We are destined.Let me pamper you

Orange-48 hours

Orange-48 hours

"Hold on to something" With a small warning, Ghost pressed on the accelerator and passed the car through the half-opened gate. Heavy metal gates rubbed to the sides of the military car, igniting the spark and loud noise before it breaks free and crashed to the wall.     


TWO DAYS AFTER CAR CRASH (Feng Jianyu and Xiu Mei's car crash on the cliff)     

Lu Xion's private property in Country B- South City.     

In one of its room, a make-shift computer room was set up. Experts are working non-stop to trace the whereabouts of a woman through satellite for almost two days.     

Suddenly a tall man entered inside the room whose dangerous aura can put even god of death to shame. His dark eyes were like an endless abyss. As he spoke in an icy-cold tone, the experts sitting felt a shiver run down their spine and jumped in fear. "Did you find her?"     

A man got up and wiped the sweat off of his forehead. "W-we…. Are trying s-sir… But madam's location is still unknown"     

"USELESS! It's been two days she is missing and you can't even track down the location? Just how incompetent you people are" He roared like a beast, ready to eat them up.     

Wu Zixin mustered up the courage to speak from behind, "B-boss, please calm down…. They're trying"     

"SHUT UP!"     


Lu Xion punched on the table in anger.     

"What about Team A and Team B? Do they get any information?" He runs his hand through his hair and paced back and forth around the room.     

"No Boss! They are still looking for her" Wu Zixin answered.     

"Tell them not to return without results" He ordered and turned to Bai Xin, Feng, and Yeti who were standing in the corner with lowered head. They know the gravity of the situation, as before leaving the home country they were warned by Lu Xion personally to not leave her side at any cost, in clear words it was their S-Class mission. Yet they failed in their task.     

"Do you know the punishment of betrayal in the underworld?" Lu Xion came to know that Xiu Mei never boarded Phoenix Enterprises plan for Country B and it was only her team who boarded it, whereas she herself came through other means. He held these three people to be responsible for not informing him such an important piece of information.     

"D-death!" Bai Xin said weakly.     

"THEN BE PREPARED!" He snarled, "Zixin, I want to know how did she come here. Find out ASAP"     

"Y-Yes boss!"     

He was angry! He was angry at himself for letting her go to Country B alone and he was angry at Xiu Mei for dodging the security he had appointed after her.     

Every time! Don't know-how! She figures out the security he arranges around her. And every time she tricks them somehow. This time she not only dodged the security but didn't even inform Xin, Yeti, and Feng before leaving the hotel.     

Immediately he boarded the plane for Country B when his team informed about her missing status. Although it's been only a few hours when her whereabouts are unknown, he cannot take a chance as it was the enemy's territory.     

Due to Zeng Shihong's health issues, he did not take the risk of informing him about the situation. Thus, leaving him under the care of Wu Shen he made a business trip excuse and left for Country B in search of her.     

But guess there was some sense left in Xiu Mei. Just when he was sentencing death to his people, his phone vibrated. It was a special message on his private number from a certain 'ORANGE'.     

After receiving the weird message, Xion stared blankly at his phone with a frown. Who is this 'Orange'? It was a simple message asking for help along with some degrees and decimal minutes.     

He remembered whenever he used to pester Xiu Mei to keep security with her, she avoided the topic but at the same time assures him with a line 'Take a chill pill! A certain 'Orange' will inform you about my whereabouts if I ever need your help'     

However, she never explained the actual meaning of her words and kept him wondering. Thinking this can't be the coincidence that a certain 'Orange' really messaged him at a critical time like this.     

Right before her car crash, along with Feng Junjie and Qingzhou Pang she had sent a similar message to 'Orange' ordering him to forward the message to Lu Xion exactly after 48 hours.     

These 48 hours was the buffer time she gave to herself and Jianyu. If they are safely out of the situation within the next 48 hours then she will revoke the order sent to Orange. And if not… At least Lu Xion is there to help.     

It was her back up plan if the situation turns worse….     

"I think I got her location" Lu Xion passed his phone to one of the experts, "Check these coordinates. Where is this place? Fast!" With his gaze stick to the computer screen as the expert feeds the coordinates and satellite scan the earth of the location.     

"Boss, location is Country B. Somewhere….. in the North City"     

Hearing the name 'North City' everyone's heart skipped a beat. They are aware it's a restricted zone, currently outcasted by President Pang herself. What the hell was she doing in there? Is she alone? How did she manage to go there?     

"Mobilise the resources! I'm heading this mission" His eyes still locked on the screen, watching the location where Xiu Mei is.     


In the night, Helicopters whirred in the air near the cliff as it was the last location forwarded by Orange.     

Lu Xion took three helicopters with him while putting the rest of his team on standby on a location not too far from here. Holding his desert eagle gun he jumped out of the helicopter when it was few meters above the ground. Wu Zixin, Xin, Feng and Yeti followed by closely, holding assault rifles, explosives, rocket launchers, and many high tech gadgets.     

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