Be My Strength

No! It's too early!

No! It's too early!

"Mum!" gasped Jack as he rushed back to her side. He looked at the wet ground and kept shaking his head, "No! It's too early!"     

"Jack!" Kai Xin said as she placed a hand on his shoulder.     

When Jack looked at her with a worried expression, Kai Xin smiled and said, "Jack, it's fine. I was born earlier than expected as well but I'm fine, am I not?"     

Jack nodded reluctantly, "But it's too early... You're not even in the 8th month!"     

"She'd be fine..." said Kai Xin before she frowned.     

Another contraction hit and Kai Xin had to place both hands on Jack as she tried to breath through the pain.     

While she was dealing with the pain, she glanced around to look for a safe place. She knew that with her current condition, she would not be able to run far with Jack. She knew that Jack had a gun but with both their current condition, they were at the losing end.     

She smiled weakly when she saw an area where the trees were thicker and the light from the moon could not reach the ground. With a gulp, she then said to Jack, "Jack, honey. I need you to do something for me..."     


She pointed towards that area and said, "Go over there and hide. Don't come out until you're absolutely sure that you're safe."     

Jack shook his head, "I'm not leaving you!"     

Kai Xin placed a hand on his cheek and said, "I'll see you soon... Stay safe..."     

"No!" cried Jack. He burst into tears as he shook his head vigorously. He then said, "I have to protect you!"     

She kissed him on the forehead before she said in a hushed tone, "Listen to me, Jack! I love you, alright? Stay here. Your dad and I can't bear to have anything happen to you!"     

"N-No!" Jack pleaded as he shook his head. He cried as he held her arm tightly, "No, Mum… No, please… Dad will come! Dad will definitely come soon!"     

Kai Xin toughened herself and said sternly, "Jack! Listen to me! Nothing is going to happen to me! I've escaped death so many times, this is nothing! Go and hide! We don't have time to keep going about this. If we don't separate now, we are both going to die!"     

Jack knew that she was right. His legs were getting weaker. He knew that it had something to do with how he hit his head earlier.     

It might not be long before he completely lost his consciousness and by that time, both of them would be dead because he knew that she would never leave him alone.     

He took out the gun from the pocket of the jacket and handed it to Kai Xin, "I'll stay but take this. I took it earlier."     

Kai Xin shook her head and she put it back into his pocket.     

When he looked at her with a confused gaze, she patted his head and said, "Keep it to protect yourself... Go now..."     

When he wanted to say something, Kai Xin gave him a little push and said, "Go!"     

Jack wiped his tears away angrily before he ran off to hide.     

Once Kai Xin saw that Jack had hidden behind a tree with a wide trunk, she smiled and turned back. As she quickly walked further away, she prayed to God to keep Jack safe no matter what.     

Every few minutes, she would be hit with another contraction and with every contraction, the pain would intensify. She felt as if she had been running for ages.     

"Argh!" Kai Xin groaned as she leaned against a tree. Her breathing was getting more irregular but she kept pushing herself to run.     

As she ran, she held onto her belly as she prayed, "Be safe… Daddy will come soon…"     

She wiped the sweat that threatened to enter her eyes as she continued to move forward. Her legs felt like lead but she kept telling herself that DX was on his way and she had to meet him halfway.     

She could not give birth here or their daughter would have zero chance of survival.     

It did not take too long before she heard the gunshot being fired into the sky and she nearly fell down when she heard it.     

"F*ck!" cursed Kai Xin as she glanced back. The gunshot came from a place not far behind her.     

"Zhen Kai Xin! I know you're here! Come out, come out now!" yelled Shangguan Xing. He knew that he managed to shoot at least one of the tires and as predicted, the car crashed not that far away. It took him a while but he knew that they could not have run far.     

He knew that Kai Xin was too smart to be running down a straight path. Just when he thought that they had escaped, he saw the blood drop from the passenger seat of the car leading towards their direction.     

Since he used to follow his father around, he knew how to read the tracks left behind. It was easy to track where his prey ran to just based on the markings that were left behind.     

Furthermore, she was too heavily pregnant to run that fast and with an injured kid, she was not going to get far. Once he had an idea where they were running towards, he immediately ran towards that direction.     

He had always liked to hunt and at the moment, he was feeling the high of chasing after a wounded rabbit. Like a proud hunter, he released the shot so that she would know that he was near. It was also for her to know that she could never escape him.     

Kai Xin kept running and she kept running, but her view was getting blurry and when another shot was fired, she stepped wrongly and fell down on her knees. The impact was enough to cause her unbearable pain in her belly.     

"Argh!" She cried out when the contraction came again. She had to clench her fists tightly to prevent herself from crying out loud.     

However, it was futile because he was already near her.     

"Gotcha!" said Shangguan Xing as he shone a torchlight at her. He walked nonchalantly towards her as he said, "Where's that little brat? Did you dump him? Might as well right? Kids are so annoying…"     

"You bast*rd!" hissed Kai Xin as she glared at him. She grabbed a stone tightly in her hand and hoped that he would get near enough for her to hit.     

"Too bad, I'm bored with you. I'm just going to get rid of you before I escaped from his god-damn place!" snarled Shangguan Xing. He dropped the torchlight before he took out his gun from his belt holster. He then raised his gun and leveled it on Kai Xin's head.     


Suddenly, he heard a soft sound of a branch being stepped on and he turned back. There was nothing. Saved for the light from the torchlight on the ground, it was completely dark.     

He turned back.     


He whipped around again and pointed his gun wildly in the air, "Who's there?!"     

He then fired three shots in a different direction.     

However, there was no one there and no more sound.     

When he turned back, a man dressed fully in black appeared in front of him. Even though the man was wearing a mask, his anger filled eyes startled Shangguan Xing and he felt a cold chill running down his spine. He tried to move but his limbs seemed to have a mind of their own.     

Before he knew it, he was disarmed and a loud crack was heard.     


His arm was broken violently and the bone popped out from the flesh.     

The masked man violently kicked at one of his knee causing the bone to pop out from the flesh.     

"ARGGGH!" yelled Shangguan Xing as he fell down.     

Without waiting for another second, the masked man pulled him up and punched him hard in the stomach.     


The sound of ribs being broken could be heard. Shangguan Xing could not even cry out as his mouth was filled with blood.     

The masked man then picked him up before throwing him against a tree. A loud crack could be heard when Shangguan Xing hit the tree. He hit with his back and his body flung back against the tree before it fell down on the ground.     

The masked man then walked towards Kai Xin. When he was near Kai Xin, she lifted the stone. The pain was getting unbearable but she was not about to let anyone hurt her baby.     

Just as she was about to hit him with it, the unknown person said with a sad tone, "Kara…"     

He then took off his mask.     

When she saw him, Kai Xin's hand froze and tears started to fell down from the corner of her eyes.     

"You're here..." murmured Kai Xin as she dropped the stone and reached out for him.     


DX groaned and fell forward from the impact. Even then, he managed to avoid falling on her by rolling to the side.     

"NOOOO!" cried Kai Xin.     

She watched in horror when she saw Jack standing a few meters behind DX.     

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