To Love You Again

Mysterious Boy (III)

Mysterious Boy (III)

When the boy laughed, Xiong Zhi took the chance to observe him.

He looked like he was a mix, but the foreign blood stood out more.

The boy's long, fine, silvery white hair reached the nape of his neck, his fringe was long enough to cover his eyes and forehead. His thin brows were also silvery and were aligned perfectly. He had a high bridge nose and pale full lips which would be more attractive had it been rosier. He had smooth perfect jaws. His skin was pale and translucent. Although he was currently in distress, holding the railings with one hand tightly, it did not lessen his beauty.

But what captured Xiong Zhi's attention the most were his eyes. It was also silvery with a little tinge of gray or blue. She was not sure. But those pair of beautiful eyes seemed to tell a very sad story. It was dull and empty, with no brilliance. If it had some sparkle in it, this boy would surely look like a deity.

With the sun shining at him, he looked like a fallen angel.

He was truly beautiful.

But this beautiful boy wanted to throw away his life.

Xiong Zhi knew that if he was saved today, there was no guarantee that he would not do it again in the future.

His suicidal thoughts must be uprooted so that this thing would never happen again.

"Why don't you let go? If you die today, you would not need to face those things that make you suffer anymore," Xiong Zhi taunted.

Although she said those words, her intention was to make this boy realize that death was not a solution. He must let go of his suppressed emotions. He, such a beautiful child, wanted to throw his life away. It would be a pity.

She clearly saw earlier his terrified face when he was about to fall. She saw how he wanted to hold the railings desperately. It clearly showed that he did not want to die. He wanted to live.

But Xiong Zhi miscalculated this time. She did not know that her words that was supposed to wake him up simply added fuel to his thoughts that he should just die instead.

Thus, when he heard those words, he stilled.

'She's right.'

'So what if I wanted to live?'

'I will die anyway.'

'I will suffer more.'

How could he survive against their schemes? How could he win against his father's power and authority? No one would believe that his own father killed his mother. He tried to speak of it before, but they had actually put him in a mental institution. How could he win against his brother's scheme? His brother was trusted and loved by many, unlike him. If he told the world of what they have done, the world would believe them rather than him.

He clenched his teeth. No matter what he did, others would not believe him, even when he had evidence.

One of his hands let go of the railings and laboriously reached for a folded paper in his pocket.

It was his suicide letter. He had also written his father's and brother's crime. Inside also contained the evidence and where they would find them. He wanted to expose their crimes with his death.

If he died, the media and police would discover the letter in his body. They would investigate it. Hopefully, those crimes would not escape the public's eyes.

With this thought in mind, he was a little bit relieved. At least, he could do something with his death.

His free hand gripped tightly at the paper. He would not let go of this paper until it was in good hands.

He looked up at the girl whom he could not see clearly.

He did not notice that he was crying.

Xiong Zhi saw the boy's silent tears. The look in his eyes was telling her that he was reluctant, helpless, and dejected. Most importantly, he had no will to live.

She suddenly had a bad premonition.

'Don't tell me...'

The boy closed his eyes while tears flowed out silently.

He felt the sun shine on him, the strong cool wind seemed to whisper to him. He at least wanted to feel the nature before he die.

Then, he let go of his hold on the railings.

Xiong Zhi's eyes widened. She immediately reached out her hands.

The strong, cold wind blew off her cap, exposing her long black hair. It danced wildly with the wind.

Half of Xiong Zhi's body was leaning out of the railings. She sighed in relief when she managed to hold his hand.

Then it quickly dissipated—because she was very angry at this suicidal idiot!

"You, you fool! What are you thinking?! You really want to throw your life away?!"

Xiong Zhi was mad and scared at the same time. If she did not manage to hold his hand then she might be looking at his dismantled corpse right now. Thinking of this, she broke out in cold sweat.

The boy was waiting for the pain of the impact but then he suddenly felt warm, soft hands grab his cold hand tightly.

When he heard her words, he looked up. He was startled at the scene in front of him.

Without the cap, the girl's face was exposed to him.

She had a breathtaking beauty. Her shiny, long, black hair was carried by the wind, her brows were furrowed, and she seemed extremely pissed. Her black orbs looked at him directly. It was full of life, shining brilliantly, unlike his which were empty and dull.

He looked at their hands. Hers was holding his tightly.

He gazed up at the girl again with a confused expression.

"Why save me? Didn't you say it was better for me to die? Let go..."

The girl became angrier. She opened her cherry lips.

"Idiot! If you want to die, then die, but not in front of me! How can I live for the rest of my life with such a trauma?! Do you want to ruin this woman's life too?!" Xiong yelled coldly.

She did not think anyone could be more foolish than him.

She had thought he got scared earlier and finally wanted to live, that he had changed his mind. Well, he did. But he changed his mind again! He was worse than a girl suffering from a period!

The boy was startled. That was her reason? He felt bitter but did not know why.

"Then close your eyes and let me go," the boy said stubbornly.

Xiong Zhi somehow felt like wanting to kill a certain person.

Xiong Zhi treasured her life because it was her only chance to make everything finally right. If it was in her previous lifetime, she would not even blink if someone killed themselves in front of her. Simply because she did not care. She was empty, breathing without any meaning, like a mindless doll.

