Be My Strength

She looks like an old prune

She looks like an old prune

The nurse, who was not told anything, looked at her nervously. Somehow, she knew she had said something wrong. Luckily, Dr. Phillip came back in time to save her from having to say anything further.     

When he saw the nervous look on the nurse, he immediately told her to go and get something for him to eat. He knew that she had said something she should not. Then again, it was not her fault. Normally, a practitioner would not hide such a thing from the immediate family member.     

"Dr. Phillip!" An Qi Yan went to him and grabbed his arm. She looked at him with a worried expression as she asked, "My daughter had a cardiac arrest? Isn't that like a heart attack?"     

Her heart seemed to have stopped as she held her breath. Even though she was not highly educated, she knew that a cardiac arrest was something serious. Given Kai Xin's past, she was seriously afraid that something might be wrong.     

Dr. Phillip smiled, "Please calm down, Ms. An. Kai Xin is fine now. Yes, she had a cardiac arrest earlier after the C-section but it is not exactly something unheard of. She would be fine after a long rest."     

Hearing the words from a doctor, An Qi Yan could finally sigh in relief. She went back to Kai Xin and looked at her for a little while longer while she tried to convince herself that Dr. Phillip was correct.     

After a while, she moved to Jack. After talking to Dr. Phillip about Jack's condition, she sighed again.     

Having spent the last few months with the twins, she had come to view them as her own grandsons. The twins were kind and helpful, and they never treated her as if she was a stranger. Every day, when they got home from school, they would ask her, "Grandma An, what are you cooking for dinner today?" or "Grandma An, do you want to play games with us?".     

So when she saw Jack with his head bandaged, she felt sorry and her heart ached for the poor boy. She made a mental note to make his favorite curry chicken after he recovered.     

As she helped the nurse to wipe Jack's body with a cold towel, Jack's face which was tense earlier started to show a much more relaxed expression.     

Once she was done, she asked, "Dr. Phillip, can you please look after my daughter? I want to -"     

"Go," Dr. Phillip interrupted her. He knew that An Qi Yan would want to see her granddaughter.     

An Qi Yan thanked him before she rushed out with Sima Erden.     

With the help of the nurses who were working, she managed to get to NICU easily. However, she was stopped outside the room and had to hand over her ID for verification purposes. Since she had to do the same at the lift earlier, she did not mind it.     

However, as she patted her pockets, she realized that she had left her ID in her bag which she left in the ICU. Thankfully, Callum and Ghost came during that time and saved her from having to go back to the ICU.     

Both of them were in Ghost's ward and after DX sent them away, they could only sleep for a few hours. The moment Ghost woke up, he had asked Callum to accompany him to NICU to take another look at the baby.     

Even though he had seen her before, he barely had a good look before Callum dragged him away. When Kai Xin was kidnapped, Ghost did not sleep for the entire night. How could he when the woman he once loved was in danger?     

He spent the entire night on a video call with Phantom as he tried to follow the progress while he prayed for her safety. Thankfully, Kai Xin was saved a few hours after she was kidnapped or Ghost would have killed Callum for locking him in the ward.     

To make sure that Ghost would not do anything stupid, Callum had placed guards outside the ward with the instruction that "Guang Ying must not leave this room". When he recalled that, Ghost shot Callum a dagger which the latter pretended not to see as he looked at the guards.     

"Young Master Shenlong," greeted the guards.     

"She's the mother of Madam President Du. There's no need for checking. Remember her face," said Callum with an authoritative tone. He might be the low-IQ, silly Callum that his family knew but to his men, he was still their boss and he had to maintain an appearance in order to command their respect.     

He then waved the guards away so that they could look at Little Monkey through the glass window in peace.     

"Look, it's her!" said An Qi Yan as she pressed both her hands against the glass window. Suddenly, she frowned and asked, "There's only one baby?"     

Callum smiled as he explained, "Yes… For this room at least. There's another NICU on a lower floor which is much more affordable. Don't worry, Ms. An. I know what you are thinking about. The babies on both floors are given equal care. It's just that sometimes the identity of the patients might be too high profile, and for their safety and privacy, it's necessary to place them on different floors. Same goes for their children of course."     

An Qi Yan thought about it for a moment before nodding. It made sense. If the reporters caught a scent of this, no doubt they would try to sneak in to take a photo of the future heir of Du Conglomerate.     

