Be My Strength

Press Conference (15)

Press Conference (15)


She was just coming out from the shower with a towel wrapped around her when DX entered the bedroom.     

"How're the boys?" asked Kai Xin as she tried to dry her hair with another dry towel. After dinner, he went to tuck the boys in while she went to shower first. She felt grimy after spending so many hours at the hospital and she wanted to get the smell off as soon as possible.     

"Lyle was doing some light reading when I left the room but Jack's asleep...I think he has a lot of things going on in his mind and it's making him more tired than usual," answered DX before he took off his shirt.     

"What did you guys talk about outside the dining room?" asked Kai Xin as she gazed at him curiously.     

"A secret between men..." replied DX with a mischievous grin. He gave her a kiss on the cheek before going into the closet to get her the new purple silk pajamas that he prepared for her. It had "Lovely minx, Kara" embroidered on it.     

When he passed it to her, she took a quick look at it before she burst out in laughter, "Seriously?"     

He nodded seriously before he took out his own set which had "Greatest lover, DX" embroidered on it.     

She laughed and went forward to hug him, "Yes, you are the greatest lover in the world."     

When she pinched his butt suddenly, he jumped a little before snarling at her, "No messing around, missy...You need to rest. You were yawning an awful lot during dinner..."     

He knew that she was tired but she was too engrossed in the conversations with Layla about the latest development in law that she totally ignored the signal from her body.     

She knew from the stern expression on his face that he was not about to budge. With a dejected sigh, she gave up. However, she still hugged him tightly before saying, "Can I at least wash your hair for you?"     

When he looked down at her, she said, "You always washed my body for me, but I've never gotten the chance to help you wash before..."     

"I enjoy washing your body, Kara...It's an aphrodisiac for me," said DX with a smirk. Patting her head, he added, "But you are welcome to help me wash...I have to keep my hand dry for a couple of days anyway..."     

DX sat in the middle of the bathtub while Kai Xin stood in it with the towel still wrapped around her torso. Except for his bandaged hand, his body was dripping wet with water as he did a quick wash earlier.     

As she held the faucet, she said, "Keep your bandaged hand on the side of the tub so that we won't get it wet, then tilt your head back a little..."     

"Yes, miss..." said DX with a chuckle. He loved it when she was being bossy with him. It reminded him of when he first tried to court her.     

Once he was ready, she wet his hair with warm water before lathering it up with shampoo. She was so focused on her job that he did not bother her. As she massaged his head, she asked, "DX, how's Jack feeling now? Is he still angry at me?"     

"I don't think so...Are you?" asked DX.     

The warm water that trickled down his back and the feel of her small hands as they moved skillfully to help him relax was enough to send him over the edge.     

She shook her head before saying, "I know that it's uncomfortable for him to have so many things thrown at him at once...If I were him, I'd probably have acted worse."     

He patted her hand that was rested on his shoulder before saying, "It's fine...He would be fine after a while..."     

He knew that she did not notice that he was growing harder by the second and he did not want to alert her to it. There was still some work that he had to do, and he wanted her to get as much rest as possible.     

"I hope so...I'm washing you off now...Close your eyes..." murmured Kai Xin. When DX did as what he was told, she took the faucet and gently washed all the lather off him. She then took a clean towel that was hanging next to the bathtub and placed it over his head.     

When she was not looking, he stood up and quickly wrapped his lower body with the towel before stepping out of the bathtub. He helped her out of it before he asked, "Not that I'm complaining, but why do you suddenly have the desire to wash my hair for me?"     

As she watched him dried his hair with another dry towel, she sighed, "I know that you've been suffering a lot for me, and I want to return the favor...There are not a lot of things I can do for you..."     

"You silly woman..." said DX before he threw the towel at her. When she frowned at him, he added, "I don't need you to do anything...Just stay safe and stay by my side..."     

She nodded.     

"Argh!" yelped Kai Xin when he suddenly carried her up.     

"It's time for you to go to bed, woman," said DX as he walked over to the bed with her in his arms. He gently placed her down on the side of the bed before saying, "I have some work to do. It might take a while, so go to sleep first."     

"Can't I wait for you?" asked Kai Xin before a loud yawn escaped from her. Looking at DX guiltily, she answered her own question, "I guess not..."     

He took the pajamas that she left on the couch and put it over her before kissing her on the lips. It was a light kiss as he did not want to invoke any desire. When he pulled away, he said softly as he tucked her hair behind her ear, "Go to sleep. I'll sleep once I finish my work."     

She wanted to protest but when another yawn escaped, she gave up. It was as if her body knew that she was on the bed and it was telling her that she was exhausted.     

Brushing her cheek against his hand, she murmured as she looked at him with droopy eyes, "Don't stay up too late..."     

"En. Night."     

DX was working away at his desk until quite late at night. After the details from the press conference were released, the share price of the companies under Du Conglomerate went up slightly. According to the message from Han Ye, they received a lot of new female shareholders.     

He had to send instructions to the companies that were based overseas and he was working so diligently that he forgot about the time. By the time he was done, it was almost 4 a.m.     

Just as he was about to leave, he recalled the letter that he saw on his desk before. Looking around, the desk, he found it buried under a couple of documents.     

As he looked at it, he wondered who the sender was. The envelope looked old and the frayed edges told him that the letter must have been kept for quite some time.     

"Du XiAn...Feed me..." murmured Kai Xin in her sleep before she turned away from him.     

"It definitely wasn't here before..." thought DX as he looked away from Kai Xin and brought his eyes back to the letter. He guessed that she must have left it for him.     

"Why?" murmured DX as he tried to think of the reason why she would leave a letter for him when she could have told him directly. After a while, he went wide-eyed when he finally realized what he was holding in his hand.     

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