Be My Strength

You did this!

You did this!

Kai Xin and Jack glanced at each other before they slowly walked in. When they entered, they saw Ye Tian being hung up from the ceiling, unconscious.     

Most of the furniture in the house was pushed to the sides. There were empty beer cans and broken food containers lying everywhere.     

Ye Tian's face was pale as if he had lost a lot of blood, and his clothes were almost all in stripes. The left side of his face was so swollen that his left eye was left a slit.     

He looked as if he had lost half of his weight since Kai Xin last saw him. There was no longer a sign of the man who used to torture her mentally.     

She slowly looked downwards. His entire body was covered with cuts and bruises. Someone had tried to give him first aid and there were bandages on parts of his body. However, the bandages were soaked with blood and did not seem clean at all.     

There were gory looking holes in his exposed legs and Kai Xin could see the bones through the holes.     

There was no doubt that ever since he was taken, he had been made to live through torture. She was surprised that he was still alive.     

"Uncle Tian!" gasped Jack when he finally recognized the man who was hanging from the ceiling. He knew about what Ye Tian did but seeing the latter in this state did not make him feel any better.     

The entire place smelled of blood and puke, and Jack gagged when he saw the bloodstain on the floor. There were flies flying on top of the bloodstain.     

"I'm here…" murmured Kai Xin as she wrapped her arm around Jack protectively. She turned him around so that he would not have to face it.     

Jack nodded into Kai Xin's chest. To be honest, he was scared. He had never been in such a situation before.     

Even though he watched horror movies, it was different when he had to see so much blood in real life.     

Kai Xin noticed the gun that was on a table behind Ye Tian. She wanted to step forward to grab it but at that moment, she heard someone called out her name.     

"Zhen Kai Xin…"     

Kai Xin turned to her left and saw someone sitting at a dirty brown couch. He was sitting in the dark and she had to squint her eyes to get a clear look.     

When she saw who he was, she gasped, "Shangguan Xing!"     

Shangguan Xing sitting there with a cigarette in his hand. When their eyes met, he smiled creepily at her. He then placed the cigarette in the ashtray before he walked over to her.     

The sleeve where his right hand was supposed to be dangled freely.     

As he lightly grabbed her chin with his left hand, he asked, "Are you happy to see me?"     

She brushed his hand away and hissed, "What is the meaning of this?"     

"Aren't I smart? Everyone thought that I'm the dumbest one, but look! Of all three of us, I'm the only one who managed to escape..." said Shangguan Xing before he took a quick glance at Ye Tian.     

He then sighed loudly, "Poor Luo Yin... I wonder how he is doing in jail now..."     

Kai Xin had never expected to see Shangguan Xing ever again. Ever since DX's birthday, she had not seen him in person. The last time she saw him was in the video that Han Ye showed her and DX.     

Shangguan Xing's appearance had completely changed. His hair was messy and oily. Instead of the pristine and branded clothes that he used to wear, he was now wearing clothes that were stained with coffee and had holes in them.     

His entire appearance made him looked like a crazy person.     

She pushed Jack behind her before she asked, "You did all this?! Including the accident?!"     

Shangguan Xing laughed and spread out his arms as he said, "Of course! Isn't it a good plot?"     

Angered, she grabbed his shirt and yelled, "You destroyed so many lives! What is wrong with you?! Those are innocent children!"     

Shangguan Xing smirked as he caught her hands, "Do I look like I care? I've lost my family, so everyone else should suffer the same as well!"     

He then pushed her hands away and grabbed her chin roughly, "If I were you, I'd be more careful how I act here. Don't forget, my people are right outside! If you want to relive your experience, I'd be more happy to do that."     

With an evil smile, he added, "With that many people outside, I don't think you'd be able to leave here alive though..."     

Shangguan Xing glanced down at her chest and smirked. He then grabbed it and squeezed it hard.     

Even though it hurt, Kai Xin could not retaliate. With one hand, she made sure to keep Jack behind her. She did not want Jack to go through the same trauma as Ghost.     

It was then that Shangguan Xing actually noticed that there was a boy there with them. From the moment she walked in, he had been keeping his eyes on her that he did not see anyone else.     

He then released his hand from her breast and asked jovially, "Oh, who is this little one?"     

He roughly pulled Jack out from behind Kai Xin to take a good look. After a few seconds, he smiled, "Oh… President Du's little son. How interesting..."     

Kai Xin immediately pulled Jack away from him. With a warning glare, she hissed, "Don't you dare touch him…"     

"Kai Xin… I'm not into guys, you should know that…" said Shangguan Xing with a smile. However, he knew that Jack would be a great bargaining chip if things went south.     

He then went towards Ye Tian who was dangling from the ceiling and patted one of the latter's damaged legs. He then said with a smile, "Aren't you happy with this gift? If it's not because of him, we won't have done it to you, you know… You should go after him…"     

Thanks to the money that his parents took out and sent to him not long before their death, Shangguan Xing had managed to live well enough. However, the fact that he had to live like a cockroach pissed him off and he took out all of his anger at Ye Tian.     

Kai Xin scoffed, "I don't think he's the only one at fault here. I remember you laughing and enjoying yourself very much that day…"     

"Well, how could I not? You're a beautiful woman and you were tight as well…" said Shangguan Xing with a smile.     

He then sighed, "Unfortunately, I can't be your first. I always regretted that, but you know, Luo Yin likes to be the first and if I don't let him, he would get mad."     

Kai Xin wanted to say so many things to him but the idea that Jack and her baby might get hurt held her back. She was angry that Shangguan Xing could be so cruel that he completely disregarded the lives of those schoolchildren and their parents.     

At the same time, she was upset that those innocent people lost their lives because of her.     

As Kai Xin narrowed her eyes at him, she was curious about something so she asked, "Why are you doing this to Ye Tian? Isn't he one of your best friends?"     

"Best friend?" Shangguan Xing laughed. Using his only hand, he pulled out his pocket knife and after tossing it up in the air a couple of times, he suddenly turned and stabbed it into Ye Tian's leg.     

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