She kind of understood what this boy was feeling right now.

He must have felt alone.

With that thought, her angry mind calmed down as she tried to persuade the boy. She—who was given a second chance—did not want to witness a boy so young waste his only life. He had not seen and enjoyed the beauty of this life yet.

"Don't you have any reason to live on?"

'Or someone you want to live life with.'

Xiong Zhi asked adding her thoughts silently.

The boy looked at her eyes.

Xiong Zhi could not stand the look in his eyes.

Sadness. It told her one thing.

He was alone. He had nothing nor someone accompanying him in his life. He had no reason to live on.

He had already given up his life.

What had he suffered to have that look in his eyes?

Alone. She could not help but feel a connection. She felt like she was looking at herself from before.

She also had no one.

She was alone in her world.

No ambition, no dreams, nothing. She felt nothing all the time.

Until Linfeng came. He became her beacon. He made her feel. He made her want something, made her dream, and gave her a reason for living.

She looked at the boy. His feeling of helplessness and loneliness was not foreign to her. Before she could stop herself, she heard herself say,

"I—I don't have a friend. Will you become my first?"

The boy was surprised. He could not believe that the girl would ask him that in this situation.

But the girl's eyes were sincere with not a trace of pity. It was as if she was looking at his heart, asking his whole being. 

His heart trembled.

A friend.

He had no friends. But he knew what a 'friend' meant. He heard a maid say before that she had a friend whom she can borrow money from.

A person you could run to if you have trouble.

A person who you could share your burdens with.

A person who would help you in tough times.

A person you could celebrate with.

A person who stayed close to your heart.

Those thoughts were too beautiful for him.

Xiong Zhi's palm was sweating. Anytime, she could lose her hold. She was already using her both hands.

While the boy was still in a daze, Xiong Zhi used this chance to pull him up with all her strength. It was good that the boy was thin and lighter than his peers.

The boy did not struggle.

When they were finally at the safe ground, Xiong Zhi breathed heavily. Her back was full of sweat. She reprimanded herself. She needed to have some exercise.

She looked at the boy, her face cold. She was about to nag him when she was suddenly enveloped by his thin arms.

Xiong Zhi was startled.

"Hey, are you alright? That—" She paused when she felt him hugging her tighter.

"That—hurt," she hissed. She forgot what she was going to say earlier. This boy, was killing her! She could not breathe!

She tried pushing him but her arms were weak because of holding him earlier.

When the boy was finally satisfied by the hug, he looked at Xiong Zhi.

"You saved me today, and you made me your friend. You have to be responsible," he said seriously.

Xiong Zhi looked at him strangely.

What 'responsible'?

Xiong Zhi seemed to have forgotten that she just asked him to become his friend. She did not know that because of today's events, her life would be entangled with this boy—or to say accurately, this boy tied his life to Xiong Zhi.

"What is your na—" the boy started but was cut off by the loud sound of the door opening.

Several men in black suits entered and approached them. Xiong Zhi recognized some of them, they were the guards who had left earlier after receiving instructions from the radio.

'Shoot. I totally forgot about them. How troublesome'

The boy also saw them. His face darkened and he took a step away from Xiong Zhi. Xiong Zhi noticed his movements and felt something was fishy.

"Young master, we were looking for you. You made us worry. Your session has already started. The doctors are all waiting for you." One of the men in black came forward and held the boy's arm.

This man was different from the other men. In his suit, there was a golden pin in a circular shape. There was a letter "L" in the middle.

When he said those words, a tinge of mockery could be detected. There was no politeness in his words and actions. He boldly held the boy's arm like he was holding a criminal.

"Let me guide you to your room—" then he stopped speaking when he noticed Xiong Zhi.

It was a good thing that Xiong Zhi had a quick reaction and reflexes. She had already picked up her cap when those men were walking towards the two of them and put it on. She hugged the jacket she was wearing tightly. She kept a cold face even though they could not see it clearly.

But her heart was ready to jump out of her rib cage. She was feeling nervous.

"And this is?" The man looked at Xiong Zhi then to the boy before looking at Xiong Zhi again.

"I don't know. Why don't you ask her? She is already here when I came to have fresh air," the boy said without a ripple of any emotion.

The man seemed to not believe it. He was about to ask Xiong Zhi when the boy started walking towards the door. He did not even look back.

Of course Xiong Zhi understood what was happening. When the man still did not move and had no intention of letting her go, she took out her phone and pretended she was talking to someone.

"Dad, I'm sorry I did not answer your call earlier. There was no signal downstairs in the hospital… Yes… No, I'm still here. I'm at the rooftop. You're downstairs? Okay—" Xiong Zhi nodded at the man and walked towards the exit. She was still on the phone pretending to listen to another person.

"How's mom? I bought some food today. Did you bring Jackie? Who's with you…"

Xiong Zhi voice became fainter as she walked downstairs.

The man who had wanted to ask her had a dark expression on his face. He did not manage to get her name. He was still suspicious of her. What if she was from the media? Or someone the brat had hired.

He picked up his phone and dialed a number.

"Hello?" A woman's voice was heard.

"Investigate and get the information about the girl who was wearing a cap, black jacket and running shoes. She was heading downstairs. Now."

He ended the call. It seemed like he had something he needed to report.

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