She turned her eyes back to Little Monkey who was still sleeping in her incubator. When the kind nurse inside the room noticed that the baby had visitors, she pushed the incubator closer to the glass window so that everyone could take a good look at her.     

"Aww!! She looks like an old prune!" said An Qi Yan as she looked at her granddaughter with loving gaze.     

Sima Erden nearly choked on his saliva and he looked towards her voice as he thought, "What kind of grandmother calls her newborn granddaughter an old prune?"     

Callum gasped when he heard her words. He glanced around nervously. If DX was here, he would flip out at people calling his baby daughter an "old prune".     

"An old prune? Really, Ms. An?" said Ghost. He frowned as he looked at Little Monkey carefully. He then nodded and said, "She does look like an old prune."     

Callum immediately clasped his hand over Ghost's mouth as he hissed, "Don't say that out loud!"     

Ghost pulled his hand down and snarled, "What's wrong with you?"     

In a hushed tone, Callum said, "She is my brother's mother-in-law, so she can say that. But you can't! That man is crazy! If he finds out, who knows what he is going to do to you?"     

"Well, you said you'd protect me, so you just have to get beat up on my behalf," said Ghost nonchalantly before he turned back to look at Little Monkey. Callum glared at the guards who immediately covered their ears with their hands. He then made a "I'll cut your throat" motion at them which they promptly understood.     

Sima Erden smiled. He placed a hand on Callum's shoulder - who was standing next to him - and saw the red string that connected Callum to Ghost. With a smile, he pulled off his hand and said to Callum, "It's not easy to be with someone who likes to cause trouble. Trust me. I know that…"     

When he was working at fairs, he would get couples but most of the couples who came were heteros*xual and even then, not all of them was connected by the invisible red string. He had heard the talk around the dining table sometimes and he wanted to know if God of Fate was gender blind. His grandfather used to tell him that God of Fate was gender blind.     

With a smirk, he thought, "Looks like grandfather was right."     

Without taking her eyes off Little Monkey, An Qi Yan warned, "Erden! I heard what you said!"     

Sima Erden chuckled softly. He then poked her shoulder as he asked, "Describe her to me… I'm curious."     

An Qi Yan smiled. She held one of his hands in hers as she thought about how to describe Little Monkey to her "future stepgrandfather".     

Even though the baby was asleep, she still played peekaboo with her as she tried to think of the best word to describe her granddaughter. After a while, she chuckled before saying softly, "Well, she's a little prune-y now… But she looks like Kai Xin with her straight-edged nose and her long lashes…"     

However, Callum disagreed and with his arm wrapped around Ghost's shoulders, he said, "No, I think she looks more like my brother. Look at the way she frowns! That's exactly my brother's face!"     

"No, she looks more like Kai Xin!" said An Qi Yan.     

Unwilling to lose, Callum shook his head and said, "No! She looks more like my brother!"     

Sima Erden ignored the childish fight between those two. Instead, his eyes were at the soul that was inside the room.     

By now, he was sure that the soul was the child Kai Xin aborted. With a worried look, he thought, "Are you here to protect her? Or to take her away?"     


Zi Han knew that the man could see him even though he did not show himself. However, he ignored Sima Erden's gaze and looked at his baby sister with loving gaze instead. He knew that his time on Earth was limited and he would one day be gone. He wanted to spend as much time with her as possible before he disappeared completely.     

Little Monkey's eyelashes fluttered and she soon opened her eyes. When Zi Han looked at her, he smiled and waved.     

As if she saw Zi Han standing there, Little Monkey smiled brightly and she moved her hand a little. It was almost like she was trying to wave back at him.     

"Can you see me?" asked Zi Han as he placed his hand into the incubator and placed a finger on her hand.     

Little Monkey only smiled. She tried to hold his finger but she always went through him. With a frown, she looked at him as if she was asking why.     

Zi Han chuckled, "You can't touch me…"     

He then hovered his hand above her little head, which looked as if he was caressing her head. With a gentle smile, he said, "Don't forget, you have another brother in this world with you…"     

Little Monkey blinked her eyes a couple of time. She felt hungry all of a sudden and her face scrunched up slightly before she started crying for food.     

When the nurse came over to check on her, Zi Han disappeared. Little Monkey looked at where he was standing at before, and when the nurse picked her up, she kept trying to tell the nurse to turn around. Of course, the nurse could not understand her cries.     

When she could not see him, she pouted before she cried even louder. In her own language, she was screaming for him to come back into her line of sight.     


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