We are destined.Let me pamper you

Feng Jin

Feng Jin

"You bastard! Then where is she? Why can't I see her with you? What the hell are you doing in a war zone with this entire showcase of power? Who gave you the right to brought her here?" Lu Xion demanded with eyes erupting fire as he grabbed Feng Jianyu's collar and threw a punch on his face before pointing gun on his forehead.     

Watching the bloody scene, Jianyu's men raised their guns and in response, Lu Xion's men followed.     

Feng Jianyu gestured his men with a hand to stop them from interfering in between them. He doesn't want this unnecessary fight but joins hands with Xion to look for her. This way they can search her easily in the least possible time.     

"Lu Xion! This is not the correct time to fight but to join powers and look for her in this terrorist ruled zone. With every minute waste; we are putting her life in danger" Although Jianyu tried to sound calm, his tight jaw said something else. "Trust me! If it was not about my wife's life, I would have never asked you to cooperate"     

Having said that, he pushed Lu Xion's hand from his collar and wiped the blood from the corner of his lips, "I let go of this punch because you and Mr. Zeng saved her seven years back and she really values you. But don't try it next time"     

He continued, "My team along with a military unit of Country B is already looking for her in west and North zone. I believe you should divide your team to look in East and South zones. In the meanwhile, we are getting he….."     

"What did you said just now?" Lu Xion interrupted and asked clenching his teeth.     

"About wife thing? Yes…. we are married but that's something between me and her. I don't have to explain to you anything about it" He said with a poker face "I revealed it so that you don't doubt my intentions. Now please, let's concentrate on finding her"     

Lu Xion and Feng Jianyu's personal team were standing away from two men. They could hear a word what they were talking but looking at their respective boss' expressions they had a sinking feeling in their stomach and easily made out it's not a friendly discussion.     

Something bad is brewing in between them….     

Lu Xion swallowed his anger that was about to crawl out. Indeed it was not the correct time to talk about this but find her. If Feng Jianyu knows about Mr. Zeng and the incident seven years back then he is definitely someone important to Xiu Mei.     

Knowing her personality, she would never disclose anything about the incident seven years back to a random stranger…. Holding back countless questions, he decided to join hands with Feng Jianyu to bring her back safely.     



The moment Lu Xion's chopper landed he noticed something different. Although it looked like a vacant old building with deserted ground and pathway. But a closer look will tell that lots of bodyguards have camouflaged themselves and are hiding everywhere, ready to attack.     

He looked up and his gaze landed on the small metal pillars installed around the boundary of the terrace. Although it looks harmless, they are one of the most lethal arms capable of burning down a person with their dangerous lasers.     

As the second chopper landed and Feng Jianyu got out from his chopper, all the hidden guards revealed their positions and bowed.     

As they enter the building, Lu Xion saw a medical team kept on stand by with a makeshift emergency room. He noticed Dr. Wang leading a group of specialists and supervising everything personally. His preparations were top-notch ready for any situation.     

Feng Jianyu entered a room where some people were working on the computers, trying to locate Xiu Mei's position through satellite.     

Sitting in the corner, few man were trying to repair a broken digital watch. But to their amusement they have never seen such an advanced piece of work. Its complicated design was far superior then any of the smartwatch available in the market. They need time to understand the working of this extraordinary machine but sadly time is their only constraint.     

"What's the status?" Jianyu asked.     

"B-Boss….The design of this watch is too complicate. We have forwarded the design to Dr. Millman also seeking help, but no success till now"     

The man who was accompanying Feng Jianyu all this while speaks up at this time, "Don't worry! I've sent my most trusted team out to look for her. I'm sure we'll get some information" He was talking to them, when his assistant came with a satellite device, "Sir, Madam President wants to speak to you"     

The man nodded and excused himself to talk to the President of Country B.     

President: [Did you find her?]     

Man: [Not yet…. But we are trying our best]     

President: [Any lead?]     

Man: [I'm sorry… But no!]     

President: [Qingzhou! Find her any cost. This woman is very important. She came here on my invitation. If anything happened to her, Feng Jianyu will tore down the economy of our country by pulling out all the investments. Don't think he is calm right now. This is peace before the storm]     

Qingzhou: [I know mom! But Kong Da has maximum control over this region with the help of military power. Whatever remaining sources were left I've deployed on this mission completely, working in secret to find her and at the same time destroy the corrupts. But it seems our power is not enough]     

Madam President doesn't speak anything but contemplated on how to send more help to his son. But before she could think of a solution Qingzhou revealed her a piece of news.     

[Don't worry. Feng Jianyu has called someone to tackle Kong Da's military.]     

President: [Who?]     

Qingzhou: [Feng Jin]     

President was shocked hearing this. Before she could ask something more QingZhou spoke up.     

[Feng Jin is already here with his squad]     

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