We are destined.Let me pamper you



With Long Range flashlights and night vision glasses Lu Xion's team scanned the entire area around the cliff and saw tyre screech marks everywhere that ended at the edge, indicating car crash down into the forest.     

"Get the ropes. I'm rappelling down" Lu Xion ordered. And obviously, everyone followed him to the forest leaving Yeti and a security team at the cliff to guard them from the top.     

Bai Xin freaked out when she saw the mess as it was like a junkyard of military cars. But a scary feeling took over her when she saw lots of dried blood spattered everywhere. She wanted to find XM but silently fished that she is not the one involved in this accident.     

She bites her lips and sneaked a glance at Huo Feng, who's condition was no better than hers. Huo Feng clenched his fists tightly as he stared at dried blood with guilt written all over his face. He has sworn his loyalty for XM that's why he never reveals her secrets to anyone, not even Lu Xion.     

But today he regretted keeping this news from his boss.     

They have just started their search operation in the forest when the team above the cliff send an emergency message to come back. They immediately returned back to the cliff knowing it's a war-torn zone.     

Lu Xion was emitting a horrifying vibe. He knew Xiu Mei was trapped somewhere in this war zone and the moment he started the search operation something came up. On reaching there he saw a group of armed people blocking their way.     

He pressed the button to call his stand by team on the location ASAP. No matter whoever they are, he was ready to finish them all in one go. Xin, Yeti, Feng, and Zixin hold on to their arms tightly, ready to kill; after all, they are the top assassins of the underworld.     

At the very moment, a black helicopter descended. Lu Xion looked at the logo on it and realized who they are, 'Feng Corporation!?' His brows furrowed thinking what could be the reason they are here. Until….. A realization struck him until they have something to do with Xiu Mei.     

Within a few minutes, three large tanks galumphed their way. "Country B's militant tanks!" Huo Feng mumbled.     

"Not only militant tanks but look that way" Xin pointed to a direction, "Few trucks are making their way towards us if I'm not wrong aren't they specifically for armed officers soldiers?"     

By this time Lu Xion's stand by helicopters reached on the place and hovered over their heads, flashing lights, ready to attack.     

Soon a mysterious man wearing a black suit and dark hat descended from the black chopper. His face was shielded but the vibe he was emitting was similar to that of Lu Xion.     

The moment the man appeared, Lu Xion's eyes became sharp and intimidating as he enunciated, "Feng Jianyu…"     

The two men were meters apart, one a King of the business world, while the other was King of Underworld.     

The air around them was heavy because of the presence of two powerful men. Invisible sparks lightened over their head….     

Feng Jianyu raised his hand and stopped his team from approaching any further and then he looked at the man who descended from the same chopper after him, "Retreat!"     

With one word all the tanks, trucks, armed soldiers everyone backed off and returned to the base. They even communicated to someone to not send their team at the cliff as everything is under control.     

When Lu Xion saw what Feng Jianyu did, he understood they are here not for the fight but something else. His eyes narrowed at a realization, probably Feng Jianyu is here for the same person for which he has come. He looked at Wu Zixin, "Retreat!"     

Lu Xion's team backed off instantly….     

Before the two men could come close to talk, Wu Zixin received a message on his device, causing his eyes to become as wide as saucers. "Boss, I just received the message from our team. Miss mei came to Country B in CEO Feng Jianyu's private plane"     

Huo Feng gulped and tried to salvage the situation, "Boss, R-Tech signed a multi-billion dollar deal Feng Corporation. XM herself was present during the meeting with CEO Feng. That explains why she came in his private plane"     

'No…. Feng Jianyu's personal presence explains that he is not doing this because of business but something else. What could be his reason to look for Xiu Mei? What has this girl gotten herself into?     

 Lu Xion took a deep breath and walked towards the edge of the cliff as Feng Jianyu joined him. "You are looking for her" It was a statement from Xion rather a question.     

"Hm!" Jianyu replied in affirmation.     

"That damaged SUV down there was yours?"     


"You brought her in this danger zone?"     

Feng Jianyu closed his eyes in remorse, "I…"     

"Don't dare to lie. I can see the bandage on your shoulder and limp in your walk. You were in the car with her at the time of the accident" Lu Xion was seething with anger at a certain possibility. The expression in his eyes was murderous.     

"I brought her here. She was with me in the car" Feng Jianyu looked into the dark forest where he lost her.     

A surge of unnameable fury soared up to Lu Xion's chest. His every answer was leaving him enraged more and more, "Just one question! Is she alive?"     

"She is!" Feng Jianyu answered firmly without delaying a second. The moment he woke up after the accident the first thing he checked was his watch to see if she's fine or not. Her vitals were a little low for his liking, probably due to the accident but overall she was fine.     

But before he could check her location, a group of terrorists attacked him and in the process of dodging a bullet attack the bullet brushed through his watch, damaging it in the process.     

 Although he doesn't know about her whereabouts, he was surviving on pure intuition that she is safe and waiting for him to get her...     

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