Be My Strength

How's Jack?

How's Jack?

After Kai Xin's condition was stabilized, they transferred her to ICU for further observation. Dr. Phillip was afraid that she might have another attack, so he arranged to be on shift with the other doctor who operated on her.     

Even though he had only slept for 4 hours last night, Dr. Phillip offered to take the first shift. After all, no other doctors would know DX's temper better than him. The next few hours, DX would be impatient and cold towards everyone, and Dr. Phillip did not want to come back in a few hours only to find resignation letters on his desk.     

In addition, since he was the original doctor in charge of Kai Xin's condition, he should be the first person to stay.     

As for Little Monkey, she was placed under the care of the best nurses in NICU. DX wanted her to be placed in ICU so that he could look after her as well, but due to her current condition, Dr. Phillip refused it.     

For a preemie with an underdeveloped immune system, the NICU would be a better place for her. In addition, all the equipment were there. In addition, given the baby's sensitivity to light and sound, the ICU would not be a comfortable place for her.     

In the end, for her health, DX agreed to keep the mother and daughter separated for now.     

A few hours later, Jack was wheeled into the same room with Kai Xin. By right, he should go to a children's ward, but since DX was an important shareholder of the hospital, he could get his son placed anywhere he wanted.     

Jack's head was covered up with bandages. He had to receive 10 stitches for the open wound on the back of his head. He had a line fracture on his skull, but luckily, other than a mild concussion and an open wound, he did not suffer from a severe head injury.     

He was still under the effect of the general anesthesia and was sleeping on the bed next to Kai Xin.     

Lyle was with them earlier. He had to receive two stitches on his forehead for the wound he received earlier. When he heard that Jack was in the hospital, he immediately went with Han Ye to the operating theatre that Jack was in. For the next few hours, he battled sleepiness as he waited outside the entire time with Han Ye.     

When Jack was first wheeled into ICU, Lyle came with him as well. He was shocked to see Kai Xin's condition but DX reassured him that Kai Xin would be fine.     

Lyle stayed for a while but it was almost 5 a.m. by then and he had a hard time staying awake, so DX told Han Ye to send him back first.     

Callum, Ghost, and Phantom came earlier but DX sent them back. Kai Xin was still asleep and it would take some time before she would wake up. Everyone did not say anything. They heard from Dr. Phillip earlier that there was a little scare during the labor and that DX was not exactly in the condition to be answering their questions.     

So, after a few minutes, they left with Han Ye and Lyle.     

Before they left the hospital, the trio, Han Ye, and Lyle went to NICU to take a quick glance at Little Monkey before they went back. It was hard for them to see her all hooked up to machines when she had just arrived in this world. However, everyone understood that those machines would give her a better chance to survive.     

After everyone left, DX asked, "Why?"     

As Dr. Phillip watched over Kai Xin, he said to DX who was sitting next to her bed, "Honestly, I have no idea why her body had such a strong reaction. I won't say that it's a common occurrence for a woman to get a cardiac arrest from C-section… but then, she had a stressful day. The pregnancy, then being kidnapped, Jack was hurt, and you were shot… Then, Little Monkey… With the amount of blood loss... "     

"How long until she wakes up?" asked DX as he held onto her hand. Her hand was a still a little cold and he blew warm air into it to try to warm her up.     

She was sleeping peacefully and from the monitors, her heart rate and breathing pattern went back to normal. They had to give her blood infusion earlier due to the blood loss from the childbirth. Thank God she was a universal recipient and there was plenty of blood for her in the blood bank.     

"It might be a few hours…" said Dr. Phillip. His voice was a little uncertain as he was not too sure about it. Given how her body reacted, it was not unlikely that she might enter into a comatose state. There had been cases where someone entered into a long comatose state after a cardiac arrest, and the reasons were not always known to the doctors.     

As for now, he could only hope that Kai Xin would wake up quickly or there was no telling what the man sitting next to her bed with a brooding face would do.     

Earlier, when Callum came over with the rest, he told DX that the team that was sent to the forest had secured all of Shangguan Xing's men, including Henry and Yang who tried to escape earlier. In addition, they had also taken Ye Tian down.     

To avoid paparazzi from getting whiff of the news, Ye Tian and Shangguan Xing were kept in the Shenlong Family medical center. They were both severely injured and Shangguan Xing had a broken spine which required medical help.     

Dr. Phillip had thought that DX would deal with them immediately, but the latter told Callum to handle the matter instead. It was obvious that DX was not completely himself at the moment.     

"Yet, who can blame him?" thought Dr. Phillip as he glanced at one of his oldest friends. DX had nearly lost his wife, son, and daughter, all in one day. Even though their conditions had stabilized, they were not out of the danger zone yet.     

He doubted that DX would be able to relax for the next few weeks.     

The great, almighty President Du was able to easily secure billion dollars worth of contract and buy over companies at his whim... He was able to stand above everyone else with his own strength, yet he was unable to ensure the safety of his beloved family. That itself would be a huge blow to DX.     

He sighed softly as he prayed that his friend would not change because of this.     

DX did not notice the uncertainty in Dr. Phillip's voice when he answered earlier. His eyes were always on Kai Xin's face. Whenever he felt the pain on his shoulder, he would close his eyes and count to ten until the pain goes away.     

On Dr. Phillip's insistence, they finally got his wound properly checked out. He refused to sleep so he refused to take any sort of pills even after Dr. Phillip told him that the pills were for his pain and would not make him sleepy. In the end, Dr. Phillip gave up and with every stitch, he hoped that DX felt much more pain than what he actually felt.     

DX suddenly asked, "How's Jack?"     

He looked up at his son who was sleeping peacefully. Earlier, when the operating doctor talked to him, his mind was not completely there yet. He only caught the words "mild concussion", "stitches", "fine for now".     

Now that he had some time to think, he felt a little bad for forgetting about his son's wellbeing.     

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