Be My Strength

I'm sorry, G

I'm sorry, G

A couple of days after the press conference, Callum went to visit Grandfather Luo with a hamper filled with the Spanish cured meats.     

He knew that the old man loved cured meats and he managed to get his hands on the best Spanish cured meats: Jamón.     

"Oh, isn't this Mr. Shenlong Xun?" asked Grandfather Luo when he saw Callum dressed in a three-piece suit while a huge hamper was placed on the floor next to him.     

When one of his servants informed him about the arrival of a "Mr.Shenlong", he was confused. As far as he could recall, he had never had any dealings with the notorious Shenlong Family who lived outside the law.     

When he saw Callum standing at the foyer with the hamper, he exhaled a sigh of relief.     

Everyone knew that "Shenlong Xun" was taken out of the Shenlong Family by Du Jin and for everyone's sake, the interactions between him and his family were kept at a minimum.     

"Good afternoon, Ye Ye!" greeted Callum when he saw Grandfather Luo walking towards him.     

"Wait a minute! Since when do I have the honor of having a grandson from the Shenlong Family?" asked Grandfather Luo as he held his hands up.     

"Ah...I shouldn't be overfriendly! Elder Luo, please forgive me for my insolence," said Callum.     

He passed the hamper to a servant of the household, and when the servant nearly bowled over, Callum called for another servant who was nearby to help his colleague.     

After they left, he turned to Grandfather Luo, "My brother told me before that you love Jamon, so I got you an entire leg. There are some other cured meats inside as well. That's why it's a little bit heavy."     

"Mr. Shenlong, let's not beat around the bush. What is the reason for your visit today? I've already washed my hands off the management of the companies, so if you need anything, you'd have to talk to my grandsons," said Grandfather Luo as he looked at Callum suspiciously.     

He had rarely dealt with Callum before and only knew him in passing because of Du Jin.     

"Please just call me Callum. I'm your junior after all," said Callum nervously. He pocketed his hands as he looked about nervously before asking, "Actually, I'm here to see your grandson, Guang Ying."     

"Guang Ying?" thought Grandfather Luo. He then looked at Callum up and down before asking, "He said he has something to do and he has been stuck inside his room since yesterday. May I know why?"     

"I just...I have something to talk to him about...and I'm wondering if Elder Luo would be alright if I take him out for dinner tonight..." asked Callum.     

Grandfather Luo raised a brow at him before asking, "You do realize that Guang Ying is a boy, right? I know that for a man, he's quite beautiful, but I would not allow anyone to think anything else of him."     

"Yes, of course! I know that he is a boy. A man! I just...It's just that I want to get to know him more. He seems quite cool and I'd like to be friends with him..."     

Grandfather Luo stared at him for a couple of seconds before he nodded. He turned to one of the butlers and said, "Bring Mr. Shenlong to Guang Ying's room."     

"Thank you, Elder Luo," said Callum before he left with the butler.     

The old man smiled as he watched Callum walked away with the butler. His grandson never had any visitors before and he did not even have any friends. He knew what Guang Ying went through in school previously and he was surprised that there was someone out there who would willingly be friends with his grandson.     

Ever since he pulled his grandson out from school, the only people Guang Ying talked to other than his grandfather was the servants and gamers online. He was starting to get worried about his grandson's future and happiness.     

If Callum was serious about being friends with Ghost, Grandfather Luo would not object to it. Despite his birth, Callum was raised by Du Jin and Grandfather Luo was confident that the late President Du raised his adopted son properly.     

Furthermore, he would give anything to see his grandson's smiles more often.     

The butler brought Callum to Ghost's room but before he could knock on the door, Callum said in a lowered voice, "I can take over from here. I want to give him a surprise..."     


"Don't worry about it. I'd take the blame if he gets angry..." said Callum.     

The butler nodded and left him to his own device. Instead of knocking, Callum turned the knob.     

It was locked but when he gave it a couple of twists back and forth, he was able to turn the knob.     

"He has to fix this door soon or someone might actually break in one day..." thought Callum as he snuck into the room.     

The room was completely shrouded by darkness other than eerie glow that was coming from the TV in the room.     

Before he could take a step forward, he heard someone asking, "Ghost, are you alright? You haven't slept since last night. Go and take a rest..."     

"Ghost?" thought Callum. He thought that the voice was familiar but he was unable to remember whose voice was it.     

"I don't know..." answered Ghost as he rewound the video that he had been watching repeatedly since last night.     

The search team that Phantom sent out a couple of weeks back finally came back with a result.     

Under the guise of looking for a missing hitchhiker who was last seen near the K Forest, they found a tattered dress that was half buried inside a wolves den.     

The tattered dress was covered with dried blood and upon testing, they found that the blood belonged to Ghost's mother. Ghost stopped the video at the image of the tattered dress. He remembered that dress. It was the same one she was wearing when he last saw her.     

"Those bastards...They can't even be bothered to get her warmer clothes..." thought Ghost angrily as he clenched his fists tight. The images from years ago came back and hit him hard.     

"After so many years, you've gotten the closure you want..." said Phantom over the call. He did not know what else to say.     

Ghost kicked the coffee table in front of him before he laughed maniacally, "Closure? Yeah...I guess you are right! After so many years, not only did I find out that my mother is dead, and probably has been dead for years! I've also found out that she died without any remains for me to bury...All I've got is her dress!"     

His voice was choked with tears and he had to lean his head back against the couch to stop his tears from falling down uncontrollably.     

He switched between crying and laughing while his heart felt as if someone was squeezing on it. He was feeling both guilt and pain, and for a moment, he felt relieved. After so many years, they no longer had anything to threaten him with.     

There were no more reasons for him to hide.     

After a moment of silence, Phantom murmured, "I'm sorry, G..."     

He knew that it was hard for Ghost to accept it. No matter what, the sole reason that he kept going was so that he would be able to see his mother again.     

"What's there to be sorry for? It's not your fault..." said Ghost sadly as he covered his eyes with his arms.     

"Daisy...Would you like me to tell her?" asked Phantom worriedly. He felt that it would be better if Ghost had someone by his side at the moment, and there was no one other than Kai Xin who would be able to comfort him.     

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