Be My Strength

Press Conference (5)

Press Conference (5)

Jessica Pang nodded before asking another question, "President Du, what about the videos? As the leader of a conglomerate, are you not afraid that people might say something?"     

DX signaled Han Ye to change the screen. After a few seconds, another photo was shown. The photo was a compilation of all the women that DX was with.     

"Ms. Pang, from the time I turned 18, I have had more than 40 women coming in and out of my life. Why didn't people say anything about that?"     

Before Jessica Pang could answer him, Zhou Lun laughed and stood up, "President Du, are you showing off now? You are a man. How can your past be the same as a woman?"     

"Why not? Am I not made of flesh and blood like her?" asked DX calmly. He could not get into a heated argument with anyone. Kai Xin would be disappointed in him if he walked straight into their trap.     

"My little minx...You are right...I get angry too easily when people talk about you...I'll be more careful from now on..." thought DX as he stared at Zhou Lun.     

"A woman should be clean, and not sleep around with men," said Zhou Lun loudly and the directors as well as most of the reporters agreed with him. After all, purity was the most important thing for any woman who claimed to be virtuous and any woman with self-respect should do her best to protect her purity.     

"Are we back in the 10th century now? I love Ms. Zhen for who she is and not for her body...If I can't be a virgin, why should I expect my woman to be one?"     

"Atrocious! A respectable and unmarried woman should be pure and untouched! How could you even think of letting such a dirty woman like her lead our company?!" snapped Director Song. However, he immediately quieted down when DX glared at him.     

DX turned to him and asked calmly, "Which part of it is atrocious, Director Song?"     

When Director Song was about to say something, DX interrupted him, "We allowed women to vote and to voice their opinion. We have women who serve as leaders in various fields. Yet, all you cared about is what they did in their private life?"     

As he touched the cracked line on the podium, DX added, "Director Song, didn't you bed at least 10 different women after your wife passed away? If what they did in private is dirty, then what about someone like you who slept with them?"     

Director Song turned red as he looked at the reporters who were whispering among themselves while they pointed at him. It was hard to tell if it was from embarrassment or anger as he banged his fist on the couch and stuttered, "I-I'm a man! How can you compare me to those sluts!"     

With a grin on his face, DX asked, "Why can't I? Why do you have such a double standard when it comes to women?"     

He laughed mockingly at the old man before saying, "In your last press conference in London, you said that you are an advocate of human's rights. I guess you are being a hypocrite when you said that because based on what you are saying today, it is obvious that you are an advocate of MEN'S rights!"     

There was a short pause before a man stood up and applauded DX for his words. He was a journalist from a mid-sized media company.     

"Yeah, what's wrong with women having s*ex before? I can't believe there are still such chauvinistic people in our country!" yelled the journalist.     

As he tried to have an impartial judgment on the matter, he had been quiet the entire time and merely taking in the evidence from both sides while thinking of what to write for the paper tomorrow. However, when he heard what Director Song said about women, he felt angry.     

His wife had recently given birth to their daughter and it hurt him to think that his daughter's value was worth so little because of her gender!     

Some of the people who thought that Director Song had gone overboard rallied behind him. Director Song was sweating heavily as he knew that what he said would come to haunt him later on. He was so focused on attacking DX that he fell into his trap!     

"What about the fact that she had an abortion in high school?" asked Zhou Lun as he tried to divert the attention away from his uncle.     

DX scoffed, "What fact? Do you have anything more substantial than a young girl buying a pregnancy stick? Even if she did have an abortion, it was in the past. Why would I be affected by it?"     


The main door to the hall was pushed open roughly and a familiar man sauntered in as if he owned the place.     

He was dressed to the nines in a three-piece suit and neatly combed hair.     

As he glanced around the hall, there was a twinkle in his eyes as if he found the entire situation to be amusing.     

"Hey, what's this? Why am I not invited to such a cool party?" asked the man as he slowly made his way down to the front of the stage.     

When DX nodded at him, he walked up the stage and stood next to him.     

"Hey! Isn't he the man in the video?" asked one of the reporters as he snapped a photo of Ricky.     

"Yeah! He is Ricky!"     

"Damn, he's hotter in real life!" murmured another reporter.     

"Ricky! Is it true that you are an escort?" asked one of the reporters.     

Ricky smiled as he said, "Well, I'm a paid"     

He laughed as he left his sentence unfinished.     

