Be My Strength

Say Daddy

Say Daddy


Back at Du Mansion, while DX was helping Kai Xin to catch up with everyone's life, they suddenly heard Little Monkey's soft cry. DX quickly went over to her crib. When Little Monkey saw her father, she raised her arms and cried more.     

Kai Xin watched as DX carried Little Monkey up. In the less than two days since she met her daughter, Little Monkey had never cried like this. In fact, DX told her before that Little Monkey was not a fussy baby and he could always calm her down easily.     

However, Little Monkey was crying as if someone took her favorite toy away today.     

When DX saw that Kai Xin was looking at him, he said softly, "She's probably afraid. She has never been out of the hospital before... Don't worry about it."     

He comforted her by patting her back as he walked around the room to help her get familiarize with everything. It took her a while but she eventually slowed down. When she finally stopped crying, he placed her down on the bed next to Kai Xin.     

"Stay with Mummy... Daddy will come back soon," said DX before he kissed Little Monkey on her small nose. Then he looked at Kai Xin.     

With a smile, he said, "I'll make her milk. Play with her first, alright? She doesn't like to be alone for too long, so you have to let her see you."     

In case Little Monkey started to cry, he took the little bunny from the crib and placed it on the bed as well.     

"If she starts crying, just give her this bunny..." said DX.     


While DX went to make the milk, Kai Xin played peekaboo with Little Monkey. Thankfully, Little Monkey did not cry after DX walked away. Otherwise, Kai Xin would be flustered. So far, every time her daughter started crying, she would pass her to DX.     

When Kai Xin tried to carry her, Little Monkey would always cry. But after more than one day of being near each other, Little Monkey had come to accept Kai Xin.     

As Kai Xin continued to play with Little Monkey, Kai Xin wondered who Little Monkey took after. She thought, "Would she grow up to be like her daddy or me?"     

Once DX made the milk, Kai Xin watched as he tested the temperature of the milk on his wrist.     

She thought, "He must have done this a lot…"     

She knew that he did not have it easy for the past three months. He had to learn everything by himself and worried about both her and Little Monkey at the same time. In addition, he still had to worry about Du Conglomerate.     

Kai Xin sighed as she massaged her own arms. She could not wait to get better soon so that she could take care of him instead.     

DX sat down on the bed and scooped Little Monkey up. Once he was sure that she was comfortable in his arm, he tapped her lips with the nipple and waited for her to open her mouth.     

As he fed her, he would pat her bottom with the hand that she was on to comfort her.     

After a while, DX looked at Kai Xin who was watching them intently. She was determined to learn everything as soon as possible so that she could be able to do it once she got her strength back.     


When Kai Xin looked at him, he winked at her and said, "Watch this…"     

He took the bottle away from Little Monkey's mouth. She continued to suck as if the bottle was still there. When they were still at the hospital, he had accidentally discovered this and it had always amused him, so he wanted to share it with his wife.     

The two adults chuckled when they saw their oblivious baby daughter continued to suck at nothing.     

When Little Monkey finally realized that her food was gone, she scrunched up her face in protest. Before she could cry out, DX put the nipple back into her mouth. Within seconds, Little Monkey started to suck on it again.     

Once she had finished her bottle of milk, DX stood up and walked around the room softly as he burped her. Little Monkey let out a cute burp and DX smiled as he praised her softly, "Good job..."     

After that, he placed her next to Kai Xin again.     

"We got about 20 minutes before she sleeps again," said DX softly as he sat on his side of the bed and watched over the two. Kai Xin merely played with Little Monkey's fingers and occasionally, she would speak in a babyish language with their daughter.     

DX chuckled when he saw Kai Xin made silly faces at their daughter. He knew that she wanted to do more, but that was all she could do at the moment.     

Little Monkey giggled when Kai Xin made a monster face at her. She raised her small hands and patted her mother's face which was inches away from her.     

DX watched for a while before he went to the crib to pick up a blue, red rattle. He then held it over his baby daughter and shook it to get her attention. Little Monkey turned her focus away from her mother's face and focused on the rattle instead. She was fascinated by the sound and she smiled when DX held it closer to her face.     

When she tried to take a swipe at it, he took it away from her again.     

"Say Dad-dy…" said DX as he held the rattle and shook it again. Little Monkey's mouth opened and closed as she tried to reach for the rattle.     

Kai Xin smiled. She wiped the drool that was flowing out from her daughter's mouth and pointed out, "She's a little too young for that…"     

DX shrugged. Without taking his eyes off his daughter, he said, "I know… Still fun though… Right, Little Monkey? Oh, no… You're Daisy Du Qing Lei now..."     

They played a little bit more and true to his prediction, after about 20 minutes, Little Monkey started to yawn. She stretched out on the bed before she looked at Kai Xin with sleepy eyes.     

"Oh. Do you want a goodnight kiss?" asked Kai Xin. Little Monkey blinked at her for a second before yawning again. So that her daughter could sleep earlier, Kai Xin kissed Little Monkey's forehead. She gently squeezed Little Monkey's cheek as she said softly, "Goodnight, Daisy…"     

Little Monkey smiled and she turned to her Dad.     

DX also kissed her forehead and her nose before saying softly, "Goodnight, Qing Lei."     

Contented, she raised her arms. DX carried her up. He put her pacifier back in her mouth and paced around the room as he tried to get her to sleep. After about 5 minutes, Little Monkey was back to dreamland.     

DX smiled as he looked at his daughter's cherubic face. He then slowly lowered her down into the crib. Before he left her, he placed the little bunny at the end of her crib, near her legs.     

When he went back to Kai Xin, he said, "Soon you'll be able to carry her around…"     

Kai Xin nodded. She was adamant to get better as soon as possible so that she would not lose any more time with her daughter or the rest of her family.     

The two chatted a bit more before Kai Xin finally fell asleep. Once Kai Xin was in a deep sleep, DX placed a kiss on her forehead before he slowly got out from the bed and went to his desk to continue his work.     

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