Be My Strength

I want you to report back to me

I want you to report back to me

As he drove back, Callum kept glancing at the rearview mirror. He noticed that the black Mercedes that had been following behind his Porsche since they left the restaurant earlier was two cars behind him.     

He did not mention anything before because he was unsure who the target was. He did not want to place Ghost in danger. If the car came for him, he might flip and he did not want Ghost to be there to see it.     

"Whoever you are...Follow me well..." said Callum with a smirk before he pressed down on the accelerator.     

He took the Mercedes for a spin ride around the town, while expertly dodging the other cars. He took him into an area where it was closed for construction purposes. When they were on a long empty road, Callum turned off his lights while he was at a distance from the Mercedes.     

He then made a quick U-Turn and directly faced the oncoming car. With the dimmed lights coming from one of the nearby lampposts, the driver of the Mercedes did not notice the black Porshe until it was too late.     

Even if he was to break on time, it would be useless as Callum had no intention of letting him off.     

"Deadmeat..." grinned Callum. At that moment, he exuded the aura that members of the Shenlong Family tend to have.     

He pressed on the accelerator and rammed his car into the Mercedes. Luckily, the driver managed to swerve at the last minute which resulted in the Porshe slamming into the passenger side.     

His car, which had been reinforced, was barely dented while the Mercedes suffered most of the damage. The passenger side was completely wrecked!     

Callum who had been bracing himself for the impact felt a little dizzy from being hit in the face by the airbag. When he tried to move his head, he winced from the pain.     

Once the dizzy spell went off, he got out of the car.     

The man on the other car was in a worse condition. He had an open wound on his forehead and with the way his head was spinning, he figured he might have a slight concussion as well. However, he did not appear to be badly injured as he climbed out of his car.     

When he saw Callum stalking towards him, he felt as if the God of Death had descended upon him. He tried to stand up and run away but when he saw the empty gaze that Callum gave him, his legs turned numb.     

Callum lifted him up and slammed him against the wrecked Mercedes as he snarled, "Who the f*ck sent you?!"     

Filled with fear, the man stuttered, "N-No one!"     

With one swift move, Callum took out the knife that was hidden within a pen inside his pocket and stabbed it through the man's right hand.     

"ARGH!!!!" yelled the man as he felt the intense pain. The knife had cut through his bones and came out on the other side.     

"DO NOT MAKE ME ASK AGAIN!" snapped Callum. To serve as a warning, he twisted the knife slightly.     

"Please!!! Please don't!!" pleaded the man as he cried from the pain. He could see the blood trickling down from his hand and soaking through his shirt.     

When they were at the restaurant, he could not see Callum's face clearly as his view was blocked by another patron. He was going to follow Callum back to his house in order to find out more about him. If he knew that the person he was following was Callum, he would have never taken the job.     

When Callum pulled out the knife and raised the knife again, the man cried out, "I'll tell you! I'll tell you! I was hired by Su Yanxi!!!"     

"Who?" asked Callum with a frown. He felt as if he had heard of the name before but he was unable to remember who.     

The "The wife of Vice President Luo Han! She hired me and the others to follow Luo Guang Ying! I swear! I'm not following you on purpose!!!"     

"Why?" asked Callum as he dropped the man. He knew that there was some sort of bad blood between Ghost and the rest of his family. However, he wondered why she would send someone to follow him when he was barely much of a threat to her son.     

While he did not understand the real reason for Ghost to stay at his grandfather's house, he could tell from today's incident that it had something to do with Mrs. Luo.     

"I don't know."     

When Callum glared at him, the man quickly added, "I don't know! I really don't know! I was told to follow Luo Guang Ying closely and to report back to her! Who, went, and where he went! That's all I was told!"     

"What's your name?" asked Callum.     

The man was confused by the question, "What?"     

Annoyed, Callum kicked the man in the stomach. His kick was so strong that he broke one of the man's lower ribs.     

"ARGH!!!" cried the man as he knelt down on both knees.     

With an evil smile, Callum pointed out, "I don't like it when people like you keep asking me questions."     

"Wang Yu."     

"Wang Yu...It's late now, and I'm a little tired...So, I'm going to let you go. However, I expect a report to be delivered to me by tomorrow morning. I want the details and everything that you know of! How long have you and your friends been following my little Guang Ying, and what have you reported to Mrs. Luo so far..."     

