Be My Strength

You can't get Luo Yin

You can't get Luo Yin

"You can't get Luo Yin…" hissed Luo Han. His son was safe in jail, or at least that was what he thought until he heard DX's "offer".     

DX raised a brow as if he was taunting Luo Han. Then, in a low voice, he asked, "You wanna bet?"     

Luo Han gulped. He thought about DX's words for a while.     

He was a man and he knew that as a man, he had the ability to create another heir even at his deathbed. However, he had only one son with his beloved sister. Glancing at Mrs. Luo, he figured he could always give her another son.     

But if Ye Tian was gone, everyone that he truly loved in this world would be gone.     

After a moment of hesitation, he made up his mind. He was clear about who was more important.     

He took a deep breath before saying clearly, "Ye Tian."     

Mrs. Luo went wide-eyed with horror when she heard her husband's answer. She spat and yelled, "You f*cking b*stard! How could you choose that b*stard over your own legitimate son! Luo Yin is the only one who can be your son! If you make that b*stard your heir, think about what the people would say!"     

"Shut up," said Luo Han. It was not an easy decision for him to make. Despite his decision, he loved Luo Yin. Unfortunately, he loved Ye Tian more as the latter was the last reminder he had of his beloved sister. The Luo Family had already fallen so badly. Adding one more scandal to it would not harm his reputation any further.     

Mr. Ye ignored the two and asked DX, "How's that, XiAn?"     

DX scoffed. With a cold sneer, he said, "Not a good enough trade for me not to kill him… But…"     

He glanced at his man who immediately ran out of the house. He then glanced at another man who immediately brought over a chair.     

As he sat down on the car with his legs crossed, DX said nonchalantly, "Let's see what he says…"     

"He?" thought Mr. Ye as he looked at DX with a curious expression. However, DX ignored him and continued to reply to work emails on his phone.     

10 minutes later, the man that ran out earlier came back while pushing Ye Tian on a wheelchair.     

"Xiao Tian!" Both Mr. Ye and Luo Han called out. However, only Luo Han rushed to Ye Tian.     

At the last moment, Mr. Ye stopped himself from moving toward him. Even after everything, he did not know how to face Ye Tian.     

DX glanced at Mr. Ye for a while before he looked back at his phone. He did not understand his uncle who seemed to hate and love his son at the same time.     

"Xiao Tian, who did this to you?!" asked Luo Han when he saw the stump of where his son's leg used to be. Luo Han glanced at DX as if he was blaming him for what happened to Ye Tian.     

Without even looking up from his phone, DX said, "Ask your wife."     

Luo Han frowned but he still turned to his wife who was crying over the fact that her husband chose Ye Tian over Luo Yin.     

In a cold and detached voice, Luo Han asked, "What have you done?"     

When Mrs. Luo did not answer him, Luo Han yelled, "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!!!"     

Looking at her husband's angry face, Mrs. Luo was stunted for a few seconds. She then suddenly burst out in laughter. It was a small laugh at first, but the volume slowly increased until it eventually sounded like a witch's laugh.     

"He deserves it! He should never have been born! That bitch deserves to die for carrying a b*stard like him into this world!"     

Mr. Ye clenched his fists as he tried to calm himself down.     

As for Luo Han, he was livid.     


He walked over and hit his wife. DX's man never did anything to stop him. Instead, he took a step back and watched as Luo Han hit his wife black and blue. The woman kept pleading for him to stop but Luo Han refused to stop.     

Mrs. Luo was bleeding from her ear, and her face was swollen, but Luo Han refused to stop. Knowing that his favorite son suffered so much from this woman angered him so much that he had lost all his sanity.     

It was only when Ye Tian, who had remained expressionless until then, suddenly said, "Dad...", that Luo Han stopped his fists.     

Luo Han immediately stopped in his tracks and turned around to look at Ye Tian. With trembling legs, he walked over to Ye Tian and knelt down on one knee in front of Ye Tian as he asked, "Did- Did you just called me Dad?"     

He had known that Ye Tian was his son from the moment the boy was born. However, he had to keep it a secret. His wife accidentally found out when Luo Han was playing with a two-year-old Ye Tian. Grandfather Luo had asked Mr. Ye to send Ye Tian over so that Luo Yin could have someone of his age to play with.     

At that time, when he thought no one was there, Luo Han tried to coax Ye Tian to say "Dad". However, his wife suddenly walked into the nursery and saw what Luo Han did. She had demanded an explanation. At first, he ignored her. However, when she threatened to do a blood test and tell Grandfather Luo, Luo Han immediately told her the truth.     

He made her swore on Luo Yin's life that she would never mention a word and she did. In fact, she had never mentioned it again until Kai Xin revealed the truth of what happened 14 years ago.     

As Luo Han waited for Ye Tian to say something, he noticed that there was a phone on Ye Tian's lap. However, he did not pay any attention to it. He just wanted to hear Ye Tian's voice calling him "Dad".     

He looked at Ye Tian who slowly lifted his head to look at Luo Han properly. The latter had a complicated expression on his face as he stared at his father… His biological father.     

