Be My Strength

Du Houzi or Du Xiaohou?

Du Houzi or Du Xiaohou?

At NICU, he took out the little bunny before he gave the bag to the nurse. The little bunny held a special place in Kai Xin's heart and he knew that Kai Xin would want to give it to Little Monkey herself.     

However, since she was unable to give it to her now, he would give it to Little Monkey himself. Even though it could wait, he figured that since he would be at Kai Xin's side most of the time, he wanted his daughter to have something that she could make her feel safe with when he was not there with her.     

He checked with the nurse and once she said that it was alright, he went to the incubator. Little Monkey was awake now and was just staring at the wall with a bored expression. She had no strength to move much and could only move her fingers occasionally.     

DX chuckled when he saw her bored expression and he murmured, "You're definitely her daughter…"     

He was unsure whether Little Monkey could see him since he read somewhere that babies had trouble seeing things in the first few months. He placed his hand through the round opening and touched Little Monkey's hand to let her know that he was there with her.     

When Little Monkey felt something touching her hand, she wanted to turn her head but she was also lazy. So, she merely grabbed onto the "thing".     

DX smiled. It had only been a few hours but he felt that her grip was better than earlier. The nurse smiled and came over. She gently helped Little Monkey to sleep on her tummy so that she could see her father better.     

"Is it alright to let her lie like this?" asked DX with a worried tone. He read on one of the "How to raise a baby" book and it said that babies should always sleep on their back.     

"It's alright, President Du. Normally, we don't encourage parents to allow babies to sleep on their back, but at the moment, she's awake, so there shouldn't be any problems to let her lie on her tummy for a short while," answered the nurse as she adjusted the tubes that were connected to Little Monkey.     

Even though Little Monkey was born earlier than expected, she was born after at least 30 weeks gestational period. That itself made her stronger than preemie birth earlier. Normally, a baby born after 30 weeks would not need a breathing tube.     

However, the fact that she had birth asphyxia was a cause of concern. Little Monkey was a lot weaker than her peers, and she was having trouble breathing properly. Thus, the doctor had placed her on high-frequency ventilation to help her breath.     

They kept their voices low to avoid scaring Little Monkey.     

DX looked at his daughter who was now facing him and he started to talk in a baby voice, "Little Monkey… Ah… We haven't name you yet… Should we just name you Hou Zi? Du Houzi? Or Du Xiaohou?"     

As if she hated the name, she scrunched up her face and looked as if she was about to cry.     

Nervous, DX immediately tapped her hand with his finger as he said, "I'm just joking, alright? Don't get mad at Daddy…"     

Little Monkey's face went back to her expressionless mode as she stared at her father.     

DX smiled, "Daddy'll think of a great name for you, but for now, we'll use Little Monkey as your nickname first, alright? I think your Mummy wants to have a say in this…"     

He pulled the pink blanket that was covering her up higher so that she would not feel cold.     

He then gently tapped on her cheek as he said softly, "Little Monkey… Are you feeling better now? It's a lot better than when you first arrived right?"     

With a loving smile, he gently rubbed her cheek with the back of his knuckles as he said, "Get bigger and healthier quickly… Then I'll bring you to see Mummy, alright?"     

Little Monkey did not know what he was talking about but she liked his voice. She felt that it was familiar and that she had heard it before. She remembered when she was in a dark space, she heard his voice before, except that it was a little muffled.     

As she stared at his face, she wondered why she had never seen him before this. She wanted to ask him why he never came into the dark space for a visit.     

However, she had no energy to think too much about it. When she yawned, DX smiled again. He felt that everything she did fascinate him.     

DX picked up the little bunny that he placed on the couch in the room earlier and went to the incubator to continue to talk to her.     

As he held it a few inches away from her face, he said softly, "Look, my princess… Do you like this little bunny? It used to belong to your eldest brother, Zi Han… But it's yours now… Mister Bunny will protect you when you sleep, so don't be afraid of nightmares, alright? When Daddy and Mummy are not here, Mister Bunny will be with you..."     

The nurse smiled when she overheard DX's words. She had never expected to see this side of him. Everyone kept talking about how President Du was cold and callous, but she was sure that if they were here today, they would change their opinion of him.     

As if she liked it, Little Monkey smiled. Her mouth opened into an O-shape for a second before closing.     

She repeated it again two more times as if she was trying to say something. She wanted to grab it but her hands would not move according to her will. Only her fingers would move.     

Little Monkey frowned as she stared at her left hand. She heard the nurse calling it "hand" and she wondered if she could grab the bunny with the two "hands" below her "bum-bum".     

She tried. Nope. The blanket barely moved when she slightly moved her legs.     

She felt exhausted with her efforts and her eyelids were getting heavy again. Before she could "tell" him that she liked it and that she liked him, she fell asleep again.     

When the nurse noticed it, she came over and gently placed Little Monkey back on her back.     

Even though he had no idea what his daughter was trying to say or do earlier, DX still placed the little bunny next to Little Monkey.     

To his daughter, this would be the only thing she would have from Zi Han and he never wanted her to forget about the brother that was gone too earlier from her life.     

As he gently patted her back, he whispered, "Daddy loves you… Sleep tight… I'll see you again soon…"     


When Dr. Phillip came back in the evening, he was a little surprised and worried to see that Kai Xin did not wake up. The moment he entered the room, he was met with a very angry glare from his friend.     

Without saying anything, he went to take a look at her chart. Her vitals were good but she still remained unconscious.     

"When is she going to wake up, Phillip?" asked DX. He glanced at Jack who was still sleeping and signaled Dr. Phillip to talk outside.     

The moment they went out, Dr. Phillip said, "Maybe-"     

"The truth, Phillip."     

Dr. Phillip sighed. He sat on the bench outside ICU and after a while, he said, "It is not unheard of for someone to enter into a comatose state after a cardiac arrest. I-I have hoped that it would not happen…"     

He looked up at DX who was staring down at him as he said, "Maybe it won't happen… Let's give her another day and see how it goes…"     

"And if she doesn't wake up?"     

Dr. Phillip shrugged, "No one knows the exact reason why a patient goes into a comatose state, and I can't predict when she would wake up. It could be one day, three days, one week...a month… or more…"     

DX had a complicated expression on his face as he tried to digest the fact that Kai Xin might not wake up.     

"No!" snapped DX. He grabbed Dr. Phillip's collars and lifted him up before he pointed towards the door of the ICU. With anger reflected on his face, he snarled, "You're a doctor! Go and do your job! Wake her up!"     

"XiAn! Calm down!" said Dr. Phillip as he struggled to pull himself away from DX.     

DX was angry and ignoring the people who were looking over at them, he cursed out loud before he released Dr. Phillip roughly. He then sat down on the bench and covered his face with his hands as he thought about what to say to the others if Kai Xin did not wake up by tomorrow.     

Suddenly, there was an alarm coming from inside the room and they immediately rushed in.     

Kai Xin's blood pressure monitor showed that her blood pressure had a sudden spike and was at a dangerous level. Dr. Phillip's nurses came in shortly after they went into the room. Even Jack was woken up by the commotion and as he looked at the doctors and nurses surrounding Kai Xin, fear was evident on his face.     

"Kara!" DX gasped when her heart rate monitor suddenly went flatline.     


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