the glance she gave President Du earlier? She said that for him!"     

"She admitted it herself that she was the one who did not stand properly."     

"It doesn't matter. If Ms. Zhen did not nudge her, Ms. Song would still be fine."     

Director Song stared at his daughter as he wondered what her plan was.     

She was the one who told him to get the reporters and yet, she decided to say something nice for the other woman.     

He felt confused by her sudden change of attitude. However, his confusion was lifted not long after.     




All of a sudden, everyone who was present in the hall received a series of photos and videos from an anonymous sender.     

The most recent photos showed Kai Xin talking happily with Ki Hong as they walked with their arms around each other and one was taken right outside her apartment.     

There were also older photos that were taken from their high school yearbook where a Young Ki Hong had his arms around Young Kai Xin's waist as he lifted her up, and one where they did a performance of Romeo and Juliet for their drama class.     

In the last photo, he had his arm wrapped around her waist as they laughed at something.     

"Who is the man in the photos?" whispered one of the reporters before he turned to the man sitting next to him.     

"Shh, I want to watch the videos."     

The videos were interviews of the people from Kai Xin's past.     

In one of the videos, two women were shown,     

"We were classmates before she transferred from Elite High School...Her characteristics? Ok, I guess. I would say that she's kind of a loner…" said one of the woman.     

"No, she's not a loner," said the other woman. When her friend looked at her, she rolled her eyes and said,     

"Don't you remember? She's always hanging out with the boys...Especially Ki Hong. That guy transferred here just for her! I always thought that they would be together."     

The other woman clapped her hand once and said excitedly, "Now I remember! The girls were crazy about him but he never even looked at anyone but Kai Xin! There were rumors that she slept with some of the seniors, right? That's why she transferred!"     

"I heard that Ki Hong found out about it. She barely talked to anyone the few weeks before she transferred."     

DX clenched his fist as he watched the first video. Those women did not know that their offhand remarks could result in a bad situation for Kai Xin!     

He was holding his phone so tightly that the screen cracked slightly.     

He had to force himself to watch the next video where it was showing another woman whose face was pixelated to avoid her being recognized by the public.     

Even her voice was masked as she said, "Kai Xin? Yeah, I know her. She's always with Little Piggy...That's her fat best friend at the all-girls school that we attended..."     

"...You said she pushed another woman off the stairs? Damn! I did not expect that from her...Then again, she's probably a baby killer. So who knows?"     

"What do you mean? A baby killer?" asked the person who was interviewing her.     

"I still remember it vividly because I went out for a soccer competition that day. On the way back, I stopped by the pharmacy to see my friend who was working as the cashier..."     

"... I owed him some money and since I was nearby, I wanted to pay him back. That was when I saw her. She was buying something..."     

"...Normally, I would not think too much about it since it was one of the nearest pharmacies to our school. However, at that time, the class was still in session..."     

"...When I asked my friend, he told me that she bought a pregnancy kit…Since she transferred a few months back in the middle of the year, I thought maybe she did something at her old school..."     

"Do you have any proof of it?" asked the interviewer.     

The woman nodded, "Yeah. There were security cameras in the store. When I went back to school, I overheard some of my friends talking about how she ran out of the classroom that day but other than that one occasion, there were no other signs that she might be pregnant. Maybe it was just a scare, or maybe she aborted it. I don't know."     

The woman shrugged before continuing, "Anyway, I managed to convince my friend at the pharmacy to get me a copy of the recordings..."     

"...You know, teenagers...I was gonna make fun of her a little...but I never did get the chance to use it. It felt a little too mean, you see..."     

The moment she finished speaking, a grainy video was shown.     

From what they could tell, the security camera was placed behind the cashier and it was focusing on the paying customers and the cashier.     

Even though it was hard to see given the quality of the video, they saw Young Kai Xin purchasing what seemed to be a pink and white rectangular box.     

"F*uck. She really bought a pregnancy kit…" gasped one of the reporters before he clamped his hand over his mouth.     

"What a slut..." murmured some of the reporters.     

"Ssssh!!! Quiet! There's another video!"     

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