Be My Strength

You've forgiven him?

You've forgiven him?


"So, what happened next?" asked Ghost. Half of the steak on his plate was left untouched as he was too engrossed in the story. He never knew that this happened before.     

Callum grinned. He was happy that Ghost finally showed some interest in him. He took Ghost's plate and cut the steak into bite-sized pieces as he said, "Uncle Du Jin and XiAn came that very night. My grandfather had not expected the scale of the invasion. Within the period of a couple of hours, Uncle Du Jin managed to hire more than 2,000 of highly experienced soldiers who stormed into the compound of the Shenlong House. Even from where I was kept in, I could hear the sound of helicopters and guns being shot."     

As he told his story, Callum reminisced about that day.     


When he heard that one of the buildings where they housed new trainees were raided, and that the new trainees were taken as hostages, Old Master Shenlong told Shenlong Yuan to bring the boy into the main hall.     

He had stood in front of Little Callum when Du Jin kicked down the door to the main hall.     

With guns strapped on his body, and blood splattered across his white shirt, the man glanced around at the men working for Shenlong Family. His eyes were sharp and filled with anger as he turned to stare at Old Master Shenlong.     

All of the men had their guns pointed at him and was waiting for the instructions of Old Master Shenlong.     

Once Du Jin had assessed the entire situation, he completely disregarded the men as he slowly walked to the middle of the hall.     

"How may I help you, President Du?" asked Old Master Shenlong before he took a sip of his tea.     

"Return Xiao Xun to me," said Du Jin tersely.     

Old Master Shenlong laughed, "The brat is my grandson. What kind of rights do you have over him?"     

"Yan Huang entrusted the boy to me. Legally and morally, he is mine to care for..."     

"Forget about it. Law does not work here," sneered the old man.     

Suddenly, Shenlong Fei Huang who was standing behind his father received a call from one of his henchmen. After a short conversation with him, he whispered to his father.     

"Father, the batch of drugs that we just received from Mexico was intercepted and completely destroyed by a group of unknown men!"     

Even Shenlong Yuan received a call from one of his father's men. With a worried look, he whispered to his grandfather, "Grandfather! All the brothels under the Shenlong Family were raided by the cops!"     

Old Master Shenlong slammed his hand down on the table as he glared at Du Jin, "You! You did this!"     

"If you don't handle the boy over to me immediately, I'll close down your entire operations and wipe the Shenlong Family out of existence," said Du Jin calmly.     

When Old Master Shenlong was about to say something, his son stopped him and snapped, "Father! We've lost more than $500 millions in revenue from the drugs alone! It's not worth losing the entire family because of a boy!"     

Old Master Shenlong slapped his son's hand away from him. He went and stood in front of Du Jin before he said angrily, "Du Jin! The Shenlong Family has been backing and protecting your Du Family for years! Is this how you are going to repay us?"     

Ignoring him, Du Jin walked past him and picked up Little Callum. He then turned to look at Old Master Shenlong.     

With disdain shown clearly on his face, he said, "The Shenlong Family would not have grown as prosperous as it has without the monetary support from the Du Family. Like my father, I'd have turned a blind eye to all your activities as long as you continued to abide by the old rules set by our ancestors. However, you chose to touch my people."     

He kicked the coffee table with so much strength that the table broke into pieces when it came into contact with a pillar. With an angry tone, he snapped, "Do you seriously think that I won't attack you just because you are Yan Huang's father?!"     

"Uncle Du Jin..." Little Callum called out weakly. He was a little drowsy from the painkillers they fed him earlier.     

"It's ok. You are coming home with me," said Du Jin as he looked at Little Callum lovingly. When he saw his casted leg, he got even angrier and shouted towards the door of the main hall, "DU XIAN!"     

With guns on both hands, DX, who was in his early twenties, sauntered in with blood all over his body. However, none of the blood that was staining his clothes was his. With an eyebrow raised at his father, he asked, "You dumped your son in the line of fire to save someone else's son?"     

