To Love You Again

I Love You...Forever

I Love You...Forever

Gu Zhen bowed and offered his hand. "We never had a chance to dance, right?"     

Xiong Zhi put her hand on his palm. "We never did. Because Song Xuantin put a large fence around you. Just being in a close place with you, I could imagine her glaring at me. Did she really allow you to participate in this?"     

At the mention of Song Xuantin, Gu Zhen's serious finally showed a smile.     


They danced quietly. But after a while, Gu Zhen spoke.     

"Do you remember when you approached me and said that you would make my dream come true? I thought it is only a naive promise that any sixteen-year-old would say. Who would have thought you really fulfilled that promise and even surpassed my dream?"     

Xiong Zhi felt guilty. Actually, Gu Zhen was a genius and his life would be smoother in the later stages. That was what happened in her previous lifetime. She actually took advantage of him. She just guided him early in his path that's why he achieved more things than in his previous lifetime.     

"I only give you a little push. You arrived where you are because of your own talent and ability. So there's no need to be thankful to me. Actually, I should be the one who should be grateful to you."     

Gu Zhen thought about it and nodded. "That makes sense. After all your IHZHI is gaining a lot of profits because of my work."     

Xiong Zhi: "..." Gu Zhen really never changed.     

"By the way, congratulations. I finally have a little niece."     

Gu Zhen's face turned bright. "Thank you. I am excited to be a father."     

At the corner, Chen Ze saw that the two were about to finish their dance. He looked at the other room where Linfeng was preparing and Jang Shin cleaning.     

"Be ready in a minute. They are almost done."     

Jang Shin who was the only one who could not wear a suit tried to bargain again with a bitter face, "Can I participate too? Just half a minute dance would do. This is the most unforgettable night of my brother Linfeng. As his best friend, I should be playing a major role."     

Linfeng glanced at him coldly, "If I am your best friend, how could you almost ruin my night?"     

Jang Shin: "...." Who would have thought you would choose this day? I thought it was only a vacation.     

Chen Ze tried to meddle. "Sir Jang, you will have a major role, trust me."     

Jang Shin finally brightened up.     

Chen Ze saw that Gu Zhen stepped back and bowed. He excitedly said, "Be ready."     

Linfeng took a deep breath. He nodded. He was about to step out when suddenly Lu Yin Ze appeared.     

Chen Ze and Linfeng: ??     

The boys: ??     

Lu Yin Ze was also wearing a suit with a red rose in his hand.      

The boys exchanged glances.     

Earlier when the boys gathered and Chen Ze told them about the major event, Lu Yin Ze suddenly stood up and left. The other knows that Lu Yin Ze have feelings for Xiong Zhi before. But that was too long ago.     

Did he not move on yet?     

They thought Lu Yin Ze won't cooperate so they are stunned to see him.     

Linfeng frowned. He was about to interrupt when Chen Ze stopped him and shook his head at him.     

Chen Ze doesn't know the whole story. But he could tell the situation at a glance. He was a professional in this area after all.     

He whispered, "It was better if all loose ends will be tied today."     

Linfeng glanced at the two at the center and finally nodded.     

Lu Yin Ze also proposed to dance.     

Xiong Zhi looked at him and nodded. Like Chen Ze, she was also thinking of the same thing.     

The two were silent as they danced. Only Lu Yin Ze knows how fierce the battle was in his heart and mind for him to come here.     

When Xiong Zhi thought he wouldn't speak, Lu Yin Ze muttered slowly.     

"...Are you happy?"     

Xiong Zhi glanced at him.      

When Lu Yin Ze was sad, anyone surrounding him could not help but pity him. His beautiful silver-blue eyes reflected the sadness clearly.      

Xiong Zhi could not help but think that in the past lifetime, this beautiful man ceased to exist before he could shine and be exposed to the world. The world had lost such a bright pearl.     

But now he lived. And he was able to shine so vividly and beautifully. But this gem doesn't belong to her.     

However, she was happy. She was happy she become a part of this man's life.     

She was delighted that the two brothers reunited and reconciled. That her friends' families weren't destroyed. And that she continued to be at Linfeng's side.     

Xiong Zhi smiled. The happiness in her eyes was clearly be seen. "Yes. I am happy."     

Lu Yin Ze stared at her. He then sighed helplessly as if admitting defeat. "That's all I need."     

He then took a step back and bowed.     

He initially wanted to ask her one last time to consider him. He knows it was a futile struggle. But...he wanted to fight one more time. But facing the happiness in her eyes and delightful smile, Lu Yin Ze lost all courage.     

He lost terribly.     

There's no way he could rival that unswerving love that those two had with each other.      

He smiled bitterly and left.     

'As long as she is happy...'     


When Lu Yin Ze left, Xiong Zhi's hand become empty except for the flowers. But it wasn't a little later that a man came out.     

The man she was waiting for finally appeared.     

