Be My Strength

It's not just a plain accident, right?

It's not just a plain accident, right?

When they walked in, Jack was already awake but he was still a little groggy and his eyelids felt a little heavy. He was also somewhat confused as the ceiling of the wall that he was staring at was unfamiliar to him.     

"Longer than I have ever felt before…"     

When Jack heard his father's voice coming from a distant, he turned his head.     

The moment he saw his father, he recalled what he did earlier and tears started to fall from the corner of his eyes. Worried, DX immediately went to his bed and as he sat at the side of his son's bed, he asked, "What's wrong? Are you in pain?"     

Jack nodded but then he shook his head gently again. He placed his hand on his father's shoulder - where he shot him - and cried softly, "I'm sorry… I didn't mean to shoot you…"     

DX was worried that Jack might be in pain when he saw him crying, so when he heard Jack's answer, he sighed in relieved. With a smile, he patted his son's chest as he said, "It's alright… You just want to protect Kai Xin… It doesn't hurt much, so don't worry… The bullet came out cleanly, so I only needed a couple of stitches."     

Jack shook his head, "No... It must have hurt... I'm so sorry..."     

DX patted Jack on his chest to comfort him as he said, "It was a mistake... You did it to protect your mummy and your little sister... Because of you, they are safe now... I'm very proud of you, Jack... Don't blame yourself anymore..."     

Even though Jack was still feeling guilty, he did not say anything else. He knew that his father would never blame him, but he still felt that it was his fault.     

As he wiped his hot tears away, he turned to look at Kai Xin who was still unconscious. She was unconscious but she seemed fine. At least, the monitor next to her did not have the flatline sound. He had watched enough TV to know that the flatline was bad.     

When he saw the area around Kai Xin's belly, he frowned as he noticed that something was amiss. He then suddenly turned back to DX and asked, "What about Little Monkey? Is she -"     

He was afraid to finish his words. He tried to sit up but when he moved, his head hurt and his vision blurred slightly.     

DX gently pushed Jack's shoulders and made him lied back down on the bed before saying, "Don't worry… Little Monkey is safe… She's still a bit small, so she's under observation for now… When you are feeling better, I'll take you to her…"     

Hearing that his little sister was safe, Jack could finally relax. As he quietly laid down on his bed, he murmured, "Yes, I'd like to see her…"     

"You were shot?" Jane asked suddenly as she looked at the father and son.     

DX turned to her and nodded, "Please keep this from others. I don't want them to worry…"     

She narrowed her eyes at him as she asked, "It's not just a plain accident, right?"     

DX shook his head. He then told her everything and by the time he was done, Jane sat down on the edge of Kai Xin's bed. Normally, he would not have said anything but Jane was Kai Xin's best friend and he figured that Kai Xin would eventually tell Jane about it later.     

After DX finished talking, Jane cursed loudly. She then shook her head in disbelief, "Those b*stards! The people at my hospital! They are mostly women and children!"     

That reminded DX and he said, "I'll pay for everyone's medical bills. Han Ye would contact your hospital later…"     

He was not worried about the rich patients as they could easily afford it. However, even though Imperial Primary was a posh private school, there were still scholarship students who were studying there as well.     

If they were injured, their families might not be able to afford the heavy medical bills. Since everything started because of his wife, he felt somewhat responsible. If they were seriously injured, he might not be able to return them back to their previous health, but at least, this way, he could help them a little.     

Jane nodded. She took out her phone and texted her boss to let him know so that the hospital would not reject any patients.     

Even though it had never happened before, but when the private hospital that she worked at was understaffed, they might start rejecting those less fortunate patients.     

DX fed Jack some of the food that An Qi Yan brought while Jane took a peek at Kai Xin's chart.     

There was nothing much for them to do and they were not closed enough for gossips. Besides, Jane doubted that President Du would enjoy gossiping about the celebrities.     

After Jack took his medicines, Jane went back to take a rest while DX sat in between his sleeping son and wife.     

It did not take long for Jack to fall back to sleep. He was still exhausted from the surgery.     

He could barely stomach a few bites of the porridge before he pushed the bowl away. In addition, he also said that he was feeling uncomfortably dizzy.     

When DX asked Jack's doctor who came in for his rounds, he said that it was common for patients to have a lack of appetite after surgery and that Jack's appetite should return after a few days.     

As for now, DX should just feed Jack with healthy food to help him get his strength back.     

As for his dizziness, it was common for his type of injury. However, he advised DX that if Jack complained about headache, he should bring up the issue immediately.     

In addition, even though his brain injury was considered minor, the doctor told DX that Jack had to undergo some tests after a few days.     

He did not think that there was anything worth worrying but he still wanted to do it just to make sure that Jack was completely fine before he could be discharged.     

DX figured that Jack might need a few counseling sessions with Dr. Phillip after this as well. It was obvious to him that his son was feeling immense guilt from it.     

He sighed as he hoped that Jack would one day forgive himself. There was only so much DX could say to reassure him that it was not his fault.     

DX stayed by Kai Xin's side for the next few hours. Every now and then, he would help to wipe her face and her limbs to make her "sleep" more comfortable.     

After he ate some of the food that An Qi Yan brought over earlier, he decided to visit his daughter again. Before he went, he took a look at the mummy bag that An Qi Yan mentioned earlier.     

The first thing he saw when he opened up the bag was the little bunny. DX immediately went and sanitized his hands before he picked up the little bunny and a little newborn onesie made from organic cotton. There were little tiny bears of various colors on it.     

He smiled when he held the onesie. Kai Xin bought the onesie a while back. When he was back from work that day, she had shown it to him as she said excitedly, "Look! A little onesie with bears on it! It's like having multiple of you to protect our daughter when she sleeps!"     

DX had questioned her pregnancy-induced logic but he never said anything. As long as she was happy, he was fine with anything.     

He then placed the stuff back into the bag to bring it to the NICU with him. Before he left, he placed a gentle kiss on Kai Xin's forehead and said softly, "Wake up soon so that you can see our daughter… You've been waiting for this day for a long time, right?"     


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