We are destined.Let me pamper you

And this

And this

Alice didn't expect that the man will use such a dangerous drug on her that would give her near-death experience.     

One of the underlings stood near her holding laptop in hand, asking for a password. She didn't respond but kept her gaze glued to the man sitting on the study table.     

"Just to get my invention you are willing to torture me? You are willing to use these drugs on me? Your kindness all this while was just a façade. You are not a kind man but a stingy businessman. You took advantage of my trust, you betrayed me. I trusted you with all my heart yet you...."     

"Ahh! Too boring" The man didn't allow her to complete the sentence, stubbed the cigar and waved at his man who was already ready with the second dose of injection.     

"No…No… Let go of me… No… Nooooo"     

She was shot up with another dose of drugs. The struggle for breath was so intense that one would prefer death to get over with. This time they increase the dosage to five minutes.     

After five minutes that seems like internity Alice's struggle was finally over and she could breathe again. All this while she looked at the man sitting on the study table to understand what was more painful, his betrayal or the pain due to drug.     

This time when the underling approached her again she gave the password in a heartbeat. She knows she won't be able to survive the next dose of drug and life is too precious to risk it for this one software.     

"Oh! Wow! This software is amazing. If launched in market no one can compete against this. What a genius product ah!" One of the computer experts who was working on Alice's laptop exclaimed loudly.     


Suddenly the door was pushed open, tens of men flooded into the room. This batch looked different, each one of them was wearing bulletproof shields. Alice looked at them vigilantly, for the unknown reason these men looked more dangerous. Who they are? What do they want?     

Upon seeing that everyone's attention was on this new group, she edged closer to the man on the study table. But suddenly he got up and hold her roughly by nape so that she cannot turnaround and see his face. "Ahh! Let go! Please. I already gave you the password. Let go of me. Please. It hurts"     

"He ordered to bring her to him," The leader of the bulletproof shield team said and the man holding Alice's nape instantly agreed.     

"Of-course! He is free to do whatever he wants" Saying he tried to push her but she clings onto the man's arm for her dear life. "No please. You already got the password, now let me go. I beg you. I won't tell anyone about it. Please let me go"     

He chuckled, "That's what I'm doing. Letting you go permanently. Now go"     

"No, No…. Ahh!"     

She was pushed on the cold floor. Someone forcibly injected her with something. Little by little her eyes started to droop and she was knocked out.     



"Jianyu… Probably that last injection was the sedative. When I woke up I was not in the resort but somewhere at a weird place. It was the closed dark room with a strong stench of sterilized liquid reverberated in the air" Xiu Mei recalled, "My head and my lower back was hurting badly at that time. Due to the effects of sedative I could not register the faces of people around me."     

She smiled self-deprecatingly, "Anyways It would be of no help either. They were too cautious to show up their identity that nobody took off their mask. After that whatever happened was due to their weirdo boss who played with me like a lifeless product. Toss a doll up in the air and see it come crashing to the ground, then repeat the process. It might seem fun to the bystanders but for the doll, it's no fun"     

Xiu Mei didn't go into any detail of what happened after they brought her out of the resort. But Jianyu was not born yesterday; just by hearing what those people did to get the password he understood that the story afterward was much worse than this.     

He changed their position by gently rolling her to the side and hovering over her to study her closely. Xiu Mei saw his intense gaze on her, her lips drew into a thin line. The tears she was trying to hold threatened to come out if he keeps on staring her like this.     



He peppered slow and tender kisses on her face as if she is the most delicate girl in this world and a little force might break her. His kisses were full of love and care for the woman to whom he cannot even think of giving the tiniest bit of discomfort.     

Xiu Mei touched Feng Jianyu's face softly to calm him down. His actions make it clear that his emotions are stirred up and he is definitely affected. As their gaze collided she gave him his most genuine smile that reached her eyes. "I'm fine now. My body has fully recovered. Nothing hurts"     

"Liar" He gave an accusing look and tied her to the depth of his eyes. "Physical wounds healed but what about emotional trauma? You are definitely affected by it even today"     

Now it was Xiu Mei's turn to place tender kisses on Jiayu's face to soothe him. "Yes, I'm emotionally affected by it even today. But you have no idea how much you are helping me to fight through it. With you by my side, I'm overcoming with it and soon all this would be over. With your selfless love and care, you have changed me into a stronger person. You are giving me courage"     

Feng Jianyu's face broke into a charming smile as he hugged her tightly to feel her beating heart, "Really? Too much sweet talker you are" He placed feathery kisses on the scar near her shoulder. "I know you mentioned the last part of the story in a hush-hush way to hide your pain from me. It was that part of the story when you received this-" saying he kissed the scar near the waist. "And this-" he kissed another scar and continued on till his lips cover all the visible scars of her body.     

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