Be My Strength




After Mr. Ye hung up the call with Ye Tian, he got down from his car and entered the private care facility that he created. It was already nightfall by the time he arrived.     

Inside the small house surrounded by tall fences were a doctor, a nurse, and two maids who were tasked with taking care of a very important patient.     

"How's she lately?"     

"Ms. Lin is still the same. Her mind continues to be that of a young child," said Dr. Wong.     

There were only female staff and the only man who could enter the place was Mr. Ye himself.     

Without his permission, no one was allowed to enter or leave the place. Everyone had to sign an NDA and he paid them ten times above the average in order to keep their mouth shut.     

Mr. Ye looked through the transparent door. When he saw his "Xiao Lin" sitting outside on grass while surrounded by white bunnies, he smiled.     

He bought those bunnies for her as part of her therapy and she was so happy when she first saw the bunnies that she smiled at him for the first time.     

Slowly, he walked towards her.     

"Xiao Lin," Mr. Ye called out softly. He did not want to startle her as she was easily frightened. If she was startled, she might start to scream her lungs out.     

The woman glanced up. Her long hair was down and she had wrinkles around her eyes and there was a scar at her left temple.     

She was wearing a white flow dress with a red scarf wrapped around her.     

When she saw Mr. Ye, she smiled gently, "Big brother!"     

"Xiao Lin, have you been good lately?" asked Mr. Ye as he knelt down on a knee next to her. He saw the scars from a huge bite marks on her legs and sighed inwardly.     

She nodded, "Em! Xiao Lin is good!"     

Mr. Ye smiled as he caressed her head. It was through sheer coincidence that he found this woman who looked so much like his late wife.     

When he was hiking by himself a few years back, he stumbled upon her. Naked, bloodied, and covered in bruises, she was hiding among the trees.     

At first, Mr. Ye thought that he saw a ghost. He did not know why but when the woman limped away from him and he gave chase, he realized that she was not a ghost.     

He eventually caught up to her. She had fought like crazy and Mr. Ye had to knock her out to avoid hurting her.     

He then covered her body with his shirt before taking her to his private doctors.     

After the doctors cleaned her up, he was shocked to see the resemblance with his late wife.     

No one knew who she was or where she was from. She refused to talk and for the first two years, she kept mostly by herself.     

Whenever he visited her, he would try to talk to her but she was so afraid of him and all the men around her.     

In the end, Mr. Ye had no choice but to replace everyone and hired female doctors and nurses to take care of her.     

Dr. Wong who was also trained as a psychiatrist told Mr. Ye that the unknown woman had been through horrible sexual abuse.     

She had given the woman a thorough checkup when the latter was sedated. Her lower body part was badly torn and from the X-ray imaging, she pointed out to Mr. Ye the lines that indicated badly treated broken bones.     

As if to deal with the pain she suffered, her brain had shut down which resulted in a child-like mentality.     

When Mr. Ye asked if there was any cure, Dr. Wong had informed him of the available treatments.     

However, she also advised him that it would be better if the woman did not remember anything.     

From the injuries that were on the woman's body, Dr. Wong pointed out that she had probably been living in abuse for a long time and it might push her over the ledge if they tried to force her to remember it.     

After all, why remember the pain when they could let her live happily in denial?     

After giving it some thought, Mr. Ye agreed with the doctor. Since there was no report of a missing woman of her description, they thought that she must have been abused by her own family.     

Thus, they did not make a report about it. For the past few years, they focused on helping the woman's body heal.     

Except for the deep physical scars and her broken mind, her body was completely healthy now.     

He housed the woman here and gave her a name. "Lin". As in forest, as it was where he found her.     

Since then, "Lin" had been staying at the house. He gave her everything she wanted.     

It took a while but she eventually stopped fearing him.     

Lin looked up at the dark sky before asking softly, "Big brother, stay tonight?"     

Mr. Ye was shocked. She had never asked him to stay before. He looked at her with a warm gaze as he asked softly, "Xiao Lin, do you want big brother to stay?"     

Lin nodded shyly. She liked Mr. Ye. He smelled nice and he never hit her or raised a hand on her. She liked that he did not try to get too near to her.     

"Then big brother will stay for the night," said Mr. Ye.     

Lin smiled happily. She then handed Mr. Ye a bunny and said, "Little bunny is happy too... "     

Mr. Ye laughed, "En."     

He reached out to pat her but when she flinched, he immediately changed his mind and pulled his hand back.     

After she saw that his hand was gone, she started to play with the bunnies again. When she was bored, she turned to the dolls that were scattered around her.     

Pretty soon, she was giggling as she played pretend with the dolls.     

He loved seeing her smiles and hearing her laughter. It was like seeing his late wife all over again.     

Afraid that Lin would be harmed by others, intentionally or not, he kept her a secret from everyone including his family and his trusted assistant.     

He had created this place just for her alone. It was a haven for her to hide in, far from the ugliness of the world.     

Mr. Ye watched as Lin cradled a little baby doll in her arm as she hummed a lullaby, he smiled sadly.     

Even if he knew that she was not his wife, he was afraid that he would lose her. He did not want to feel the pain of losing someone important to him ever again.     

Even if it meant keeping her locked up here forever, he would do it.     


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