Be My Strength

Press Conference (12)

Press Conference (12)

When Old Madam Du heard from Old Mo that her son was here, she immediately came out from the bedroom with the intention to give him a piece of her mind.     

However, when she came out, the first thing she heard was her son telling her grandsons to pack their bags.     

"What's this? Where are you taking the boys?" asked Old Madam Du. She was perplexed with his sudden change of mind.     

When the twins arrived in separate cars yesterday, DX had messaged her and told her that they would be staying over for a couple of nights while he handled things on his side.     

When she saw his bandaged hand, she rushed over to take a closer look at it before asking worriedly, "What happened to your hand? Is it serious?"     

"It's nothing..." said DX before he pulled his bandaged hand away from his mother.     

Old Madam Du felt that he was trying to keep a distance from her and she did not push further on the matter. She would just ask Old Mo to find out the cause later.     

"I'm bringing them home," said DX as he went to sit down on the couch.     

"Why? Is it because of the woman? Did she say something to you? Do you think my place is a hotel for you to leave them here whenever you want? The boys are staying with me!" said Old Madam Du tersely before she sat down on another couch.     

"No," answered DX. He knew that it was bad of him to do this to his own mother, but he had to do it.     

He could not allow his mother to keep thinking that just because he was her son, she could easily ignore his warnings.     

With her arms folded, Old Madam Du said, "I'd not let them go back to the house where they might be injured."     

"What did you tell them?" asked DX calmly as he looked at her. It hurt him that he would have to hurt her in order to get her to understand him, but he knew that it had to be done.     

She rolled her eyes before she replied, "Whatever I need to protect them. They are not safe there. Not as long as that woman and her rude mother are still there. Who knows what they are going to do to my precious grandsons?"     

When he heard her reason, DX sighed, "All the more reasons for me to bring them back."     

"Are you seriously going to place the boys in harm just because you can't think carefully?"     

"With the kind of things you are teaching them, the boys would be worse off if they are staying with you," replied DX.     

He did not bother to mince his words anymore. Now that he knew why Jack thought that he would be harmed by Kai Xin, he had to put a stop to it.     

"Du XiAn!"     

"Mother!" snapped DX at his mother. His voice was raised slightly as frustration set in.     

The two of them glared at each other as they willed the other person to back down.     

"You! For another woman, you shouted at your mother?! What a filial son you are! All your education have been for nothing!" said Old Madam Du sarcastically.     

"You said that she would harm the boys, what about you? You are trying to kill off your granddaughter!" said Du XiAn angrily.     

"What the hell are you talking about? I did not touch her!"     

"You came to my house and you threatened her! A DNA test? Over my dead body!" snapped DX.     

He had not expected those words to come out from his mother's mouth and when he heard the whole story from Layla, he was troubled by the fact that his mother had so little trust in Kai Xin or in him.     

"With her background, how can I trust that she would not cuckold you?" snapped Old Madam Du.     

"Mother, she was at the hospital just now! Because of what you said! Do you really hate her so much that you want to kill off my only daughter and the only woman I love?" asked DX as he looked at his mother with a pained expression on his face.     

Whenever he thought about the things that his mother said to Kai Xin, he felt as if she had stabbed him in the heart. Even if she did not say anything about it, he knew that Kai Xin would have felt a hundred times worse.     

Old Madam Du gasped and stood up immediately.     

When she left the main house, Kai Xin was fine and other than looking a little pale, there was nothing that indicated that she was unwell. She merely thought that Kai Xin was afraid after she mentioned the DNA test and thus, she did not bother to control herself.     

"XiAn! What did she tell you? I have never touched her!" said Old Madam Du as she tried to defend herself.     

DX snarled, "You said all those nasty things to her! She's stressed enough as it is and yet, you and everyone else keeps saying things about her when none of you know what she went through!"     

"Dad?" called out Lyle.     

"Nai Nai?" called out Jack.     

They heard them fighting and worried, they quickly stuffed their things into their backpacks before they ran down to take a look. The servants came down not long after them with the rest of their luggage.     

When DX saw the worried looks on his twins' face, he sighed and turned to his mother before he said,     

"I know that you want to protect me from being hurt, but I want to protect my unborn child as well. If you want to see the boys again, you will apologize to her kindly."     

"I would never apologize to a slut like her! I meant everything I said!"     

DX stared at his mother. He had never heard her used such harsh words before and he felt as if she was a stranger that he knew nothing about.     

After a long uncomfortable silence, DX spoke up first.     

"Mother, you used to be someone I look up to. You are always kind towards others who are less fortunate than us. Why have you changed?"     

"I have never changed. You are the one who has been blinded by the woman!" said Old Madam Du as she turned away from her son.     

With her arms folded and her lips thinned, she tried to stop the tears that were pooling in her eyes from falling.     

She was upset that her son was so blinded by love that he could not see what she saw. She knew that if he continued to be with Kai Xin, DX would have more problems to handle.     

From the first time she met her, she knew that Kai Xin was incapable of dealing with the workplace politics that were happening within the network of companies that formed Du Conglomerate.     

She was too immature and reckless, and she would be bringing more trouble for DX who had a lot on his plate to handle. Furthermore, Old Madam Du did not trust that Kai Xin would be able to raise the twins up according to the high standard that she raised DX with.     

Her son needed someone who was more stable and had the ability to help ease his burden. Only a woman like Song Qiao would be able to help him.     

She looked at her son who was saying something to the boys. However, when he turned to look at her, she turned away stubbornly.     

Before he left with the boys, DX said, "When I was a boy, you taught me not to judge someone by what they wear...Then why are you judging Kai Xin for her past when you don't know the complete story behind it? You did not even bother to give her a chance."     

Old Madam Du did not bother to answer him. The entire time, Old Mo stood silently by the side as he watched the argument between the two of them.     

When he saw the silent tears that Old Madam Du shed after DX left with the boys, he went forward and handed her a handkerchief.     

"I just want to protect him...Why can't he sees that?" cried Old Madam Du as she held tightly onto the handkerchief that Old Mo gave her.     

"President Du is no longer a boy...If you keep on treating like a clueless child, he's bound to rebel..." advised Old Mo.     

"Who is going to protect him if not me? How can I trust that woman? Am I supposed to watch the company that his father protected falls into ruin because of her?" asked Old Madam Du angrily.     

Old Mo sighed, "I don't think that she'd be suitable as Madam President Du, but we've no choice but to give her a chance. If you insist on pushing her away, you are also pushing your own son away. I've never seen President Du acting in this way over anyone before and honestly, I don't think he'd give her up just because of something that she did in the past..."     

Old Madam Du glared at Old Mo as his words sank into her.     


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