Be My Strength

This is our goodbye (1)

This is our goodbye (1)


Kai Xin was reading the newspaper when she heard someone calling her. When she looked up from the newspaper, she saw a preteen boy in a school uniform frowning at her.     

"What do you want now, Zhen Zi Han?" asked Kai Xin as she went back to her reading. She had just won a case yesterday and she wanted to see what the reporters wrote about her.     

"Did you call Ting Ting yesterday?" asked Zi Han. When his mother did not reply, he knew he got it right. With a loud groan, he stomped his feet as he said, "WHHHHYY!!!!"     

"Well, who asked you to skip dinner with me last Sunday…" said Kai Xin nonchalantly. She folded the newspaper and placed it on the table before picking up her mug of coffee. As she sipped from her mug, she looked at her son who was gently banging his forehead against the wall.     

With a smirk, she said, "Don't dirty my wall, or you're going to spend your weekend repainting them…"     

"You evil woman!" snapped Zi Han. He glared at his mother as he continued, "How can I have such a vengeful mother?"     

Kai Xin glanced at the clock before she picked up her empty plate and the half-empty mug. As she walked over to place them in the sink, she said, "Don't think that I don't know what you did with her… You're 12 years old… Why are you kissing an older girl?"     

When he heard his mother's words, Zi Han blushed, "H-How did you know?"     

"Her mother called me. What do you think?" said Kai Xin as she stood akimbo by the sink while she narrowed her eyes at her son. She was slightly annoyed because her precious son was growing up right in front of her eyes. She had wanted to have more time with him before he started to go out on dates.     

With his good looks, she knew that once he hit puberty, girls would start flocking over to him.     

Zi Han gulped and he averted his mother's gaze as he murmured, "She asked if she can kiss me… and I'm just curious…"     

"You're going to be one of those playboys aren't you?"     

Zi Han looked as if he was insulted by her and he said clearly, "No way! Even if I fool around every now and then, I'll only love one person in my life!"     

With a sigh, Kai Xin picked up a black silicone spatula. She then turned to her son and snarled, "Fool around?!"     

Zi Han gasped and he immediately ran back to his room. As he blocked his mother from pushing into his room, he laughed, "I'm just joking! My mother is such a feminist, how could I possibly dare to mess with a girl's heart?"     

He glanced at the alarm clock on his desk before saying, "Don't you have a court case today? You're going to be late for it, you know…"     

He heard a loud curse before his mother ran back to her own room to get her stuff. As he sat at the dining table in the apartment that he shared with his mother, he watched as she packed up her documents that were strewn on the coffee table.     

Without saying anything else, she dashed out of the house.     

"5, 4, 3 -" Zi Han started counting down. When he reached one, his mother came back in to kiss him on the top of his head.     

"Be careful on your way to school… and go visit your grandmother after this…" said Kai Xin.     

Zi Han nodded and watched as his mother ran out again.     

Such was the life between the mother and son, and time passed by quickly as if it was nothing but a mere fleeting dream.     

Soon, it was Zi Han's university graduation. Kai Xin was fussing over him as a smile was plastered on her face.     

Her baby boy grew into an outstanding young man. He was the valedictorian for this year. For such an important day, Kai Xin's mother and brother came to give Zi Han their support as well. Everyone watched him deliver his speech from the seats in front of the raised stage.     

Her brother was taking a crazy amount of photos while her mother was smiling widely. Kai Xin had never seen her mother smiled that much before, especially not after she told her about her pregnancy.     

When the crowd applause, her son stood on the stage and waved over to her.     

"Mum! Come over! Let's take a photo with the dean!"     

As Kai Xin stood up and made her way towards him, she heard a familiar voice.     

"Lyle, Jack… Which one of you would be the valedictorian for your year?"     

She wanted to walk up the stage but the voice was holding her back. It was very familiar to her. When she turned toward the direction of the voice, she saw a suave older man who looked like he belonged on a GQ magazine. He was talking to two boys who looked as if they were carved out from him.     

"Are those boys his sons?" thought Kai Xin. She felt as if she had seen the two boys before.     

When the man turned to her, he suddenly broke into a gentle smile, and with a loving gaze, he said softly, "My Kara…"     

"Kara?" thought Kai Xin as she continued to look at them.     

"Mum! Are you coming?"     

Kai Xin heard her son calling but she felt captivated by this man in front of her. She wondered who "Kara" was. However, she noticed that the man was looking right into her eyes. The way his gaze burned into her; she felt that it was very familiar as if she was used to seeing it.     

The man continued to smile as he looked at her and said, "Kara, are you coming with us?"     

"Is he talking to me?" thought Kai Xin. She wanted to tell him that he got her confused for someone else but from the way he looked at her, there was no confusion in his eyes at all. He was sure that he got the right person.     

"Mum!" yelled Zi Han impatiently as he waved at her.     

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