To Love You Again

SS: Sweet Candy [2] (SX and GZ)

SS: Sweet Candy [2] (SX and GZ)

However, her grandparents who spoiled her and loved her become sick and died one after another.     

Her parents who always thought of their career first left the country for Hollywood, leaving Song Xuantin who was grieving behind.     

The child was suddenly left alone. She felt like she was in a big empty bowl all alone. There was an emptiness in her heart. To quench her sadness, the little child began to like to fulfill herself through eating.     

When she thought of her grandparents that was suddenly gone, she would eat unrestrained. When she thought of her parents who were far away, she would eat again.     

So as time passed, she slowly become fat. But it was not disgusting to look at. For her, she still looked cute with chubby cheeks and arms.     

After all, for Song Xuantin, looks was never a problem.     

However, the sophisticated society she lived in teach children to be conscious of their appearance. If there was a flaw, the child and the child's parents would be attacked.     

Especially, in the society Song Xuantin was living in. Everyone in her school was the son or daughter of a big prestigious family who cares a lot about face.     

They were strict and easy to judge the children who fall behind the 'perfection' in the minds of the adult which also greatly influenced their own children.     

Adults would often slip up in front of a child. They would gossip and say that the former child star was kicked out of showbiz because she was too fat and ugly. This rumor circulated because Song Xuantin's parents are out of the country so no one blocked these people's mouths.      

Thus, the children also pointed their fingers at the innocent Song Xuantin and say those harsh words.     

Song Xuantin who thought at first that it wasn't bad to be fat was suddenly judged and avoided. Her friends who adored and praised her before was the first one who said that she was fat and ugly. They would not let them play with her and avoided her like a plague.     

The former loved child was suddenly isolated. Making her confidence drop to the bottom and be afraid of other people's stares.     

Song Xuantin wiped her tears silently behind the book.     

If others saw that she cried again they would look at her strangely. Those eyes were harsher than their words.     

Song Xuantin suddenly felt hungry. She was like this. Every time she felt sad, she felt the need to stuff her mouth and stomach with something. Through eating, she could forget her troubles for a moment.     

Song Xuantin courageously stood up and went out of the playroom. The assistant teacher who was seating by the door saw her coming out.     

"Where are you going Song Xuantin?"     

Song Xuantin shyly lowered her eyes. "I am hungry. My lunch box is in the room."     

The assistant teacher did not answer for a while. But Song Xuantin who has her lowered head thought that the teacher might be judging her for being greedy for food. After all, everyone was busy playing and she was the only one who thought of eating.     

"...Oh my I forgot the time." The assistant teacher slapped her forehead. "You all must be hungry, right? Okay. We will have an early recess."     

The assistant teacher was new but she was diligent. Although she doesn't have a child, she heard that children went often hungry. It was not break time yet but since a child said she was hungry, the other children must also be hungry. But since they were busy playing, they were distracted.     

She can't let these children who were pampered by great families be hungry!     

"Alright! Class, we will have an early break today. After eating snacks, we will go play again, alright?"     

"Okay!" The children cheered.      

Song Xuantin bowed her head shyly.     

Ah, she almost misunderstood, teacher.     

She was the first one to leave and also the first to arrive in their homeroom. She doesn't like others seeing her eating because of the strange gazes she receives, so she hurriedly took her lunchbox to eat somewhere else.     

However, she still met her classmates at the doorway.     

They saw her holding her lunchbox. The other children did not care about it and ran to their own lunchbox, but the group of girls who were gossiping about her earlier noticed that she was the first to arrive and was about to leave.     

"Look she arrives so fast when the teacher said it's time for snacks. All she thinks about is food. Isn't she afraid of becoming a pig?"      

The others laughed and called her a pig.     

Song Xuantin teared up. She held the lunch box tightly and ran out. She had only run out for two steps when she heard a 'bang' behind her followed by a loud cry. But she did not look back in the room or have the heart to care about it.      

She was so ashamed...     

Was she really ugly, fat, and looked like a pig?     

But she was the former star...     

She ran so fast and arrived at the back garden. It was quiet here and no one was around. Song Xuantin finally let out a heartbreaking cry.     

Those girls were here friends could they say she was a pig? She always treats them kindly before. Why did they treat her badly?     

Song Xuantin looked at her chubby arms. Was it because of her chubby appearance?     

Her eyes then looked at the lunchbox.     

Her resentment and indignation rose up again.     

It was because of this lunchbox! They caught her carrying her lunchbox and was hurrying away. So they thought she was greedy like a pig.     

Song Xuantin vented her anger on the lunchbox and threw it. She then sat on the ground and hugged her knees.     

She felt so wronged....     

She cried like that for a long time. When she felt tired, her eyes glanced at the lunchbox that was thrown at the side.     

She suddenly felt guilty.     

What was wrong with the food? The lunchbox did not hurt her it was those people.     

She stood up again and picked it up.     

She patted the dirt off as she muttered, "I am sorry for throwing you away. You did nothing wrong. It's me who is at fault..." She felt sad again.     

Song Xuantin sat on the ground and opened the lunchbox. The food that the house chef meticulously arranged was now in disarray. But the aroma was still great.     

Song Xuantin ate it slowly with tears falling.     

Before, she felt everything she ate was delicious and fulfilling but now...     

"It's bitter..."     

It wasn't that delicious anymore. It doesn't make her happy anymore.     

A small palm holding a packet of candy suddenly appeared in front of her. Then a childish soft voice followed.     

"This candy is sweet. Not bitter."     

Song Xuantin looked up at the owner of the voice.     

A child in her age with messy hair and crooked glasses was standing in front of her. His palm was outstretched. His clothes were creased. In his armpit was a broken tablet.     

Song Xuantin recognized this kid instantly.     

Isn't he classmate Gu Zhen who likes to stay alone in the corner of the room with his tablet?     

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