We are destined.Let me pamper you



Lu Xion didn't reply for a long time and kept on pondering something. 'Sixteen years…Ran away… Adopted… No more with the family…. Whereabouts missing…." Suddenly he opened his eyes and sat down straight. Thinking about something, he looked at his assistant with furrowed brows.     

Wu Zixin stopped rambling when he felt his boss' gaze on him. His hands clasped to the front, waiting for the next order.     

"What was this girl's name?" asked Lu Xion, unknowingly his heartbeat hastened thinking if this is what he is thinking, this will be the breakthrough in their search of Xiu Mei's mother and her childhood details.     

Wu Zixin quickly runs his eyes on the file to find out about the girls' name. The moment he saw the girls name, his eyes frowned. 'Alice?! No this must be the coincidence. This a common name among girls'     

"Boss, her name was A- Alice"     

Hearing the name, Lu Xion stared at his assistant with an unfathomable gaze. A thousand sparks fluttered in his brain as his mind was telling him that this can't be a coincidence that the girl's name is Alice.     

Most probably she is the same Alice they found in half dead state, Mr. Zeng's granddaughter, their very own Xiu Mei…. The details which he and Mr. Zeng are looking for, the birth history of Xiu Mei is finally in his hands. She is related to Kong's somehow.     

But before calling Mr. Zeng he has to make sure that these both Alice are not different persons but the same. "Show me her photo" Xion extended his hand towards.     

"Er… Boss, that's what I was saying. There is no photograph, that's why I've asked for a copy of CCTV video that Kong Da submitted in the police station as proof while filing a complaint against her"     

"If the video doesn't reach in next 15 minutes…. bring that man for a five minute round in Torture Room" Lu Xion did not give Wu Zixin any chance to say something and snatched the file back containing Alice's details.     

These 15 minutes seems like an eternity to both Lu Xion and Wu Zixin…. As expected the video reached on time.     

"TING" 'Wu Zixin's phone buzzed'     


Xiu Mei was in the elevator when she received the message from Wu Zixin informing her that Lu Xion is waiting for her in his cabin. She hurried up there….     


"X? Where are you?"     

She frowned upon not finding anyone in the room…. She was about to call Xion when all of sudden a video started playing automatically on the TV screen.     

Taking slow steps she walked closer to the Television to take a proper look at the old video. Probably because of bad maintenance the video was corrupted in between few scenes. But just one look and she understood what this video is all about.     

It was the video from the night of her Sixteenth birthday when Butler Xavier helped her to run away from the clutches of those greedy Kong's. She saw her sixteen-year-old self with a backpack on her back, climbing the tall iron gates of the mansion to step into the unknown world… UNKNOWN BUT FREE WORLD….     

There was nothing more in that video, but her gaze fell on the papers scattered onto the table. She walked to the table and read it one by one. Unsurprisingly, it was the detailed 'history geography' of the entire Kong family and the girl Alice. Even the latest activities of Kong's were detailed.     

As expected from the King of the underworld, every minute detail is mentioned…. But even Lu Xion can't match up to the details that she knows about Kong's. After all, she had lived among those wolfs for almost 10 years.     

She scoffed at Wu Zixin's painstaking efforts, collected the papers, pulled out the CD containing the video recording and breaks it into multiple pieces before throwing everything into the dustbin.     

Flicking her hair, Xiu Mei quietly settled down on the couch, took out her tab from the bag and started making notes regarding the points she has to discuss in the meeting. Her calm and cool demeanor was as if she is here for lunch and didn't saw anything a moment ago.     

In the adjacent room, two men were closely monitoring Xiu Mei's every move. The old man was on cloud nine as he looked at the girl in admiration. He chuckled, "Godson, she only looks frail and tiny, but look at the determination and confidence in her eyes. My granddaughter has surely inherited my genes, with her fierce aura she will crush those Kong's to dust if they have wronged her in any way. Let her play this game at her preferred choice….. But remember….."     

Zeng Shihong looked at Lu Xion with the same commanding aura that has not curbed down even after he was no more the King of the underworld. "Make sure no one dares to touch a single hair on her…"     

Lu Xion folded his arms into a menacing stance, "I'll make sure...."     


Zeng Shihong was unable to control himself when he saw his granddaughter on the television screen. His fatherly instincts kicked in, and all he wanted to do right now was to hug her closer to his heart. He doesn't want to miss this golden chance of meeting his granddaughter.     

With the help of Lu Xion, he silently walked into the cabin, the sound of his walking stick muffled by the thick carpet. Taking a step closer he gently placed his hands on her shoulder to surprise her but the next moment someone grabbed his wrist roughly, taking him off-guard.     

Xiu Mei was busy working in her tab when she felt someone's presence behind her. Thinking he is Xion, she stopped him. "I'm disappointed X! How many times do I have to remind you to not meddle with my personal affairs?" She snarled without bothering to look at him.     

Lu Xion pressed his lips and shared a glance with Zeng Shihong before he walks over and settles down opposite Xiu Mei.     


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