Be My Strength

Unfair for their attacker!

Unfair for their attacker!


After a few more days of being stuck with boring and easy desk work, Kai Xin decided to work from Du Corporation. Her boss, as usual, was too afraid of her to say anything else.     

As she got into a cab that stopped for her, she wondered if there would be anyone who could take care of her spineless boss when she was on a maternity break. Her boss was ruthless when he was in front of a judge defending his client, but outside of the court, he was like a teddy bear.     

She wrote down in her notebook: "Find boss a scary assistant"     

When she arrived at Du Corporation, she went straight to the reception. After the incident with Song Qiao calmed down, she moved back to the firm in order to not cause any more troubles for DX. Since she had moved back to the firm permanently, she told Han Ye to clear her stuff for her and she handed back her access card to him.     

"Hi, 18th floor, please," said Kai Xin.     

The receptionist was working on something at that moment and she did not bother to lift her head. Instead, she asked, "Did you make any prior appointment?"     


"I'm sorry, but unless there is a prior appointment, access to 18th floor is strictly forbidden."     

"I think that rule doesn't apply to me."     

The receptionist sighed and stopped typing. Every now and then, there would be someone who tried to see President Du without first making an appointment. She had dealt with so many of them that she no longer had any patience.     

"Look, Ms..." said the receptionist. When she finally looked up, she gasped and apologized immediately, "I'm sorry, Ms. Zhen! I didn't know!"     

"It's fine," said Kai Xin with a smile. The receptionist knew the rule well and she was glad that DX managed to hire someone like her. With her chin pointed at the phone, Kai Xin added, "Please follow the protocol and tell Mr. Han that I'm here to see President Du. Let him know that I don't want him to alert his boss."     

"Yes, of course! Please wait for a minute, Ms. Zhen," said the receptionist nervously before she dialed into Han Ye's line.     

When Han Ye picked up the call, she said, "Mr. Han, Ms. Zhen is here to see President Du...Yes...She said she did not want to alert him...Yes...I'll send her up immediately...Bye, Mr. Han."     

She then turned to Kai Xin and handed her the access card, "Please forgive me for my insolence earlier, Ms. Zhen."     

"It's fine. You are just doing your job," said Kai Xin before she scanned the card at the automatic gate and went into a lift that was waiting for her.     

She went straight to the 18th floor, and when she walked into the office area, she noticed that the noises ended abruptly. Looking around, she sighed when she saw people staring at her and whispering something to each other.     

When she saw An Xin in front of her, she walked past her sister.     

Her sister called her out suddenly, "Zhen Kai Xin."     

Kai Xin turned and asked coldly, "What do you want?"     

"I know that our relationship is rocky but did you have to tell that to President Du? I'm trying to build a career here and because of you, I can't work properly."     

"What are you talking about?"     

"Kai Xin!"     

She turned and saw Mrs. Smith coming from the direction of the pantry. When she glanced back, An Xin was gone and she asked Mrs. Smith if everything was alright.     

"I'm not too sure but I heard that President Du was a little hard on her during the last management meeting..." said Mrs. Smith. She then lowered her voice and added, "An Xin came out from the meeting room with tears on her face."     

"When was this?" asked Kai Xin with a brow raised.     

Mrs. Smith shrugged, "If I'm not wrong, it happened around last week. Since then, President Du had been hard on her and he added to her workload."     

Kai Xin frowned. DX had never mentioned anything to her before and it was unlike him to be hard on a specific employee for no real reason.     

While they slowly made their way towards DX's office, talked about the changes that went on around the office ever since they last met. In addition, they also talked about the latest change in the law regarding the change of statute of limitation for sexual offenses regarding minors.     

"7 years after from the day they turned 18! What stupid law is that!" exclaimed Mrs. Smith in frustration halfway through their discussion.     

With a sigh, Kai Xin nodded, "I agree with you. It was an unfortunate turn of event. I found it hard to believe that the Parliament actually decided to pass it."     

Mrs. Smith rolled her eyes before she said, "Do you know what is the reason they give? Because they don't want the victims to sit on reporting the crime because it might be unfair for their attackers! That's why! What kind of logic is that! Unfair for their attacker!"     

There was a hint of anger in the tone of her voice as she said that.     

"Mrs. Smith, I didn't know that you'd be affected this badly. Is there a reason why?" asked Kai Xin.     

When she heard of the passing of the new law, she was affected as well. What they did to her...The amendment to the Statute of Limitation Act was to be applied retrospectively.     

The amendment meant that she would never be able to bring them to a court of law. However, she was confident that she would still meet them there one way or another.     

Mrs. Smith sighed, "I think it's cause I have children of my own...and I've little nephews and nieces...It scares me to think that if they were hurt...they might be unable to do anything because of the stupid statute of limitation."     

"There's nothing much we can do about it now."     

"I started a petition for them to change the law but I doubt that it would work. I think someone was behind it. Probably one of those evil politicians who did something bad before and wanted to avoid paying for their crimes. You know how it's like around here," said Mrs. Smith angrily.     

Kai Xin understood where Mrs. Smith coming from. Both as a victim, and as a soon-to-be mother. There were too many children out there who were hurt and were threatened into silence. With such a limited period of time, by the time they were braved enough to deal with their attackers, most of them might be unable to get the help they needed.     

When they were near his room, Kai Xin suddenly felt dizzy and she fell down. Luckily, she managed to catch hold of the water cooler before she fell down completely.     

"Kai Xin!" gasped Mrs. Smith. She had been walking slightly in front of Kai Xin and when she heard a soft 'thud', she glanced back. To her horror, she saw Kai Xin kneeling down on one knee while she holds onto a corner of the water cooler.     

She noticed that Kai Xin was frowning and looking down as if she was in pain, thus she immediately went to her to help her up.     

"Are you alright?" asked Mrs. Smith worriedly while she helped Kai Xin up. Afraid that she might fall again, Mrs. Smith kept a hand under Kai Xin's arm to support her.     

"I'm fine..." murmured Kai Xin. She had been having slight dizzy spells lately. When she checked with Dr. Phillip, he said that it was normal. Kai Xin closed her eyes and shook her head gently to clear the dizzy spell. Unconsciously, her hand instinctively went to cover her belly in a protective mode.     

She touched around and when she was sure that there was no pain, she sighed in relief. Her knee, however, was a little sore from the impact of the fall.     

Once she felt better, she opened her eyes and smiled at Mrs. Smith, "I'm fine. I think it's cause I haven't eaten anything since morning."     

"Are you pregnant?" whispered Mrs. Smith.     

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