"Y-You're m-my dad…" murmured Ye Tian with a little stutter. His voice was hoarse since he had not been speaking for months. Ever since he woke up and realized that he had lost his leg, he had been down. He refused to talk to anyone. No matter how they threatened to hurt him, Ye Tian refused to say anything. After so long, when he spoke earlier, his throat felt dry and painful. It was as if it belonged to someone else.     

"Yes! I'll save you! Dad'll save you! Dad'll do everything to fix your leg!" said Luo Han as he nodded. When he saw the state his son was in, he felt a deep ache, more than anything he had ever felt for his other two sons.     

With tears in his eyes, he said sorrowfully, "My son!"     

He reached out to hug Ye Tian. A moment later, he felt a sharp pain in his chest and cried out. When he glanced down, a knife was stuck deep in his chest all the way to its hilt.     

"W-Why?" asked Luo Han as he stared at Ye Tian with a look of disbelief. Ye Tian merely smiled at him for a moment before he violently pulled the knife out of Luo Han.     

Clasping his chest, Luo Han fell down to the ground with a thud. His blood spurted on Ye Tian's face and shirt. Everyone's view was blocked up until then, and when they saw what had happened, the guards immediately moved to protect their respective bosses.     

However, DX waved his guards away from him. He had expected this. After all, he was the one who handed Ye Tian the knife when he secretly went to the Shenlong House yesterday. There was no way Ye Tian could leave, and DX was curious to see what Ye Tian would do with the knife. He knew that Ye Tian was faking his catatonic state, and so, he told Ye Tian what he intended to do today and who would be there.     

When he left the room where Ye Tian was kept in, DX left him the knife and said, "You're never getting out of here..."     

After DX left, Ye Tian picked up the knife that DX left on his lap. He knew that DX was telling him that he had no intention to hand Ye Tian over to Mr. Ye. If he wanted to finish his game, he had to act today.     

"N-No! Save him! Someone save him!" Mrs. Luo's cries could be heard. Despite her pain, she tried to crawl to Luo Han. However, it was useless as DX's guards stopped her from going closer.     

Ghost looked at the woman who had caused years of misery upon him and he smiled a little. He did not feel sorry for his father or Mrs. Luo. Callum, who was worried about Ghost, sighed in relief when he saw the small smile on Ghost's face.     

As for Ye Tian, he ignored Mrs. Luo's cries. Instead, he glanced at Luo Han, who was bleeding profusely from his wound, and with a cold voice, he said, "I've waited 25 years to kill you…"     

"Why?" asked Luo Han as he placed a hand on his wound with the intention to stop the blood flow.     

However, Ye Tian ignored him. Instead, he turned to look at Mr. Ye. With a gentle smile, he said, "I've fulfilled our promise."     

"What?" asked Mr. Ye with a worried expression. Even though he wished death upon Luo Han, he did not want Ye Tian to be the one to do it. No matter what, that was Ye Tian's biological father and he did not want Ye Tian to live with the guilt of committing patricide!     

Ye Tian smiled kindly at the father who had never expressed his love at him. DX's man had passed him the phone earlier. The man had turned on the speaker so that Ye Tian had no choice but to listen to the conversation.     

When he was being held in that room, all he could think of was his father and if his father was healthy. He wanted to ask his father if he was proud of him and if Mr. Ye had ever thought of him as his son.     

So, when Ye Tian heard what his father said, silent tears had slowly rolled off his cheeks.     

All these years, he thought that Mr. Ye hated him, but he was wrong. His father loved him, and the idea itself made Ye Tian both sad and happy at the same time.     

DX glanced at Luo Han, who was bleeding out, before turning to Ye Tian. He smirked when he saw Ye Tian's face.     

After so many months, he had finally shown a reaction to something. There was no way Ye Tian could pretend to be an idiot after this. DX snapped his fingers and one of his guards walked over to a corner and made a phone call.     

He had expected that this might happen and so, he had his medic team on standby and waiting nearby.     

Ye Tian glanced at DX for a moment. As usual, he did not know what was in the man's mind as DX remained as expressionless as ever.     

"Did he know that I'd do this?" thought Ye Tian as he stared at DX.     

He then looked at the bloodied knife for a few seconds. He did not understand the meaning behind it when DX suddenly gave him the knife yesterday. But when the man DX sent out came to take him from the car, Ye Tian had a rough idea and he made a resolution.     

Gripping the knife tightly in his fist, Ye Tian gave one last glance at his father. He mouthed, "I'm sorry..."     

Before anyone even realized it, Ye Tian had already stabbed himself in the heart with it. And just like how he pulled it out of Luo Han, he pulled the knife out of himself creating a blood splatter on the floor in front of him.     

Some of his blood landed on Luo Han who had fallen unconscious from the loss of blood.     

Despite the pain, Ye Tian smiled through it as he looked at his father. He knew that, through the way he stabbed himself, the chances of him surviving would be slim to nothing. This had been his goal his whole life... To take down every bad seed in the Luo Family... Including himself.     

"No! Xiao Tian!" yelled Mr. Ye and he rushed forward to catch his son before Ye Tian fell flat on his face. As he pressed his hands against Ye Tian's wound, he cried, "Why are you so silly?!"     

"D-Dad… Y-You… Hug..." Ye Tian said softly before he coughed out blood. He smiled at his father. It was the first time Mr. Ye had ever hugged him, and he knew that it would be the last time.     

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