We are destined.Let me pamper you

She was adopted by Kong Zhi

She was adopted by Kong Zhi

"Morning X"     

Xion: "Morning"     

"What happen?" she asked yawning in between.     

Xion: (snorts) "You are still sleeping! Get up and come to the company, I want to discuss something important"     

"What is it? You can tell me on the phone"     

Xion: "No! We need to discuss this face to face. You better come here"     

"Okay! I'll be there by lunch" She rubbed her eyes to dispel the sleepiness only to be stopped by Feng Jianyu. He caught hold of her hands and eyed him sternly for going against doctor's instruction of not to rub her eyes.     

Xion: "Not lunch! Come within an hour! I've already delayed enough by not calling you here late at night. Don't try my patience"     

Xiu Mei frowned, sensing the coldness in his voice. By this time Feng Jianyu also heard his stern voice and looked at Xiu Mei questionably.     

"What's the matter X? Has something happened? Why are you so angry?" She sat up straight on the bed, holding the blanket over her naked upper body.     

Xion: "I'm waiting for you… Come fast"     

BEEP…. BEEP… BEEP… Call cuts abruptly…     

Xiu Mei "….."     

She looked at Feng Jianyu apologetically. They have decided for a family brunch at the castle along with Feng Junjie and Dr. Wang Shi to break the news of their wedding to them. But now it seems this plan has to be put on hold.     

"It's ok. Just see what this Lu Xion wants" Jianyu smiled and rubbed her hair gently "If you need any help…. You know your HUSBAND is always there for you. Right? Don't forget to call me if there's any need"     

"Hm!" Xiu Mei nodded placing her head on Feng Jianyu's chest.     

"But before that let me take my morning dose" Abruptly he flipped over positioning himself on her body and started showering her with kisses.     

Xiu Mei "…."     

"WTF!? This is wrong! What type of man you are? The whole night you harassed me with your kisses… Is there any scope left for morning dose? Let go….. I said let…. Umphhhh"     

Without letting her complete her words, Jianyu sealed her lips with his for a deep passionate kiss and started sucking her mouth as if satisfying his thirst. "I love you my wifey…" He whispered against her lips while his hands caressed her naked upper body, fondling with her breasts and targeting her weak spot her navel for some extra fun.     

When Feng Jianyu touched her on that night, he realized how stiff her body became the moment he touched her. Despite his numerous efforts, he cannot relax her stiffened body for even a second.     

Throughout their passion, she barely opened her eyes only once and later shut them back after a few seconds. It's not that she is reluctant to his touch, obviously, she enjoys it, but somehow her body needs time to adapt to a foreign touch.     

If she was relaxed, the pain she suffered might not be so profound…. He had already come a long way in breaking her inhibitions, and just a little more efforts and all the barriers in between them will break. To reach the epitome of physical relationship, he will first get her used to his touch on her body, and then he will make love to his wife.     

Feng Jianyu didn't want her to look upon it as her conjugal duty to make love to her partner/husband. He will make love with her only when he is sure that she wants it as much as him.     


Xiu Mei got up to freshen up and looked herself in the mirror. A gasp escaped her mouth on looking at the numerous hickeys all over her upper body. Jianyu's two nights of painted work on her body was proudly teasing her. 'Damn you Jianyu! Again I have to wear a turtle-neck top today. I'll make sure you don't touch me for the whole week'     

She cried inwardly, cursing her husband for his artwork…     

After taking shower she hurried to the chopper to go to the Feng Corporation Headquarter along with Feng Jianyu, from where she will take a ride to Phoenix Enterprises. In the chopper he hands her a bottle of warm milk and packed sandwiches, knowing she had skipped her breakfast.     

"This time I'm letting you go without proper breakfast, but don't you dare repeat it next time" Hearing his stern voice next to her ear, Xiu Mei nodded and replied stuffing the sandwich in her mouth, "Shawiie (Sorry)"     




Just an hour before Wu Zixin has forwarded a report about the Kong family to his boss. There's nothing interesting about their illegal businesses that can grab Lu Xion's attention. However there are few points that caught his attention; For the last seven years, every month a heavy amount of sum was being continuously transferred from Kong Da's secret account.     

Despite every effort, Wu Zixin was not able to track the details of the receiver of this money. Whoever this man was, he was cautious enough to hide his identity     

Secondly, he stumbled upon the truth that Infinity Software was a work of Kong Da's daughter Kong Liu. All this while he thought Feng Corporation was the real mastermind behind Infinity Software but it turned out to be an assumption.     

If this is the reality, then Kong's are technically their rivals because Phoenix Enterprises destroyed Infinity software by launching SIRIUS. Then what makes Kong Wei personally invite their rivals!? What ulterior motive is he hiding? Or is it because of the legal case filed against Kong's by Feng Corporation?     

"Wu Zixin, I'll study their business details later. Tell me what you find out about their family history" Lu Xion leaned back on the couch rubbing his forehead in pain. For the last three days, he was working non-stop regarding some business matter and then suddenly this new problem popped out.     

"Yes, Boss" Wu Zixin picks the file to read out the details for his boss.     

Wu Zixin explained everything about Kong Da and his family, from the birth of his kids to their education to the affairs of his kids. H made sure not to miss any detail regarding them. "Boss, except these three kids, Kong Da has a foster niece too. She was the adopted daughter of his elder brother General Kong Zhi, who was later put under the care of Kong Da after Kong Zhi's death"     

"Where is she now? Is she not with the family?" Lu Xion asked casually, keeping his eyes closed and resting his head at the back of the couch.     

"No! According to an old police case filed by Kong Da, she ran away from the house at the age of sixteen, taking away all the family jewelry with her. Since that day no one has ever seen her… I've asked a man of ours to procure the CCTV footage of that night from the police records. Within an hour he will send me a copy of it" Wu Zixin checked the time on his wristwatch and replied.     

"Did you said she was the adopted daughter of Kong Zhi and not his own blood?" Lu Xion tried to clear his doubt and Wu Zixin replied in affirmation "Yes! She was adopted by Kong Zhi when she was barely a year old"     

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