Be My Strength

This is our goodbye (2)

This is our goodbye (2)

Kai Xin turned to look at her son. When she turned, she noticed that her surroundings were gone.     

Her mother and brother were gone, and so were everyone else. The chairs and the entire hall was replaced by a pure white surrounding that seemed endless to her.     

Her son was standing in front of her with his usual bright smile. He had her smile, that was what others always said to her.     

When she turned to see if the man and his sons were there, she could only see the man.     

"What's happening?" thought Kai Xin as she glanced between her son and the unknown man.     

Both of them were stretching out their hands to her as they beckoned her to go toward them. Kai Xin wanted to go to her son. Her beautiful little boy who she had carefully raised, her little pride and joy.     

However, her heart ached when she heard the man said, "Kara, my wife… Come back to me… Please… "     

"I-I don't know you…" murmured Kai Xin as she slowly backed away from him.     

Still… Even though she did not know him, her heart felt as if it was being broken into a thousand pieces. As she placed a hand on her chest to calm herself down, she forced herself to turn back to look at her son.     

Somehow, he had turned back to the preteen version of himself as he smiled at her brightly.     

"My son…" murmured Kai Xin. Certain memory invaded her brain and she remembered that she did not have a son. No. She remembered that she gave up on her son.     

"Mum, choose me please…" said Zi Han as he reached out with his hand. He looked at his mother with those big, bright eyes that had a hint of sadness.     

Hearing the sadness in his voice, Kai Xin reached out her hand to take her son's hand. However, before she could touch his hand, she felt someone pulling her back. Turning back, she saw the man grabbing her hand.     

Her son suddenly grabbed onto her other hand as well.     

Both her son and the man was grabbing onto each of her hands and she did not know what to do. When she looked at the man, there was loneliness and sorrow in his eyes as he looked at her.     

When she looked at her son, she saw pained and guilt in his eyes.     

"Those eyes… They are my eyes…" thought Kai Xin as she stared at her son's eyes.     

She knew that she had hurt her son a lot in the past and even though she had a feeling that she had a past with the man before, she wanted to pull away from him.     

When she tried to pull her hand away from the man, she heard the soft cry of an infant.     

Glancing around, she did not see anyone else in the area with them. There was only the man, her son, and her.     

When Kai Xin heard the crying, tears started to flow down the corner of her eyes as she wondered what was going on. She did not know why her heart ached so much.     

Somewhere at the back of her mind, she heard someone said, "Kara, our daughter needs you… Please wake up soon… Don't sleep for too long..."     

Confused, she tried to find the source of the voice but she could not.     

"Mum…" said Zi Han.     

"Kara…" said the man.     

Confused, Kai Xin cried out loud, but in the end, she pulled her hand away from her son's grasp.     

She felt that there was another person waiting for her and this person was as equally important as her son. She had a feeling that this person would need her more than her son.     

As she looked at her son, she cried as she apologized, "I'm sorry… I'm sorry… I didn't mean to! I was afraid! I was really afraid!"     

To her surprise, instead of being angry at her, her son just released his grasp on her. He then hugged her tightly as he murmured, "It's alright… I understand…"     

"I-I can't leave her…" murmured Kai Xin. She did not understand who the "her" was. Her memory felt weird. It was as if it was not her own memories but someone else's memory.     

"I know…" said Zi Han. He smiled and released his mother. He then glanced at the man quickly as he slowly stepped away from them.     

When he was at a distance away, he smiled sadly as he said to his mother, "Just let me go, alright? I've never blamed you and I don't want you to feel guilty anymore… It's time to let me go..."     

He had kept her here because he wanted to have her to herself, even if it was for a short while.     

However, what he did not know was that deep down in her heart, this was what she wanted as well. She wanted to be with him for a short while, to compensate him for what she did to him.     

Thus, everything that she could not do in real life, everything that she had regretted, her subconscious allowed her to do it here.     

Zi Han looked at his mother.     

He had been hanging out around his mother hoping for a chance to talk to her. A lot of people saw him before, but no matter what he did, his mother could never see him.     

Her own guilt had "blinded" her and at the same time, it bound him here.     

It was only because of her near-death state that Zi Han could finally communicate with his mother.     

"Zi Han!" Kai Xin cried as she shook her head. She still wanted to go to him. She wanted to hold her baby in her arms again but the man was holding her tightly, refusing to let her change her mind.     

The sound of the baby crying was getting louder and she felt that someone was calling her name.     

Zi Han was right. Kai Xin had never stopped feeling the guilt of aborting her unborn son and she had never stopped thinking about the "what ifs".     

After she told DX the truth, she sometimes wondered what it would be like if Zi Han was still alive.     

Sima Erden once told her that humans were funny. If one spent enough time with another person, both of them would start to look the same after a while. Maybe it would be the way they style their hair, the way they behave, or the way they dressed...     

In the past, whenever she thought about the baby she aborted and wondered what he would look like if she had made a different decision, she would see a boy with Luo Yin's smile, or Ye Tian's eyes, or Shangguan Xing's nose. It scared her, and she would then try to forget about it.     

However, lately, after the small talk with Sima Erden, she found herself imagining Zi Han as a boy with DX's hairstyle and impeccable fashion sense and her smile.     

If Zi Han grew up in the Du Family… Would he grow up looking less like his birth father and more like DX? Could the apple grow far away from the tree?     

She looked at her son who seemed to be so far away.     

"This is our goodbye, Mum…" said Zi Han as he waved at her. His figure and his bright, beautiful smile slowly disappeared from sight as if he was swallowed by the white surrounding around them.     

"Noooo!!!!" cried Kai Xin as she reached out her hand to try to catch him.     

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