Be My Strength

He's just sleeping

He's just sleeping

Wanting to help out a little, he walked around while looking for a girl with a red jacket and white stripes. He figured that since he was shorter than the adults, it would be easier for him to spot a little girl. One of the guards noticed and learning from their mistakes earlier, he followed behind Lyle closely.     

There were too much screaming and crying that Lyle's head was starting to spin. Families were crying over the bodies of their family members.     

He did not understand the adults. Why would they sacrifice so many innocent people?     

He stood nearer to the trailer and when he heard a soft whimpering coming from under the trailer, he got down on his knees and hands to look underneath the trailer.     

That was when he saw a toddler wearing a red jacket. She was lying on her stomach underneath the trailer, and dangerously close to one of the tires.     

There were scratches on her face as she looked at the bleeding face of a man who was holding onto the front of her shirt. Lyle winced when he realized who he was. He was one of the guards in training under Callum. He had seen him before when he went to the training ground with Jack to be trained in weaponry.     

Lyle talked to him before. The guard was a friendly man who always played with Lyle and Jack during their break.     

He noticed that the guard's torso was pressed by one of the huge tires and figured out the entire matter on his own.     

Somehow, she must have been pushed down and somehow rolled under the trailer. It was a good thing that she was short. From a cursory glance, it looked like the guard had jumped in after her to make sure that she stayed between the tires.     

Lyle wiped off the blood that was on his face as much as he could.     

"Don't be afraid," said Lyle. He smiled and extended his hand but the little girl was too afraid to move. She merely stared at him with her big blue eyes.     

She did not even cry loudly. All she did was to cry softly as she poked the dead guard as if she did not understand that he was gone.     

Lyle felt bad for her. She looked like she was only three years old at most and she probably did not understand what had just happened.     

Lyle glanced at his father and yelled, "DADDD!!!"     

When DX glanced at him, Lyle pointed towards underneath the trailer.     

DX frowned and after a few more words, he hung up the call. He then went over to take a look. When he saw the little girl, he tried to reach over to pull her out but she seemed afraid of him and she scooted away.     

"I think she's scared. I can go under to get her out," said Lyle as he looked at the little girl worriedly.     

DX glanced at him. He had no time for this but he knew that Kai Xin would be disappointed in him if she were to find out. Furthermore, all the adults were too tall to climb in easily and it would take them longer. Once he made sure that the trailer was stable, he nodded.     

"Be quick. We have to leave."     

Lyle crouched down and crawled on his belly as he climbed under the trailer. When he was near the little girl, he said in English, "Don't be afraid. Your mummy is looking for you... "     

Given her mother's accent earlier, he figured that they were an English family.     

"Mummy?" said the girl tearfully.     

She looked at the dead guard and then back at Lyle, "Man... Hurt... "     

Lyle smiled as he said, "He's just sleeping, honey. Come with me first, Julie. We'll wake him up later..."     

The little girl seemed unsure as her eyes darted to and from the man. In the end, she nodded and took Lyle's hand.     

When Lyle got her out, the woman earlier immediately saw her daughter and she came over.     

"Thank god, Julie!" cried the woman as she hugged her youngest daughter. Her oldest daughter who was nearby sighed in relief when she saw that her sister was fine.     

After the woman thanked Lyle, DX finally received the coordinates of Kai Xin's whereabouts from Han Ye. Once he sent a message to Han Ye telling him to constantly monitor the movement, he then immediately turned to Lyle, "Is the east entrance opened today?"     

Lyle thought for a moment before shaking his head, "It's not, but I can open it. I have the password."     

The smaller east entrance was usually used for external parties who were here for either repair work or for delivery. Other than on appointment time, the door would usually be locked and guarded.     

Lyle had accidentally seen the password when the president of the Imperial Primary School Student Union keyed in the code.     

DX told one of the surviving guards to take care of the scene before he ran towards the east entrance with his son. Along the way, he texted Han Ye to let him know which entrance he was going.     

During his call earlier, he had told Han Ye to send over a few transportations vehicles, each to each entrance.     

When he arrived, an Audi R8 and a black 2019 Kawasaki ZX-6R were already there waiting for him.     

DX quickly got onto the motorcycle. With the way the traffic would be, a motorcycle would be the fastest. As he set his phone up, he said, "Lyle, take the car and go to the hospital."     

Lyle held onto the motorcycle and stubbornly said, "No! I want to go with you! Take me along!"     

Having no time to deal with it, DX agreed reluctantly. He asked, "How's your head? The truth!"     

"I'm fine! Really! It's just a superficial wound!"     

DX sighed. Once Lyle put on the helmet and climbed onto the back of the motorcycle, the servant who brought the motorcycle over placed a safety belt over Lyle before they took off.     

Earlier, DX had told Han Ye every detail that he managed to get from the guard who saw the car. Han Ye was to check the surveillance camera while he and Lyle drove towards the direction of the tracker.     

When DX arrived at the coordinates shown on his GPS, he cursed when he found the pile of clothes that were strewn on the road.     

"F*ck!" yelled DX as he gripped onto Kai Xin's dress and phone. Even her ring was taken off, thrown out as if it was something cheap.     

He then called Callum and the moment the latter picked up, he immediately sent him a list of instructions. He ended it with, "... All roads in and out of the city must be sealed off, and that includes the ships. Completely sealed! I don't care about anything else! If needed, call General Nakamura and Lt General Duanmu. Also, prepare the first rank men from your family! I want the best tracking team!"     

"What happened?" asked Callum as he stood out of the ward where Ghost was staying.     

DX's face darkened as he said, "They took Kai Xin and Jack!"     


With evil in his eyes, DX swore, "I'm going to kill the bastards who took them!"     

"The trackers? Isn't she wearing a few?" asked Callum. He had his people placed as many trackers as possible into Kai Xin's clothes and shoes. Most of the things she owned had a tracker on them.     

DX hissed, "They made her took off her clothes and all her pieces of jewelry. Even Jack as well!"     


He looked at Lyle who was looking at him from the back of the motorcycle with a worried expression. Suddenly, DX recalled something.     

It was something that he had never used before so he had almost forgotten about it. He smiled coldly as he said, "It's a good thing that they took one of my sons…"     

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