The music was still playing romantically in the background. But the two brothers, Lu Yin Ze and Gu Zhen had already left, leaving Linfeng and Xiong Zhi alone in the center.     

Linfeng was wearing a white suit. This is the first time Xiong Zhi saw him wore white. His hair was neatly combed to the back.     

He looked extremely handsome and competent.     

However, unbeknownst to Xiong Zhi, this man was nervous all day.     

Linfeng's heart was running crazy.     

"May I have a dance with my beloved Young Miss?"     

Xiong Zhi's smile went deeper. She eagerly nodded.     

Linfeng closed their distance and held her waist.     

They were only centimeters apart. Linfeng stared at her.     

"You look beautiful." He praised her from the bottom of his heart.     

Linfeng doesn't have a clear look at her earlier because he was nervous but now that he was standing close, he could see that the dress he chose truly suited Xong Zhi.     

She was like a fairy that came to this land to hypnotize him.     

Xiong Zhi leaned over and whispered, "You too. You look good in white."     

Linfeng beamed. Should he start wearing white from now on?     

"...By the way you really hide them too deep. I was surprised that you even brought them here and make them do these chores."      

Linfeng's smile twitched. He was surprised too that they were here.     

"Are you happy they are here?" He asked.     

"Of course. Although I want us to be alone, it is livelier with them around. It's been too long since we gathered like this after all. It brought good memories back to me. Looking at them, made me realize how our lives changed. And I am grateful for it."     

Linfeng could feel Xiong Zhi's happiness. He sighed in relief inwardly.     

It looked like his Xiong Zhi like this little surprise.     

"I am glad you like it. Really glad..."     

The two danced slowly while their hearts conversed. The lights above their heads and the candles below made Xiong Zhi has an illusion that they were dancing amidst the stars.     

With her beloved man's arms hugging her waist, and her leaning on him, she felt like the whole world belonged to her.     

She was indeed very happy and contended.     

She could stay like this forever.     


Xiong Zhi's serenity was suddenly interrupted by a loud sound coming from Linfeng's chest.     

She looked up at him in bewilderment. Why is his heart thumping so fast?     

Linfeng met her stairs and smiled sheepishly. He kissed Xiong Zhi's forehead as if he was gaining strength from her.     

Xiong Zhi watched in astonishment as Linfeng suddenly kneeled in front of her. He then took something out of his pocket.      

Xiong Zhi gasped.     

It was a ring box.     

Linfeng opened it and a beautiful ring was revealed. He looked at her nervously as he said in a hoarse voice.     

"Xiong Zhi, would I be yours forever? Would you...marry me?"     

Xiong Zhi teared up. Her eyes blurred as she watched the man she loved in both lifetimes nervously propose to her. She nodded her head and struggled to speak.     


She then kneeled together with him and hugged Linfeng as she muttered repeatedly. "Yes. Yes. Yes."     

Linfeng had red eyes as he hugged her back. Then he stood up with Xiong Zhi in his arms and turned around in a circle. Both of them were grinning with tears in their eyes.     

He then stopped for a while and bent down his head. He kissed her softly yet passionately. He wanted to convey how happy he was.     

Xiong Zhi replied with a passionate kiss. The two kissed with their hearts united.     

A loud boom suddenly sounded. And the sky lit up. A blowing flower illuminated the island.     

Linfeng did not let go of Xiong Zhi and brought her to the balcony.     

Fireworks lit up one after another.     

They both watched in awe with smiles on their lips.     

Xiong Zhi turned to Linfeng and kissed him on the cheeks again.     

"So that's why you set everything up. You cheeky man."     

Linfeng laughed. "I want it to be special since I am going to propose to the most wonderful, beautiful, and special woman in the world."     

Xiong Zhi laughed. Only in Linfeng's eyes she would be the most wonderful, beautiful and special. However, that was enough.      

She displayed her fingers to him.      

"Hey, you haven't put the ring yet."     

Linfeng kissed her fingers first which made Xiong Zhi laugh again. Everything just feels so wonderful.     

Linfeng put it on her. Seeing that it perfectly fit her well and looked beautiful like he imagined, he could not help but kissed her fingers again.     

Xiong Zhi's eyes were bright as she stared at the ring on her finger.  The white diamond had beautiful rays of light. She loved it.     

This ring symbolizes the ownership they have of each other.     

Linfeng was forever hers...and she was Linfeng's.     

They are one...and never be separated again.     

Xiong Zhi could not help but shed tears. She kissed Linfeng on the lips. "I love you, Linfeng. I love you." She could say it many times. Until they grow old.     

Linfeng kissed her eyes. "I love you Young Miss, my Zhi'er."     

'Thank you for loving me again.' Both of them thought in their hearts as they expressed their love through words and kisses.     




Jang Shin was cleaning the rose petals and candles in the living room with tears in his eyes.      

'So this is my big role, huh, still cleaning.' He thought bitterly. He could not even join the others to watch the fireworks.     

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