Be My Strength

We would really like to know!

We would really like to know!

All at once, the entire Grand Ballroom was filled with noises as everyone discussed amongst themselves.     

"F*ck! It's really her!"     

"No way! President Du marries someone with such a past!"     

"What a sl*t!"     

Kai Xin waited for everyone to stop talking and looked at her before she added, "But I didn't do that willingly."     

The reporters forgot the rules and they started bombarding her with questions.     

"Madam President Du, what do you mean by that?"     

"Ms. Zhen, please tell us what do you mean when you said that you did not do it willingly!"     

There were hundreds of similar questions and they only stopped after DX took the microphone and said sternly, "QUIET DOWN!"     

Once they quieted down, DX passed the microphone back to Kai Xin. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes to get her emotions in order. After a while, she said, "As I said earlier, the person in those videos and photos is me. They were taken almost 13 years... It was taken when I was...raped."     

There was a loud gasp that went throughout the Grand Ballroom. Even some of the guards gasped when they heard what she said. Head Manager Han's eyes widened when he heard her and so did the audience who were present and those that were watching at home.     


"What…" gasped Mr. Zhen when he heard what his daughter said through the live report. His wife and youngest daughter were chatting at the dining table.     

"N-No way..." thought Mr. Zhen as he watched the close-up shot of his oldest daughter as she stared straight into the camera.     

Annoyed by the loud chatter coming from behind him, he snapped, "Shut up!"     

He could not believe his ears and he wanted to listen to the live report.     

They were startled when he suddenly yelled at them and they immediately quieted down. He gave An Qi Yan a call and the moment she picked up, he snapped, "Why didn't you tell me anything!"     


An Qi Yan was startled by him suddenly shouting at her that she dropped her phone. She quickly picked him up and snarled, "Why the hell are you yelling at me, Zhen Shao Bang?"     

When he heard her calling out Mr. Zhen's name, Sima Erden glanced towards her direction and asked, "Is that Shao Bang?"     

An Qi Yan nodded as she replied to Mr. Zhen, "Do you even remember that you've another daughter? I thought you only have An Xin in your eyes!"     

"Qi Yan! W-Why didn't you tell me! I'm her father!" asked Mr. Zhen as he pinched his glabella. With a shaky tone of voice, he added, "I'm her father…"     

"Have you ever acted as her father before?" An Qi Yan pointed out angrily. When Sima Erden tried to calm her down, she shook her head at him. She did not want to calm down at the moment.     

Afraid that those two would get into a fight, Kai An took the phone away from his mother and talked to his father, "Dad? It's Kai An. It's not that Mum chose to hide it from you. We only found out about Kai Xin recently."     

"How's that even possible? You guys live with her!"     

"I'm sorry…" answered Kai An. He had been thinking about that question himself ever since he found out about it. How could he miss the signs? When he sighed, Naomi Nakamura who was sitting near him slipped her hand into his and gave it a squeeze to encourage him not to think about it.     

He smiled as he mouthed, "Thanks", to her.     

An Qi Yan took the phone back and yelled, "Zhen Shao Bang! Don't you dare blame anyone about this! We are busy watching the news. If you've anything to ask, ask her yourself!"     

Without waiting for a response, she hung up. Tossing the phone aside, she leaned back against Sima Erden on the couch as they continued to watch the live news.     


"Madam President Du, please tell us! Is it the truth?" asked a reporter.     

"Yes. This is not something that I'd lie about," answered Kai Xin.     

"Who did it? Are they in jail?" asked another reporter.     

Kai Xin sighed, "Unfortunately, no."     

"Who are they?" asked the same reporter.     

"Seniors at my old high school," answered Kai Xin honestly. She closed her eyes for a second to compose herself before she opened them. With a sad smile, she said, "I think most of you would know who they were…"     

When they heard her, everyone started discussing among themselves.     

"Did she just said they?"     

"Wait, what?"     

"But that makes sense! In the videos, there were at least 2 pairs of hand!"     

"Oh my god! That's horrible!"     

"What if she's just lying?"     

"Yeah! She could be just trying to cover our eyes to the truth!"     

"I don't believe it. I researched everything and there was no record or even mention of a ****! It's impossible that I would miss it!"     

"I don't know what to believe now! I'm confused!"     

One of the reporters said loudly, "Ms. Zhen! No. I mean Madam President Du! If it's true that you were raped, please tell us the names of the perpetrators! Let us bring them to justice."     

DX placed his hands on her shoulders and Kai Xin smiled at him briefly before turning to the reporter to ask them, "Are you sure you can handle it?"     

"We would really like to know!" said the same reporter as she held the recorder closer to the stage while she told her videographer to get a good shot.     

It had been so many years. She had wanted to tell the world just what kind of men those three were for a long, long time. To keep everything in, to have to watch them live their lives normally while she was burdened with guilt...     

With anger reflected in her eyes, she said clearly, "Luo Yin, the son of our Vice President. Ye Tian, the son of President Ye of Ye Corporation...Lastly, Shangguan Xing, the son of our ex-Police Commissioner."     

If it was loud earlier, it was thunderous now. Everyone started whispering loudly and some of them were just plain shouting across the room as they discussed loudly.     

"NO F*CKING WAY!"     

"This is the joke of the century! Vice President Luo Han's son?!"     

"It can't be real! Have you seen those young men? They are too good looking to have to resort to such a heinous act! That must be a lie!"     

"Why is it not possible? Just because they are good looking doesn't mean that they won't ****! Have you even been reading any news lately?"     

"No. I've met Ye Tian and Luo Yin before! They are certainly not that kind of people! I wouldn't believe her lies if I were you!"     

"Maybe she just said that because they don't want to have anything to do with her?"     

Lyle's fists were shaking as he listened to those people talking. He could not understand them. Why would a woman lie about this kind of things? Even him, a child, knew that one should not take this kind of confession lightly.     

Like his father, he knew how much courage and effort it took her to stand on that stage. He had been watching her for the past few days. As the day of the press conference got nearer, she became more and more withdrawn, as if she had plenty of things to think about.     

Even if she denied and said that she was fine, everyone could tell that she was thinking about today. As he looked around at those people who were whispering and pointing their cameras at Kai Xin, he cursed. He hated it. He hated those reporters that questioned her. When he could no longer sit and listened to them, he stood up.     

However, before he could do anything, DX told Jack to bring Lyle back into the room.     

"I want to be here!" said Lyle as he refused to follow his brother.     

"Go, Lyle. We are about to show something that you shouldn't see. Stay away from the TV!" snapped DX. His tone startled both the twins.     

Kai Xin placed a hand on him and shook her head. DX kissed her on the forehead before he turned back to his kids. He then repeated his instruction in a gentler tone.     

He had used his strict tone on them and Lyle knew that his father was being serious. If he kept fighting, DX might even carry him up himself and locked him in the room.     

He glanced at Kai Xin and when she smiled gently at him, Lyle sighed before he went to the VIP Room with his brother.     

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