We are destined.Let me pamper you



"Jianyu, how come you are prepared in advance with marriage documents? Had you planned this before?"     

He rubbed the back of his neck with a hand. "Er… I'm prepared with the documents for the last two months. At present, there are more five thousand copies of this document at every possible place, in every car that I own, every property, your villa, office, safe, laptop, etc, etc, etc."     

He answered it as a matter of fact and she looked at him with widened eyes as though talking to a maniac. On watching her expression he kissed her, "Mei, I want to be fully prepared the moment you say yes. Can't take any more risk considering how crazy you are."     

Xiu Mei was tongue tied at his response and looked at him as if the devil's horns have grown out on her head. "Then don't marry this crazy woman!"     

"Mei, you have already promised me. No backsies!" He takes out a pen he had brought along with him. "One sign here, one here and the last one…."     

"I know… I know….I can read. Despo!" She took the pen but paused for a few seconds and his brows furrowed. "Now what? Again doubtful?"     

"N-Nope… I'm signing. Chill!" Under the watchful eyes of Feng Jianyu, she signed the documents. Taking the documents back he read it carefully, making sure everything is correct. "Wait here for a minute, let me put this in a safe. Don't run anywhere. We still have to talk about the topic you started a while ago"     

"I thought it was over"     

"No! How can it be over until you receive the due punishment for calling my body ugly." Scaring Xiu Mei with his words he went outside to put the documents securely.     

By the time he came back, she was sprawled onto the couch in deep slumber, hugging her body into a small fur ball. Looking at the tranquil expression on her face he felt relaxed and picked her up to lay down on the bed.     

After telling the truth of her 'ugly' body, she felt as though a heavy stone is lifted from her chest and she slept like a baby. After tucking her securely up to chin he went to take shower.     

After freshening up Jianyu open the blanket and lay down beside her 'half wife'. He glanced at her serene face and placed a long kiss on her forehead and then to her nose. He looked at the blanket covering her body and lightly lifted it up to see the severity of her scars.     

At the time when she tried to show her body to him, unknown to her, the moment her gown slipped off from her body he closed his eyes instinctively. How can he make her woman feel conscious by staring at her body as if a lifeless doll is put on a display? But her actions cleared his suspicion regarding why is she reluctant to marry him.     

When he lifted the blanket he saw many small scars on her chest and abdomen, almost fading away with time but still visible. But a four-inch stitch mark on right waist showed she had been operated there before. He saw another big scar slightly above the left breast, running till her back. Probably this was the ballistic trauma on her body [1]. He recalled she said something about the scar on her back; gently he turned her body to the right.     

The moment he did so, a chill run down his spine, and his eyes watered up thinking how much pain she has endured in the past. There was an almost six-inch long stitch mark running on her spinal cord and the similar ballistic trauma on her upper back, exactly at the same place joining with the scar on front through stitch marks. This means the bullet went through and through her body. Except for these two marks, there were no other scars on her back, unlike her front body.     

He softly runs his hand on her scars, but she stirred up in her sleep, causing him to retrieve back his hand and cover her with the blanket. According to the information of the audio tape he was prepared for a ballistic trauma, but this is way beyond his imagination, this is the height of cruelty. Those monsters have treated her like a punching bag that night, from her body to her eyes, they have crossed every limit with her.     

Jianyu's fists clenched in anger, thinking about the unknown enemy and Kong's. His cold aura enveloped the room, suddenly dropping the temperature. Probably Xiu Mei sensed something in her sleep and instinctively shifted closer to him for warmth. "Mmm…. Jianyu love you" She murmured snuggling on his chest. His heart swelled up at her gesture, the cold aura dissipated as he spooned her in his arms and adjusted her head to a comfortable position before sinking into a slumber, holding Xiu Mei close to his heart.     

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