Be My Strength

Press Conference (17)

Press Conference (17)

DX stayed in the ruined in-house movie theatre up until sunrise. There was a lot in his mind and he wanted to think things through before he faced Kai Xin again.     

When he left the room with the letter safely kept in his pocket, some of the servants were already up and about as they started to get ready for the day. He notified one of the butlers and told him to get the room fixed as soon as possible.     

"If anyone asked, just tell them that I'm bored of it and I want it redecorated," said DX as he kept his hand behind his back to keep it out of the butler's sight.     

"Yes, President Du..." said the young butler before he walked off.     

DX was about to head back to his room when he bumped into Jack who was about to go to the kitchen to get an early breakfast.     

"Dad?" asked Jack worriedly when he saw the tired expression on his father's face. He gasped when he saw the blood-soaked bandaged hand. The blood had seeped through the bandages and it was dripping on the floor.     

His eyes slowly trailed up from his father's hand to the face. Along the way, he noticed that DX's shirt was soaked with sweat while his eyes were in a bloodshot state as if he had rubbed it vigorously.     

There was no easy way for DX to hide the fact that he was crying from his son. However, that did not stop him from turning his body slightly to prevent Jack from seeing his face before asking, "Jack, why are you awake at this time? You won't be going to school for another two hours."     

"I can't sleep...Dad, are you troubled about something?" asked Jack. He tried to look at his father's eyes but DX kept avoiding his gaze.     

"I'm fine," replied DX dismissively as he placed a hand on his son's head to stop him from moving around.     

"Ah. He must have been crying," thought Jack. He had never seen his father in such a state before and he thought that it was amusing.     

With a grin, Jack asked, "Do you want to eat breakfast with me? And you get your hand fixed? Or do you want to keep crying?"     

DX sighed. He needed to discipline his sons more often. They had to learn that it was a crime to make fun of their father.     

Looking down at his hand, he knew that if Kai Xin saw it, she would regret ever letting him read the letter.     

He needed to replace the bandage with a new one so that she would not know. He wrapped his left arm around Jack before he said, "Let's go to the kitchen."     

One of the butlers in Du Mansion were trained medically before and DX sat quietly in the dining room as the butler sewed him up.     

Jack winced when he saw the state of his father's wounded hand and when he started to gag, DX smirked and told him to turn away before he puked.     

Once the butler was done, he excused himself so that the father and son could eat in peace.     

"Does it hurt badly?" asked Jack before he took a bite of his buttered toast. He kept staring at his father's bandaged hand.     

When he fell and cut opened his knees last year, he had to be heavily sedated before he would allow anyone near him with, and yet, his father did not even ask for any painkillers!     

"Just a smidge," reassured DX before he took a bite of his oats drizzled with honey. It hurt badly but there was no point in scaring his son.     

"What happened?" asked Jack as he pointed at the bandaged hand with his chin.     

"I didn't pay attention when I was working out earlier and accidentally hurt myself. Don't think too much about it. How's your breakfast?"     

"It's buttered toast. Edible, I guess."     

They ate silently where the silence was broken only by the sound of them moving their utensils. When he was done, Jack asked, "Dad, about the things that I asked before...Can you tell me now? I really want to know."     

DX nodded. He had promised his son after all. After the servants cleared off the table, DX and Jack went to the garden. It was still quite dark outside but the view was beautiful and it had a calming effect for both of them.     

They sat down on the steps and after the last moment of hesitation, DX started to tell him the story.     

"Remember when I told you that Lyle was placed at a different orphanage and he was kidnapped after that?" asked DX as he glanced at his son who was sitting at a step below him.     

"En," nodded Jack as he played with the sunflowers that were in the pot next to him. He counted the petals quietly while he waited for his father to talk.     

"I lied to you."     

When he heard his father, Jack turned around and with a frown, he asked, "What?"     

DX nodded as he thought back to the awful days. As he watched the servants walked around as they went about their day, he said, "Truth is, your brother was sold by your mother to an international organization who kidnapped children in order to harvest their organs."     

The moment he heard the truth, Jack felt the blood drained out of his face. He knew that his mother was lying to him when she told him that he had never had a twin brother.     

In his hazy and somewhat broken memories, he knew that she disliked Lyle albeit he did not know the reason why she disliked his brother.     

All he could remember was that she was always unhappy and she would often scold or beat Lyle up for no reason at all.     

He could remember her smiles and how it often turned into frowns whenever Lyle walked into the room. The anger and the hatred in her face when she was yelling at Lyle were forever etched into his mind.     

However, despite everything she did, he had never expected that she would sell his twin off. With his fists clenched tightly as he rested them on his knees, he swallowed before asking, "Why?"     

Placing his good hand on Lyle's head, DX replied, "Perhaps it was my fault. Back then, I was too proud and arrogant. I didn't know how to treat a person properly and it caused her to transfer her hatred towards me to your brother...merely because he looked like me..."     

His voice was choked with emotion as he snapped, "Why didn't you tell me before? He's my brother...My twin! I have the right to know!"     

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