Be My Strength

I'm practically your Master-in-law**

I'm practically your Master-in-law**


After their first session of lovemaking last night, they were taking a break and during that time, they discussed on their next move.     

When she was snuggled right against him, he placed the other hand on her thigh and lifted it so that she was partly on him.     

As he caressed the back of her thigh that was resting across his own thigh, he said, "Director Song was worried about his daughter... Song Qiao is his only child and so, I understand his actions...Kara... I told him that I'd give him an explanation during the news conference tomorrow."     

"What are you planning to do?" asked Kai Xin.     

DX was troubled and his mind was filled with concern of the things that might happen tomorrow. As he gently pushed the bangs away from her sweaty face and tucked it behind her ear, he replied earnestly, "What are you planning to do?"     

As she gave it a thought, Kai Xin slowly moved her hand down to caress his limped manhood before she said, "I have a recording of what went on last night...But it's not strong enough to be used as evidence...If I use it now, people would say that I was underhanded to record a private conversation. Since there's no video, they'd say that I'm twisting the fact..."     

DX frowned as he tried his best to focus while he watched her hand moved up and down his length. The pregnancy hormones were both a blessing and a curse. She was insatiable!     

He could already feel it growing under her warm palm when he asked, "Then what do you propose?"     

"Song Qiao is a smart woman but she's also arrogant. This is her weakness which we can exploit. If I'm not wrong, she would attack me by using other people and manipulating the public's sentiments. I'm sure she would do something so that other people think that I'm the third party in this relationship..."     

When she saw the tortured look on DX's face, she grinned wicked before giving him a hard squeeze.     

"F*ck!" cursed DX as his lower body jerked from her 'attack'.     

Seeing his body buckled under her touch, she remained indifferent as she continued, "I think, with a little digging, she would be able to find the men I was with previously and somehow...I don't know if they would betray me but...I believe that her end goal was to affect your mother's judgment...Perhaps turn her against me."     

"I won't let her..." gritted DX as he clutched the bedsheets. He was thankful when she released her tight grip as it gave him some time to recuperate.     

"Not yet..." whispered Kai Xin as she continued to caress him.     

Clearing her throat, she continued back to her serious persona while her hand continued to milk him, "No, I want you to let her do it. In fact, if you have to, I need you to lower her guards...Inflate her ego a little...At the meantime, I'd have my people to gather some dirt on her."     

When he heard her, he caught her hand as he frowned, "But you'd be attack by the media! I don't like the idea!"     

She smiled as she continued what she was doing earlier but with a faster pace, "I'd be fine... I know that you did it for me, so there won't be any stupid misunderstanding... I just need more stuff that would not only pinpoint her as the mastermind behind her own accident but also to get rid of Director Song for you once and for all..."     

As she milked him, she murmured, "If I'm going to stand by your side, I need to show them that I'm not just a toothless tiger."     

DX hissed when he felt that he was about to climax. To avoid running out of energy, he took both of her hands and held them tightly against his chest. She protested by making some whining sound but he refused to budge.     

He knew that if he allowed her to continue, he would not last longer than another minute.     

Once he caught his breath, he gently massaged her sore wrists before pointing out to her, "Director Song is a cunning old fox. He would use this to opportunity to garner support from the rest of the shareholders to kick me out... I have been collecting some dirt on him for years but they are not strong enough for me to force him out of the company."     

With a grin, she said, "Then we will make him get out himself... You told me before that he's a proud man. What would happen if we have evidence of his daughter trying her best to defame President Du's woman? Especially after we make him say that we are framing her."     

"What about you?" asked DX as he used one hand to lock her wrists together. He was thinking about her words as he fondled her right breast with his free hand. As he gave it a hard squeeze alternated by light squeezes, she could not help herself but to cry out in pleasure.     

This time, it was Kai Xin who had trouble focusing as he played her like a fiddle. While she watched his hand pinching and pulling on her right nipple, she said, "I'm fine... In court...that voice recording would be circumstantial at best. I don't like using circumstantial evidence. When I'm in court, I want to have everything ready. Likewise, I will only attack when I'm absolutely sure that I can take her down."     

Unable to take it anymore, DX placed his leg over hers and propped himself up in all four. He nudged her to lie on her back before growling, "Lift your butt!"     

As she steadied herself on all fours, she wriggled her butt and made sure that it bumped into his hardened length. When he groaned, she gave him an innocent look before saying, "Ooops!"     

DX slapped her butt lightly before snarling, "Stop moving!"     

When she finally behaved, he entered her from behind.     


"What are you thinking about?" asked Kai Xin with a brow raised. When she came out from the bathroom, she saw him with his eyes closed as he leaned against the headboard. There was a mischievous smirk on his face as if he was thinking about something naughty.     

Opening his eyes, he grinned as he replied, "Just something fun."     

He got up from the bed and walked towards her. As he watched her wiped her face which was dripping wet with a dry towel, he said, "Your mum and Kai An are here. They are at the kitchen. I think we need to go down faster before your brother ate all the breakfast I bought for you."     

When she heard the word 'breakfast', she immediately threw the towel aside before taking his hand and leading him out of the room. As they walked down the stairs, she complained, "Why didn't you tell me earlier? I'm starving!"     

As he allowed her to drag him down the stairs, he shrugged and gave her a smirk before saying, "You look like you are starving for something else…"     

Pretending to be affronted, Kai Xin defended herself by saying, "Well...I didn't know there's food! Anyway, I need something in me before I can eat you dry!"     

When they entered the dining room, all the occupants of the house were sitting there chatting to each other as they ate their breakfast.     

"I see you guys have met…" said Kai Xin as she took the seat next to her mother and DX sat next to her because his usual seat was taken by Layla.     

"You were taking too long...Anyway," said An Qi Yan before she handed her a platter filled with her favorite food. When Kai Xin looked at it, she said, "Your man there bought it. It's a bit cold now, but it should be fine."     


"And we will talk about the lack of protection later…" said An Qi Yan loudly. Like a bunch of schoolchildren, the rest of the people started laughing.     

"Mum! Can't you raise this up later in private!" groaned Kai Xin as she tried to hide her face from everyone else. Luckily for her, they merely laughed for a second. When they saw the warning glare that was coming from her man, they immediately piped down. Well, except for two.     

Quinn was having trouble containing her laughter and she had to close her mouth with her hands to stop them from coming out, while her mother snickered, "That's right, kids. Listen to your mother. Protection is important. Seriously, Du XiAn. You should have known by now."     

Unlike Kai Xin, he was not easily embarrassed by this kind of topic. Instead, he raised a brow at Layla as he changed the topic, "You do know that's my seat right?"     

"You do know that once you are married to Kai Xin, I'm practically your Master-in-law...right?" asked Layla while she wiggled her eyebrows at him as if she was taunting him.     

When An Qi Yan saw the two glaring at each other, she thought they were about to fight and so, she warned, "No fighting at the table!"     

"Mum, that's how they communicate…" murmured Kai Xin with a mouthful of red bean mochi.     

"And why are you eating dessert first?"     

"I'm pregnant! I can eat whatever I want!" said Kai Xin as she hugged her man's arm.     

DX smiled and patted her back, "En...Eat whatever you want..."     

When no one was paying attention to them, he leaned down and whispered, "After the press conference, you can eat me too if you want..."     

While she ate, Kai Xin smirked at the image of the almighty President Du being under her while she had total control over him.     


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