Grabbing the opportunity, Zhou Lun asked, "Have you slept with Ms. Zhen before?"     

He was the one who sent the man out to interview Ricky and he thought that Ricky would say what he wanted him to say.     

"Of course," said Ricky.     

Zhou Lun and Director Song smiled. The reporters gasped and they quickly fired a succession of questions to him. Song Qiao hid her grin behind her hand as she thought, "Zhen Kai Xin, let's see if XiAn would still like you after this."     

However, when she turned to DX, she saw that he an oddly calm expression. It was as if this was within his expectations.     

After answering a few more questions, Ricky frowned and scratched the back of his head.     

"I'm a little confused. Who is this Ms. Zhen you are talking about?" asked Ricky as he cocked his head aside.     

"The one in the video! The one you were talking about!" pointed out one of the reporters in frustration.     

Most of the answers that Ricky gave them was either vague or not really cryptic. It left most of the reporters in a muddled state.     

Ricky laughed, "Oh! That video? I was given $5,000 and told to talk about a Ms. Zhen in my life, so I did...But the Ms. Zhen that I was talking about was 45 years old the last time I saw her..."     

He pretended to give it a thought before he said, "...Unless the Ms. Zhen that President Du is in love with is...50 years old...Then I don't think we are talking about the same person…"     

"What? You tricked us!" groaned the reporters.     

They thought they found something interesting to write about but with the new discovery, they would have to change their story.     

Director Song, Song Qiao, and Zhou Lun frowned when they heard Ricky's answer. It was not what they expected him to say.     

"Tricked?" asked Ricky. He took a step back as if he felt greatly insulted.     

He tutted and shook his head before adding, "No, I did not. I was interviewed by a man who asked about a Ms. Zhen that used to be in my life..."     

As he paced around on the stage, he asked, "...Do you know how many people in this country has the surname Zhen? You guys should blame the interviewer...You've been played by him."     

"Who would be so cruel as to defame a young woman?" asked one of the reporters.     

"Someone tried to defame Ms. Zhen? Why?" asked another reporter.     

"Maybe that person has a crush on Ms. Song? And he was trying to seek revenge for her?"     

"But Ms. Song said it was an accident! If Ms. Zhen's name was tarnished because of a misunderstanding...I can't even think of the effect it would have on the poor woman..."     

As the reporters discussed among themselves, DX checked on his wounded right hand.     

The wound had stopped bleeding, and he gave it wipe with the clean part of the towel before handing it over to one of the staff.     

He then extended his left hand to the younger man as he said, "Thank you, Mr. Ricky. For clearing my Kai Xin's name."     

Ricky laughed and shook it, "Anything for her...After all, I'm a man of justice."     

After he was interviewed, Ricky messaged Layla to find out what had happened. He had been careful during the interview so as to avoid using Kai Xin's full name.     

When he realized the mess that Kai Xin was in, he volunteered to help clear her name. Once Layla gave Han Ye his number, the latter immediately called Ricky to set up the show.     

Once he talked to Han Ye, Ricky sent out a warning message to the few others like him who had been with her as well.     

All of them had a great relationship with Kai Xin and knowing that she was with DX now, naturally, they were even more disinclined to betray her.     

In their line, privacy and trust were of utmost importance.     

After Ricky left the hall, DX turned to look at the reporters as he said, "The woman that I love might not have what you guys refer to as a perfect past…"     

"...But I still love her all the same...I hope that after today, you guys would leave her alone. As for the anonymous person who sent you those photos and videos…"     

His narrowed his eyes as he gave them a warning gaze before saying, "...He or she meant to create discord among the Du Company..."     

He took a quick glance at Director Song before continuing, "Once I find out who the person was, I'd be taking legal action against him... I hope that you guys would think carefully about the things that you are going to write about her or I'd be coming after you as well."     

When she heard what DX said, Song Qiao was furious. This was not the outcome that she planned. He was not supposed to accept a woman who was less than pure!     

"Damn you, Zhen Kai Xin...What poisonous lies did you feed XiAn to turn him yours..." cursed Song Qiao under her breath as she gripped the hem of her dress tightly.     

Even though she was angry, she had to maintain the smile in order to show people that she was happy for Kai Xin.     

Yet, when DX glanced at her from the corner of his eyes, it was obvious to him that she was faking it.     


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