"My little Guang Ying?" gasped Wang Yu. For a few seconds, he had forgotten about the pain he was in.     

Callum raised a brow at the man who was groveling at his feet and asked coldly, "Yes. My little Guang Ying. Do you have a problem with that?"     

Wang Yu nodded quickly, "I-I'll do it! I'll do it!"     

"I don't want anyone to know about this. You'll continue to work for Mrs. Luo. However, before you report to her, I want you to report back to me first. Did I make myself clear?"     

"Yes, sir!" said Wang Yu as he curled up on the floor. Even if Mrs. Luo had a considerable amount of influence in the underground world, she was nothing compared to the Shenlong Family. He had heard of stories of how the Shenlong Family dealt with traitors and there was no way he would dare to betray the young master of the Shenlong Family.     

He watched as Callum took his phone out to text someone.     

Everyone knew that despite the limited interactions between Callum and the Shenlong Family, he was never officially disowned. This meant that he was still the first in line to be the next patriarch of the family. Only idiots would dare to disobey his command!     

To his horror, Callum suddenly grabbed his left hand and raised the knife.     

"Pl-please! Don't!" begged the man as he looked at the knife fearfully.     

"Shut up!"     

Callum flipped the knife over and using the side with the pen, he wrote an email address down on the man's forearm.     

"Email everything to me. You can report back to her what you saw today. Let her know that Guang Ying made an interesting new friend. Oh! Don't forget to inform me of her reactions...By the way, what are you going to say if someone asks about your injury?"     

"I was distracted and accidentally got into an accident! I know what to do, Mr. Shenlong!"     

With a smile, Callum patted the man's head as he said, "Good! An ambulance would arrive shortly."     

As he walked back to his car, he thought about the kind of life that Ghost went through before. It must not be an easy one if his stepmother kept sending men to follow his every movement. It would explain why Ghost was so quiet and did not like to share anything about himself.     

"If the Luo Family is mean to you, then I'm going to take you out of there..." thought Callum as he drove off from the place. Even if Ghost did not reciprocate his feelings, he still wanted to protect him.     

As an illegitimate son who had no maternal backing, he knew that it would only be a matter of time before Mrs. Luo get rid of him.     


DX came down to get water for Kai Xin and when he heard a car driving in, he went to the main foyer to take a look. He was not surprised when he saw the dent on the car. However, he was worried when he saw Callum got down from the car while massaging his neck.     

Callum knew that there was no way he could hide from his brother, so he confessed. As DX took a look at Callum's neck, he murmured, "Seriously...We need to get your brain checked out. I'm pretty sure there are some loose screws in there."     

"Ah! Careful! It hurts!" groaned Callum when DX gently tilted his head to the side.     

"You people from the Shenlong Family should really learn how to think before you act! We are going to the hospital now!" snapped DX. He did not disapprove of Callum's intention to chase after Ghost.     

After all, if Ghost fell for his idiotic brother, he would leave Kai Xin alone. Furthermore, he might be more open to telling him what he was up to. He needed to make sure that Ghost had no evil intention towards his woman.     

"Do we have to? It's probably just a little strain," complained Callum. He was reluctant to go to the hospital. It was late and all he wanted to do was sleep.     

DX glared at him and wondered if he had spoiled Callum too much. If it was not because he was worried about Callum, he would have smacked him across the head.     

In a terse voice, he said, "You should've thought about it before you slammed into someone's car! Stay here! I'll drive you there after I tell Kai Xin."     

DX went back to his bedroom. Setting the glass of water on the nightstand next to Kai Xin, he told her what had happened. He left out the part about Ghost and merely told her that Callum got into a fight with a man who was following his car.     

"That idiot! Is he fine?" asked Kai Xin worriedly as she sat up.     

"Don't worry too much about him. He can't be any dumber than this...Anyway, I thought it'd be better for him to get it checked out. Old Mo is not here and I'm afraid that if I send one of the servants, he would talk his way out of it."     

Kai Xin nodded, "Go. Make sure that everything is ok with him. I'd be fine here."     

"I'd be back soon. Don't wait up for me..." said DX before he gave her a quick kiss on the lips.     


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