Du Jin ignored his son's remark and ordered, "Send the message out. I want all the activities that the Shenlong Family had in North America to be closed down."     

DX shrugged and took out his phone to message Old Mo who was handling the liaising part.     

"Du Jin! Don't go overboard!" snapped Old Master Shenlong. With all the damage that the Shenlong Family had sustained so far, it was going to take them a long time to recover.     

As Du Jin walked out of the hall with Little Callum's in his arms, he said coldly, "You should have thought of the consequences before you decided to break his kid's leg."     


"So, did your grandfather tried to kidnap you again after that?" asked Ghost curiously.     

Callum laughed, "As if he has the time for it. It took him more than 10 years to repair the damage that Uncle Du Jin caused."     

Ghost nodded. He had heard of Du Jin's protectiveness but he had never heard of the battle between the Du Family and the Shenlong Family. Both sides must have chosen to keep it a secret.     

"Anyway, after that battle, my grandfather was cordial and instead of trying to kidnap me again, he would often visit me at the Du Family."     

"You've forgiven him?" asked Ghost with a frown. He doubted that he would be so kind hearted as to forgive someone who broke his leg.     

Callum shrugged as he passed the plate of steak back to Ghost. He had cut everything down to bite sized pieces.     

With a grin, he said, "I had to. The old man was crazy! Not long after that, he came to visit me and he broke his own leg as a way to apologize for what he did to me."     

What Callum did not mention to Ghost was that the practice was considered as necessary evil. Given their bloody past, many of the Shenlong Family grew up to be coldhearted.     

Those from the Shenlong Family had a high tolerance to pain, and because of that, the children tended to be unfeeling. When they were upset or angry, the children would be uncontrollable.     

In the warring days, it was a good trait to have as it would ensure the survival of the children and at the same time, they would be able to protect the heirs of the Du Family. However, as the world changes, the Shenlong Family could not allow their children to remain the same.     

To control them, their ancestors developed a regime filled with brutal trainings.     

The trainings would begin from the moment a Shenlong child was able to walk. The trainings were meant to force the children to enter into a rampage mode. It would allow the adults to figure out the best method to bring them back to the present.     

Callum's father, Shenlong Yan Huang, disagreed with the old practice. Having failed to convince Old Master Shenlong, he gave up everything he had to take his son away from the family. Even after his death, he placed his son in the hands of his best friend instead of sending him back to his own family.     

"I can see that idiocy runs in his family..." thought Ghost as he gave a wry glance to Callum who was cutting his own steak.     

As if he knew what Ghost was thinking about, Callum added, "My grandfather might be evil to others but to his family, he's just a stern old man who is hellbent on following the old ways. Besides, Uncle Du Jin told me that my father went through hellish training when he was a kid, and that what happened to me was a common occurrence in the Shenlong Family..."     

Once Callum was done talking, Ghost raised a brow at him, "You know, you really shouldn't tell someone that you barely knew about all this."     

"But I've known you since I 14 years old!"     

"It's not the same."     

Callum grinned and placed a hand over his heart, "Aww...Is my little Guang Ying afraid for my safety? Don't worry too much about it. Everyone knows that I'm a member of the Shenlong Family and they knew that I don't associate much with my family...As for the kidnapping incident, the only reason no one knew about it was because of me. I didn't want anyone to know that I got kidnapped because of my own mistake...It's kind of embarrassing..."     

"Oh. So, you do know the meaning of embarrassing. I thought you're too thick faced to know anything about it," said Ghost with a smirk.     

Callum gasped, "Is my little Guang Ying joking around with me? Man, I knew that it was a good idea to tell you that story!"     

With an expression filled with disbelief, Ghost stared at him for a second before he continued to eat his steak. He gave up on trying to have a normal conversation and decided to fill his stomach instead of dealing with the shameless man.     

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