We are destined.Let me pamper you

Hold her

Hold her

The sole objective of this mini-mission was to attach metal balls with as many computers as possible. However it's not a video game but a real life game, a small mistake can blow their covers up. So, they have to be very careful.     

Xiu Mei instantly opened her laptop and connected all the Jieshu's to her laptop, so that she can monitor every video on it. "Remember guys, there is a range limit of max 5km. The number will continuously flash at the top and will warn you at 4km followed by every 200 meters thereon. Your devices will stop working once they are out of range" warning everyone she stepped out of the truck to roll all the metal balls on the floor.     

Soon the thrill begins. Everybody glued their gaze to their respective consoles and started rolling the metal ball like playing a game of Mario, crossing all the hurdles and reaching the goal.     

Feng Jianyu and Lu Xion were having a neck to neck competition. One second if Jianyu was in the lead then the next second Xion will take over him. Feng Jin was catching them closely followed by Qingzhou and Huo Feng.     

Whereas Dr. Wang Shi was still trying to figure out the working of the console as he didn't get time to practice with it before. Entire day he and his team were treating poor patients staying in the make-shift shelter.     

Rong Xiang and Wu Zixin were fighting for 6th position while Bai Xin and Yeti made efforts to match up to the two assistants.     

"Dr. Wang, buck up! You are at number 10 in this race" Wang Shi heard Xiu Mei say who was sitting right beside him. "If my memory serves me right, I was nineteen when I played with it last. Damn! Heart transplant surgery is far easier than understanding these complicated buttons"     

Xiu Mei giggled and tried to help him.     

It didn't take much time when they entered the perimeter of the base breaking all the security system. After all who can detect a marble size ball in the darkness?     

"This place is huge!" Xiu Mei was shocked looking at the size of the base as soon as they enter the perimeter. "I wonder if it looks this big from outside then what it is from inside."     

"Instead of going in a single direction let's spread out. We better concentrate on our ultimate goal first" Feng Jianyu reminded everyone and soon they spread out in different directions but stuck in front of a huge metal door.     

"F*ck! There's a metal door ahead with eye sensors" Someone cursed and Xiu Mei checked it on her laptop. "I get it. Xin, you are last. Crawl over the shoes of any guard and use sedative on him"     

Bai Xin did as instructed.      

"Great! Now other guards will definitely take him inside. Everyone, be prepared" Xiu Mei reminded "Xin withdrew yourself. It's risky for you to continue"     

Just as they had expected. The door opened to take the unconscious guard inside the base.     

Everybody rolled in calmly including Wang Shi who by now understood the working of console.     

"Wow…." As they keep on going deeper and deeper Xiu Mei couldn't help but be astonished by the sprawling expanse of the base.     

Overhead transparent glass roof was shimmering with stars, but an eerie feeling could be seen around. Armed guards pacing in the corridor, a handful of scientists working on some experiments, most advanced contraptions and some weird metal boxes in different colors being stocked up.     

"What could be in these boxes?" Qingzhou frowned and asked. "And why are they colored differently?"     

"I don't know about other boxes but the one colored in black printed with a danger sign means something explosive… Maybe RDx, TNT or TATP" Feng Jin's eyes darkened "Considering the number of black boxes, they are working on a very large scale. If this continued on for some more years, they will eat up entire Country B"     

"I found a computer system"     

 "I found one"     

Lu Xion said and Feng Jianyu said at the same time.     

Lu Xion and Feng Jianyu were about to connect the microdevice hidden in the ball to their found computers when Rong Xiang frowned, "Oh no! There's a problem. I crawled onto something to look for a computer but it seems it was a trolly, someone's pushing it. And just now my console flashed the warning of the last 400meter"     

Xiu Mei checked her laptop. Indeed Rong Xiang's Jieshu was moving out of range.     

Before they could do anything it already crossed the maximum range limit, right in front of their eyes.     

"Sorry mam! Sorry boss!" Rong Xiang trembled in fear. But instead of fear, he was guiltier. One careless mistake could cost them their entire mission and they could be discovered by their enemy.     

"I'm not concerned that it moved out of range but worried about this new problem approaching us" Xiu Mei spoke looking at her laptop. "They are taking off the contents from trolly. If this continued we might be found out"     

Feng Jianyu tossed his console at Bai Xin, "You attach the connector" Next he snatched Rong Xiang's console to try working out but Jieshu didn't buzz from its place due to out of range.     

Lu Xion saw everyone has stopped working. He reprimanded them, "Don't stop. Continue! We'll find out the solution" Just then Feng Jianyu spoke, "They are close! Only the last three boxes are left"     

"I know how to come within range" Without waiting another second Feng Jianyu get down from the truck. Xiu Mei understood what he was up to and panicked, "No! Don't go! It's dangerous! I'm coming too"     

"Jin, hold her!" Feng Jianyu's voice came from outside as he ran towards the base holding Rong Xiang's console.     

Xiu Mei got up abruptly without paying attention to the stitches. She had barely taken a single step when Feng Jin pressed her on the shoulder. "Please! Trust my brother's skills. If you'll run after him in this condition, you will be adding on to his problem. Think cooly and try helping him from here"     

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