We are destined.Let me pamper you



Inside the Penthouse, Feng Jianyu had finished showering and stepped out of the bathroom wearing a bathrobe. "Love, freshen up" He cooed.     

Xiu Mei was busy doing something on her laptop sitting on the bed. She has not lifted her gaze from the computer screen since the time they have reached here. Still dressed in her old outfit, munching on a packet of unhealthy snacks she didn't paid any attention to her surroundings and neither replied to Feng Jianyu.     

He sighed and headed over to her to snatch the packet of snacks, including the piece about to enter her mouth. She gave him an annoyed look but lowered her eyes in shame when met with his scowl. "I'm giving you 30 seconds. If you don't get up I will lift you up, take off your clothes and personally give you bath. How does that sounds?"     

Without any dialogue, she rushed into the bathroom at the speed of light to freshen up before the monster puts his words into action.     

After washing up and finishing up her beauty routine, she was about to get back to her laptop when he hugged her from the waist and pulled her on to the bed. "Jianyu…not today. I've lots of work to do" she wined pouting her lips.     

"Quite. I'm not doing anything, except coaxing my naughty wife to sleep. Don't you know how important it is to take rest on time? Last night also you didn't slept for a single minute, at least take some rest now" Feng Jianyu covered her with duet and hugged her waist tightly so that she won't run away. "Look at your red eyes. Hold on! Let me help you with the eye drops prescribed by Uncle Choy" Xiu Mei nodded her head as he helped her with the medicines, holding a tissue paper at the corner of her eyes.     

"Keep your eyes closed to let the medicine work properly. Okay?"     

She nodded her head and clung onto him like a Koala bear. "I want to cuddle for some time and talk under sheets"     

He smiled and rubbed her back. "Sure! Tell me from where are we going to start our investigation?"     

"From Butler Xavier" She stated "Only he can tell me what happened after I left Kong house and how did Kong Da followed me to Country Y. Probably he can also throw some lights on my childhood as he was with General Kong Zhi at that time"     

"Hm! You are right. So where is he working now? Still at Kong House?"     

"Nuh Uh!"      

"How did you know that?" His question made Xiu Mei roll her eyes, "What do you think I was doing in my laptop? After hacking the surveillance footage of Kong House, I updated Butler Xavier's face description to scan the videos to check if he is working there or not" She shook her head in disappointment "He is not there. In fact, I checked almost all the videos I could get my hands on, but no luck…."     

Feng Jianyu looked at her in confusion, "If you don't know where Butler Xavier is, how are we going to find him? Or are hiding something from me?"     

She sighed helplessly, unable to lie under his scrutinizing gaze, "… I'm going to North city tomorrow. That's where Butler Xavier lives along with his family"     

"Why did you say 'you are going'?" He asked her angrily and she averted her eyes from him, "Jianyu, It's too risky. Don't be impulsive"     

 Country B is divided into two major parts South city and North city. South City is the developed area where almost all Upper-class people live, it's peaceful and well maintained but the North city was in ruins, exact opposite of South City.     

It's almost turned into a war zone dominated by a large group of anti-social elements, conducting illegal activities. To go there either they need President's special permission, which was not possible considering their identity as Madam Pang would never take a risk with the life of such an important business personality. The other way was to take an illegal route as the government has already banned the entry for local tourists and civilians.     

Xiu Mei knows about a secret route to enter North City.     

He pinched her chin to lift her face up and replied firmly, "Either you have forgotten the meaning of marriage documents you have signed or perhaps you never read it. If that's the case I don't mind going through the document again, a copy is saved in my mailbox. It is the union of two hearts beating as one, an eternal bond of soul-mates, each that would sacrifice for the other's happiness and wellbeing. Don't underestimate me, my love. I know my priorities very well. I'm following you there, that's final. TOPIC OVER" His voice was gruff as if trying to suppress the anger. He picked the remote control and switched off the lights before clutching her tightly in arms; afraid she will deceive him and run away to North City alone.     

Xiu Mei pressed her lips, feeling guilty. There was something more to the story that she had not revealed to him.     

She planned to go to Kong's secret base that she tried to hack many times in the past but failed. Despite her various attempts, she cannot infiltrate the server of that warehouse/base because of the presence of some kind of magnetic field around it, preventing her to access it from outside.     

To get the complete information either she disables the magnetic field first and then siphon away internal information or try invading the server internally in one single swoop, but to do that she has to go there personally in both the scenarios.     

Using satellite scanning, the photographs she got from her friend failed to give any conclusive information. By analyzing the pictures there was definitely an illegal activity going on, but she cannot comprehend it what exactly it is. However those pictures cleared one thing, these dumb Kong's can never come up with something as grand as this.     

Who else is in cahoots with Kong's in their dirt business or are they just pawns in this game? Who is the actual mastermind? Where is he? Is he the unknown enemy?     

Answers to all the questions are hidden inside that illegal base, and she needs access at any cost.     

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