Be My Strength

Jack, no!

Jack, no!

"JACK, NO! IT'S YOUR DAD!" yelled Kai Xin nervously as she tried to cover DX's body.     

Jack was trembling as he held the gun. He refused to believe her. He knew that pain made people see the wrong thing and he knew that Kai Xin was in a lot of pain now.     

"Leave my mum alone, you b*stard!" yelled Jack as he continued to point the gun at his father.     

His mind was a little disoriented and to him, the person in front of him was Shangguan Xing. He did not understand why "Shangguan Xing" suddenly sounded like this father.     

In his confused mind, he kept telling himself that he heard wrongly, that everything was nothing but an illusion.     

DX groaned as he pushed himself up with one hand. He was hit on the right shoulder.     

Luckily, Jack was disoriented. Otherwise, DX would be dead by now.     

He smiled through the pain as he asked Kai Xin, "Are you alright? Did the bullet hit you?"     

Kai Xin had another contraction and she cried, "Are you an idiot?! You're the one who were shot at!"     

He glanced at her, "You're in pain..."     

"In labor... About three minutes apart..."     

DX patted her hand before he turned around. It was a good thing he was wearing black or Jack would have been scared by the amount of blood that was coming out from the wound.     

DX raised his voice but stayed calm as he said, "Son, you did well… You protected your mother when I'm not around."     

When Jack heard DX's voice again, he lowered his gun slightly. He felt so confused and he was hurting everywhere.     

When he saw Shangguan Xing running past his hiding place, Jack followed not far behind him. He could not even see well and all he could rely on was his senses.     

Even though it hurt to run barefoot… Even though he was stabbed by twigs and tiny sharp stones... The thought of Kai Xin and his baby sister getting injured pushed him.     

Tears were flowing down his cheeks but he was afraid to take chances.     


Callum came out from the shadows.     

He was leading a different team and when he heard the gunshot, he told his team to continue searching the designated area while he headed straight there with his cousin.     

When he saw Jack holding the gun, Callum gasped. He immediately took off his mask and said, "Jack, it's me. Your Uncle Callum."     

Jack shook his head. Not once did he take his eyes off DX. His eyes were blurry and it was too dark for him to see anything.     

He was afraid that everything was a ruse to get him to drop the gun.     

Despite him bleeding heavily, DX stood up and with his hands raised, he slowly walked towards Jack while Callum and Shenlong Yuan slowly moved towards Kai Xin to protect her.     

When DX was near Jack, the latter lifted the gun and pointed it at DX's head. He was looking right at his father but it was as if he could not recognize him.     

"Jack, it's me," said DX sternly.     

"No. This is a lie…"     

DX stared right into Jack's eyes and in a split second, he disarmed Jack and flipped the safety lock on the handgun before he threw it towards Callum who caught it swiftly     

"No! Leave my mum alone!" yelled Jack as he hit his father.     

DX groaned from the bullet wound but instead of stopping his son, he pulled him into a hug as he whispered, "You did well, Jack… I'm so proud of you… Mummy and Little Monkey are safe now, thanks to you..."     

It was then that Jack woke up. When he looked up and finally recognized his father, his lips trembled and he had a look of guilt on his face.     

When he saw his father's pained expression, he started to cry loudly, "I'm sorry… I'm so sorry… I'm scared… Dad, I'm scared… I thought you won't be able to come in time… "     

"Hush… It's alright… You're safe now…" said DX as he patted the back of his son's head with his left hand to reassure him.     

"But you're-"     

DX interrupted him and in a hushed tone, he said, "I'm fine… It's just a scratch… "     

He was lying. The bullet went through his shoulder and he was in a lot of pain. However, he would have given everything if it meant the safety of his family.     

When DX felt something wet on his hand, he frowned and looked at his hand. With the help of the flashlight that was still on the ground, that was when he saw the blood that was on his hand.     

His eyes went wide and his pain forgotten. He immediately turned Jack around to check on the back of his head.     

"What happened?" asked DX with a worried tone.     

Before Jack could reply, he felt dizzy all of a sudden and he fell into his father's arms.     


Jack was still awake but he was too tired to say anything else.     

He then yelled towards Callum and Shenlong Yuan who were holding Kai Xin up, "One of you run down now. We need the choppers to be ready for takeoff. Inform them that Jack got a terrible head injury and that my wife is in labor! The contractions are three minutes apart. Make sure that the doctors are on standby!"     

He then carried Jack up in his arms and went to Kai Xin and the rest.     

Shenlong Yuan and Callum exchanged glances before the former said, "I'll go. I'm faster."     

Kai Xin groaned when another contraction hit. She held onto Callum's arms tightly but he did not even flinch.     

"Are you alright?" asked Callum as he shone his mini flashlight at her. He could see the sweat beads that were rolling down her forehead. She seemed to be in a lot of pain.     

Kai Xin nodded. She took a deep breath before saying breathlessly, "He was… shot… shoulder!"     

After Shenlong Yuan ran off, Callum held Kai Xin up and carried her up in his arms.     

He then said to DX, "I'll carry her. You should know your own condition."     

DX nodded. He placed a kiss on Kai Xin's sweaty forehead and said, "I love you… "     

She smiled weakly, "I love you too…"     

The rest of DX's team finally caught up to him. They had their guns up. The moment they got an idea of what happened, they immediately lowered their guns.     

When Phantom finally managed to track Jack, he sent the live update to DX until the signal was lost around the vicinity of the forest.     

DX immediately gathered all his people and divided them into teams. Within minutes, Han Ye sent him all the house owners details.     

Using that as a start, DX sent out different groups. He himself was leading a group earlier. To avoid detection, they forgo the cars and hiked up in the dark instead.     

It was not a problem for the men he was leading. These were the first rank Shenlong men.     

However, when he heard the first gunshot, he immediately ran towards it as fast as he could, leaving his team members behind.     

Without wasting another second, DX said, "Half of you go and secure the perimeters. The other half, I need you to lead the road. Use your flashlights. My wife is in labor and my son is badly injured. I need everyone to move fast!"     

"Yes, sir!" said the twelve-man team. They immediately separated into two 6-man teams.     

They ran all the way down to the clearing. Once DX placed Jack down in one of the choppers, he said to the semi-conscious Jack, "Jack, do you need me here?"     

Jack shook his head and replied weakly, "Mum... "     

DX then exchanged places with Callum.     

Before he climbed onto the chopper where Kai Xin was on, he warned Callum, "Keep Jack awake no matter what. It's a 15 minutes ride. He has a head concussion, so be careful!"     

"Got it!" said Callum before he climbed onto the chopper.     

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