Be My Strength

Please don't go

Please don't go

Ghost wiped off his tears with his sleeves before he sat up properly. He gave it a thought and shook his head before saying, "Don't bother...I don't want her to see me in this way...She has enough on her plates..."     

As he continued to eavesdrop on the conversation, Callum leaned against the wall. He did not know what to do and he had not expected this when he turned the knob earlier.     

At most, he expected Ghost to be naked or doing naughty things to himself. That would be much easier to handle than finding out about the death of his mother.     

As far as he knew, the story that was released by the Luo Family when they took Ghost back was that his mother passed away when he was 10 years old.     

"She was alive until recently?" thought Callum curiously. As he peeked at Ghost from where he was hiding, he felt trapped while he debated whether to leave or to stay.     

In the end, he chose to stay.     

Even if he was unsure about his feelings at the moment, he did not feel right to just pretend that he knew nothing about it.     

When his parents passed away, he felt lonelier than he had ever been before and he did not want Ghost to feel the same way.     

He wanted to help in any way he could.     

Due to his martial arts training, his steps were soft as if he was walking on clouds.     

It was only when he came within the line of sight of the built-in camera in the laptop that was facing Ghost, that Phantom saw his shadow moving about in the background.     

"G, someone's in the room!" hissed Phantom.     

When he heard the warning, Ghost immediately stood up and turned around angrily.     

He thought it was one of the servants. He had warned them never to enter his room unannounced!     

When he saw Callum standing there with his hands up, he was surprised. However, his surprise was soon replaced by anger as he snapped, "What the f*ck are you doing here!"     

"I thought of giving you a surprise...I didn't mean to eavesdrop..." murmured Callum as he stared at Ghost's hair. He did not notice it earlier that Ghost had red hair.     

With a wry grin, he thought that it made the latter seemed like a demon, especially with his current expression. It was a stark contrast compared to their first meeting.     

When Ghost glared at him, Callum dropped his grin before avoiding his gaze. In a nervous tone, he said, "I'm sorry to hear about your mother."     

Ghost turned off the TV and closed the laptop before shouting angrily at him, "Don't you know the courtesy of knocking before you entered the room?!"     

"I knocked but no one answered..." lied Callum without breaking a sweat. He then pointed towards the door and said, "You might want to consider changing the lock."     

He knew that Ghost was in a bad condition at the moment and thus, he did not raise his voice. After all, he was the one who was in the wrong.     

Ghost went towards him and grabbed him by the collar. He glared at him threateningly as he snarled, "Don't you dare tell this to anyone!"     

Callum nodded furiously and promised, "I won't!"     

After Ghost released him, Callum asked gingerly, "Are you alright? Do you...Do you want a hug or something?"     

However, Ghost ignored him as he went back to his bed. Not knowing what to do next, Callum went to stand beside the bed. After a while, Ghost sat up and glared at him, "What the f*ck do you want now? Get lost!"     

"Let me hang out here for a while...My brother kicked me out of the house because I called his fiancee fat," lied Callum.     

Even if he was 10x bigger than her, he would not dare to call Kai Xin fat. He felt an imaginary pain radiating from his crotch when he recalled the kick he received from her.     

Looking at Ghost, he hoped that he would pity him and allowed him to stay.     

"Fiancee..." thought Ghost sadly. Kai Xin told him previously but it hurt to hear it from someone else.     

After a while, he sighed and laid back down with the comforter pulled over his head. In a muffled voice, he yelled, "Do whatever f*ck you want but if you touch my stuff, I'd kill you!"     

Callum smiled like a little kid who was given a lollipop.     

He looked around before settling down at the bottom of the bed. When he watched the bundle underneath the comforter slowly moved up and down, he thought, "Am I seriously into a man now? What am I doing?"     

However, he was unable to answer his questions. He just wanted to find out what he actually felt for the man who had been the 'woman of his dream' for the past 16 years.     

As he watched over Ghost quietly, he wondered what was the full story behind it and if he would ever find out the entire truth from the man himself.     

"Daisy? Phantom? Who could they be? Why does he sound so familiar?" thought Callum. Before he could figure it out, he fell asleep as well.     

Not long later, he was woken up by the sound of a man crying and he quickly stood up. When he realized that it came from Ghost, he went over and pulled the comforter away from his face to take a better look.     


There were tears on the pillow and Ghost's forehead was filled with frown lines as he battled the demons in his dream.     

He was having a terrible nightmare and he kept holding his hands up in the air as he clawed at something invisible.     

"Mama...I'm sorry...Don't leave...Please don't go..."     

Bewildered, Callum did not know what to do. So, he held one of his hands out and placed it on Ghost's scarred hand.     

When the latter felt Callum's hand, he immediately pulled it towards his heart. He held it there tightly before murmuring, "I'm sorry I can't protect you...I'm sorry..."     

Using his free hand, Callum slowly patted Ghost on the stomach.     

Due to the sudden change of environment, when he was young, Callum used to suffer from intense nightmares. Most of the time, Du Jin would comfort him by patting him on the stomach as he tried to get him back to sleep.     

Even though he was unsure whether it would work, but at the moment, it was the only thing he could remember. In a soft voice, he comforted him, "There, there...Little Guang Ying...I'm here...Don't be scared..."     


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